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Reviews for Enemy of My Enemy

By : Loki
  • From ANON - vegetasmoon on February 23, 2003
    never and i mean never let someone's flames did inspire you. prove to them how st the they are. They usually can't write a story themselves. It takes alot of guts to post a story. tust me I know. But now I confident. I have some great writer's who read my stuff and they like it. One great review is worth a thousand flames. mainly because you have touched that one person. So for all the people who absolutely love your story stick w/it for yourself and them. The flamer did not even write there name. you just keep doing what you like to do and be damned w/ the flamers. I have had my share as well. I ignore them. I write for myself and if others enjoy it so be it. so don't get discouraged. look at ll the people who like you!!!Good luck w/ what ever you decide!!!
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  • From ANON - DemonTainted on February 22, 2003

    This story was suggested to me by a friend; I myself admit I have exceptionally high standards for fanfics/fics/stories/books/etc that I read and review. I was not disappointed with yours.

    I've read the offensive review made by the anonymous reviewer, personaly I believe her reviews to be out of line and sadly misguided. Some people will never understand layered concepts nor the intended meaning behind written words. Her loss on a great story.

    Truthfully I wish the bint would step foreward with her name so I could actually send her a few viruses and such. But since he/she/ it... whatever your bloody preferance won't, we're all just sadly disappointed.

    As for your fanfI woI would sincerely hope you'd continue it, one can always find new joy in old ones and all that rot. Enemy of My Enemy showed great potential; you hinted (intentionaly or not) at a great plot and much angst-like trauma to both personas of Sesshoumaru and Kagome, not to mention the Inuyasha company when they find out about the most unlikely coupling.

    I myself write fanfictions, though on since I've only recently discovered this site... (if you see any mis-spellings in here it is due to my fast typing hands and my brain...which is always seventy-nine steps ahead of said hands....)

    I'm sure my review has little swayed your opinion and overall judgement to discontinue this fic though I strongly suggest you continue it anyway to both your own future enjyment and to spite the bloody coward whom can't even step from the shadows.

    This fanfic was truly worthwhile and I hope to find more of your works in the future.

    Peace & ChAoS

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  • From ANON - Hikari no Hime on February 22, 2003
    First thank for the mail. And just to make thing clear i never said my knowledge of the languages are perfect (hey English is not even my first, beside i'm still learning) but yeah so what nobody is perfect i'm only human and i'm sure you are. So i'm vicious well i just write the review from my point of view which i'm sure you did as well.. Oh and another thing i'm sure the author and I are just piss******** and by the look of it, we're not the only one :P
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  • From ANON - Crash on February 21, 2003
    Hey, I don't know about other people out there, but I totally understood the fic. Yeah sure, she's a little OOC, but she knew who it was. Totally sorry about your personal experinces in life, and can somewhat sympathize with you, my sis was gang raped, and I live in a small town. You were also doing a really good job writing it, and it's a shame because of someone else's stupidity that you are stopping but I understand the reasoning behind it. I hope that maybe sometime in the future you will feel compelled to start it back up. Luck with you other fics. Crash
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  • From ANON - Toytoy on February 21, 2003
    I just like to say I like all your storyes.Nomatter what other people say,I think there GRAET!!!!!! I hop you go on with Enemy of my Enemy.It was just getten good.Tellwho ever it was that got you down to go to BLOODYHELL!!!! Forever your fan Toytoy.
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  • From ANON - Toytoy on February 21, 2003
    I just like to say I like all your storyes.Nomatter what other people say,I think there GRAET!!!!!! I hop you go on with Enemy of my Enemy.It was just getten good.Tell how ever it was that got you down to go to BLOODYHELL!!!! Forever your fan Toytoy.
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  • From ANON - Fire Dragon on February 20, 2003
    Wow, i have to say that reviewer was really off base. In my opinion, your story was really great and i was fully enjoying it, because not many people can write a kag/sess without the whole senario of kagome walking in on inu yasha and kikyou. I really hope that you will continue. Furthermore, it wasnt rape. Kagome was enjoying herself. And what about love at first sight??? Dang it, they could've fallen falllen in love like that!!! (at least sesshy could've) Well thats all i have to say.
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  • From ANON - Kathy on February 20, 2003
    I'm really sorry that you had such a nasty review, and the only thing I can say is that that person can't read! It was certainly not rape! I'm really sorry that such a person can ruin such a good story for you. But I respect your decision not to continue with this story... alth I t I think it is a shame. I do hope you will soon update on You do write very good stories!!! Do not let somebody make you believe otherwise!!! I really look forward to an update to 'It changes evrything'!

    I really hope that you'll get a break soon, from whatever kind of troubles you're going through. I hope this will make you feel somewhat better!
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  • From ANON - Katzztar on February 20, 2003
    I forgot to mention Naraku. I suspect that he is still on his trip on wanting to separate Kagome and Inuyasha (manga graffic novel 12). And what better way to hurt Inuyasha again by getting Kagome and Sesshoumaru together? I think that's one reason he blindfolded Kagome. Not only did that make (well suppose to, but she's so stubborn) Kagome feel Withoutelpless, but make her other senses compensate.

