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Reviews for Shatter

By : Pertelot
  • From ANON - Horong on August 15, 2006
    Hi, I absolutely LOVED this fic, eaither in FF or AFF, it's the same. But I just can't help thinking you're quitting, coz' FFnet's has not been updated for 3 years?! Aww, I'll still be waiting though...
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  • From ANON - Nocturne22 on March 12, 2005
    MY LORD!!! O_O I just read this and it has been almost two years since your promised update! If you read this, please continue your story. I can wait as I'll still be fanning myself from the HOTNESS of this story! Also, could you please make this a Miroku/Naraku romance? That would be awesome and the only one of it's kind on this site!
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  • From ANON - Katalyst on August 11, 2003
    argh, your email is defunct! Meh... I -hope- you get this... loved Shatter very very much. So, I wanted to ask if you’d let me post it in my inuyasha yaoi archive. ^^ I’d be sure, of course, to give you all the proper credits, as well as send any reviews you get your way. Whatcha say? Email me, and let me know, if you get this~
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  • From ANON - Katalyst on August 10, 2003
    O.O *points and screams*

    I *heart* this fic. *HEART* it. And I've only read the first chapter. I'm so glad that someone else thinks that Miroku and Naraku are sex incarnate. ;o;

    I'm gonna go read the rest of it now. And email you post-haste, yo. :3
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  • From ANON - psycho pixie on June 18, 2003
    OMG, you fucking rock. That last chapter, my friend, was sexy. I haven't found yaoi of this quality on until now, and I don't know whose ass my head was up for me to miss this. I'd have multiple orgasms and die if you made this a romantic story. No cottony fluff, please--this whole naked on the ground thing is getting really fun. I hope you're joking when you said this was your first smut story . . . * chi chills* It was really good. My first smut sucked, no pun intendd, Hope you update this *very* soon. You are AWESOME.
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  • From ANON - bloodyrose2310 on June 12, 2003
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  • From ANON - Jade Pheonix on June 01, 2003
    Whoooooooo-hoooooooo.YAY! YIPPEEE!WEEEEEEEEEE!

    Alright,enough celebration.I'm glad that you updated,I was dying with the Nara/Miro smut.Its like finding water he mhe middle of the desert. Though,I kinda liked Naraku being on top,like in the last chapter.

    Naraku: ^_________^

    Well,I still loved this chapter.Naraku is being a bastard as always.Please update soon!
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