    Loki, I hope you reconsider stopping this fic. Take a break if you need to. But this story is too good to let one flamer bring you down, permately. As another fanfic author I understand that sometimes one has to take a break....(in small voice) I've got two stories hanging on FF.N since last spring. I still plan on finishing them, just not yet.

    Most lemons I've came across are true PWP Porn Without Plot. Many are stinkers, 'he penatrated, they came, he pulled out' thats it.

    Your story is nowhere like that. It does make us think, it apears to have a plot. AND it has great description of the sex.

    You are a good writer.
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  • From ANON - Katzztar on February 20, 2003
    What the...? That's one misguided reviewer. I never thought that Sesshoumaru was raping her. I know there is a difference between rape and sedution.

    Before I go on, let me say the rest is for a few other reviewers (like the critic) to think on.
    I actually enjoy Loki's work and await the rest of this great story.

    Rapewhenwhen one FORCES sex on another.
    Sedution is inticing one , getting them to agree to the sex.

    From what I read, Sesshoumaru enticed Kagome, not force her. For crying out loud, do they even try to really read (as in PAY ATTENTION) the story?

    As for Kagome, we wre warned that she will seem OOC. I think she was aware it was Sesshoumaru.
    For one thing, he's very powerful, therefor his youki (energy) would be likewise. Kagome is able to sense a demon's youki, remember people she is a miko. She has met him before so she would know his energy.
    Secondly,ok She is blindfolded, to those out there that don't know, that means that one sense (sight) is taken away her other senses would compensate. In other words, her sense of touch for instance.remember that, I will bring it up again.Kagome would notice that there was only ONE hand touching her,not two.

    Ok on to her 'acting like a slut,re' re' whatever you weant to call it. She was not! Kagome is acting like a teenager. Why hasn't she jumped inuyasha? simple Inu's paying attention to Kikyo, and sometimes throws insults at Kagome. It's hard to act on your attration to a guy when he acts like that.
    Why not Miroku? Simple Kagome knows he's a flirt, he's like that with all women.
    Kagome is NOT a slut she's a teen on the way to becoming a woman. All young women want to know they are beutiful, that SOMEONE finds them attractive.

    So why didn't she resist Seshoumaru? Think about it. Here is a youkai lord who is 'suppose' to hate humans. But he finds Kagome attractive enough that he overlooks that she is human (or at the very least born to humans).
    Aslo remember the seduction? This is where the heightenedsense of touch comes into play. Sesshoumaru did not stop, he kept enticing her until her lust overwhelmed her restraint. Thhere is also the temptation of the forbibben. Whats more 'forbibben' than a heated sexual encounter with Sesshoumaru?? The youkai that hates humans lusting for a human-born girl?

    I wasn't planning on making a review of my view , in this sort of manner. I ussually review saying 'great story' and the like. But after reading Loki's responce to some nut's review, i realized that I should. At the very least to show this great author that some of us actually DO THINK about whats going on.

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  • From ANON - Aerith on February 20, 2003
    I am really sorry that you won't be continuing this story. It was one of the stories that I actually came here to read because I felt it was far better written than those I have seen with Sesshoumar/Kagome. I know, at this point, that this may not count but there are a few of us out there that were really enjoying this story and it sucks to see someone take this one piece of great fiction and end the author's creativity. If only we could burn those annoying and pesky anomity flamers. I would have a BBQ with them. >/
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 20, 2003
    I first started reading this on fanfiction, found it was great and followed it here though I was hoping you would continue but I that decision is totoaly up to you. Also I like to congradulate you. Very few can right an actual story with good punctuation, grammer, spelling, etc. I've read a lot of crap that both sounds and looks like a eight year old wrote them.
    Continue with the great work, even if it isn't this story.
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  • From ANON - spirit on February 20, 2003
    gosh....i was so looking forward to hearing more on this story....that's too bad. but shouldn't let a bad review stou fou from this kick ass story...i love this story.....but since it's no longer fun for you to write more on it, maybe i'll get to read a new one you mightrt srt some time soon? I really enjoy your work!
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  • From ANON - Tegasus on February 20, 2003
    Please reconsider discontinueing this story. It's great! The reason I started coming to this site was to read your story. The person who worte that horrable and mean spirited review either 1) isn't mature enough to read stories like yours, or 2) can't read. Please don't punish the rest of your fans and yourself for one person's stupidity. Here's to hoping you find the joy in your story again!


    the the way, if you want me e-mail addy, it's on ff.n. I don't like passing it out to everyone. ^_^)
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  • From ANON - Hikari noe (ae (again !!! ) on February 20, 2003
    Ok, (taking in a very deep breath) Dear Loki just to make thing clear to you as well as me before my brain is going to blow from anger. DO NOT TAKE THAT ... THAT .. (damn i can't think of any words in any languages that is low enough to describe that coward, and trust me i do know 4 languages) TO YOUR HEAD. It probably just being overly jealous or just being one of those 'i can't stand any thing that could be better than 'it' toilet hole head. I am enjoying the fic and i'm over 100% positive that other reader are too. And just to make my point of view clear "don't you think that if you stop writing the 'it' would be jumping for joy that it have that power over u???? " When you come across the being like that just ignore it, i'm sure that THE THING could not be class as a being for being so damn low. Now that feel a lot better. So please keep writing i don't care if i sound corny but i am loving the fic.

    And to the 'it' if u have any problems my email is up there.
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