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Reviews for Learning to Love

By : Ikaru
  • From lara5170 on June 20, 2018

    I'm confused has Sessh ever been with a female before because it was stated that this was his first time experiencing mating season. Also if his sister is a wolf wouldn't she consider her own children as cubs and not pups like a dog?

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  • From lara5170 on June 20, 2018

    I am sure I have read this before but I think it was a long time ago. Does mating season only last a day? It seems as if everything has happened surprisingly fast. 

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  • From ANON - on July 05, 2016

    Bravo on very long piece and great ideas. Loved strong Kag, idea of kamis matchmaking and having a hand in creating Super Kag, and chibi Yash is adorable! Yash+Rin was original, different from usual Shippo+Rin, and cute. I was glad to see a happy Yash (full youkai so won’t get hurt from hanyou stigma yay!) +Izayoi with Taisho+Sess+Ikaru happy family. Nice touch giving Ah Un a mate, definitely a first!

    Though lil Shippo is cute, I think story is being pulled in too many directions. We have strong Sess & Kag (which still really needs to be proven as Ikaru’s taken center stage), discovering K's new powers/abilities, evil man hovering around K +threat to her family, another evil man who killed Ikaru's family and I guess is still out there so ongoing threat to the East (and the West). K getting used to life in the West and her pups, tennyo/kamis and their influence/interaction with K. There seems plenty on the plate without bringing in Ship to story and with a huge background where he's got a crazy bro who's killed all 20+ family members and trying to mate his own sister. And Ship also gets adopted…like Ikaru…and Rin. Felt it was a bit too much.

    I enjoyed the read but also felt a bit betrayed to see a great S+K story hijacked by an OC halfway through. While this is your story and totally up to you how you wish to write it, I really hope you turn this story back into a SxK story as it’s stated, otherwise best to amend your Summary. Your summary’s great (certainly drew me in) it just doesn't reflect the story now as the last 14 chapters has been Ikaru’s story with SxK thrown in on the side (and honestly, had it stated this was an OC story, I wouldn’t have read it). The level of detail given to Ikaru early on and how often she popped up did have me thinking she’d be a big supporting character but I never would’ve guessed she’d grab the main roles from both S+K. It was a bit disturbing how often Ikaru popped up during Sess’s intimate moments w/ K, eg not only when S reminisces on Ikaru while comforting K from nightmare, but also S has an Ikaru flashback after mating K for first time. While some of those flashback details were important, the timing was terrible. I thought we were dealing with a Sess with a strong sister-complex…not an appealing thought at all! Haha

    My thoughts on Ikaru's another story. I’ve come to dislike Ikaru and will leave my comments on that for next time as I’m a bit pissed at her for taking over the story. (^^;  Anyway, there’s still hope for K and looking fwd to seeing a more powerful K w new abilities.

    Just sharing some thoughts where I got a bit confused/things seemed a little hard to swallow.

    - c12: Taisho calls mate Serenity then tells Ikaru that he and Lady Sakura will give her their blood. I think you mean Serenity right? Maybe getting confused b/c Serenity's fight move name is Sakura something? 

    - c21: when Taisho recants meeting Izayoi "he had felt a spark similar to the one he had felt when he had met Sakura." You mean Serenity, S's mum, right?

    - When Ericka updates S on their families, strange how little info is given on the evil man, simply that a man w/ evil aura came to K’s mum twice to see the Princess. They wouldn’t let anyone see the Queen/Lady so he must’ve had some background to be let through to see her. Also S surprisingly asks no questions to Ericka re this man - especially cuz even if K’s mum doesn’t know the truth of who the man is, surely the tennyo/kamis will know more so what better way to find out the truth? Wouldn’t Sess get details to potential threat? To be better prepped or even better, launch offensive which seems to be what he’d do? I really hope K’s horrible vision doesn’t come true…well they’re guarded by heavenly beings so they should be safe…

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  • From ANON - Sesshomaru's heart on May 01, 2016
    Ok, I'm glad I got more clarity on the story. I like the "girl power" tone of the story but I'm really disliking Ikaru. Where does she get off acting like she rules the west? They're grown now, so why is she still stronger than sesshomaru? What gives her the right to judge his actions. she needs to find a mate of her own instead of being a overbearing. know the rest. If she knew her "brother, she should know he would not starve her of blood. She was also told by the tennyo that he was taken away so obviously he been through some stuff. Any good sister would be happy their brother found someone to love, who also loves them. That's all I'm saying. otherwise I love the story.
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  • From ANON - Sesshomaru's heart on May 01, 2016
    Ok, I'm glad I got more clarity on the story. I like the "girl power" tone of the story but I'm really disliking Ikaru. Where does she get off acting like she rules the west? They're grown now, so why is she still stronger than sesshomaru? What gives her the right to judge his actions. she needs to find a mate of her own instead of being a overbearing. know the rest. If she knew her "brother, she should know he would not stave her of blood. she was also told by the tennyo that he was taken away so obviously he been through some stuff. Any good sister would be happy their brother found someone to love, who also loves them. That's all I'm saying. otherwise I love the story.
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  • From ANON - Sesshomaru's heart on April 30, 2016
    Well, I see that is already favored. She got to draw blood twice with out any consequences. This story is making our favorite character seem weak and I don't take kindly to it. Secondly, now that kagome has to rely on him, why is HE again the loser of abilities and Again she loses nothing? I'm already annoyed with this. The premise was good but if it doesn't even out soon the story would be ruined in my opinion.... I sigh exasperated
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  • From ANON - Sesshomaru's heart on April 30, 2016
    Well, I see that is already favored. She got to draw blood twice with out any consequences. This story is making our favorite character seem weak and I don't take kindly to it. Secondly, now that kagome has to rely on him, why is HE again the loser of abilities and Again she loses nothing? I'm already annoyed with this. The premise was good but if it doesn't even out soon the story would be ruined in my opinion.... I sigh exasperated
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  • From lara5170 on February 04, 2016
    I wonder what's going to happen to Rin now that she has the blood of 2 powerful demons and 1 hybrid type, I know this story has become more about Ikaru but I'm curious if it will go back to Sessh and Kagome because I'm curious of the other powers Kagome will have.
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  • From lara5170 on February 04, 2016
    I love how they handled the tutor, quite an angry lot they were but I must agree with them. While I'm unable to have kids of my own I do have my niece and nephew who are twins and if anyone had harmed them I don't know how I'd control my rage. Still I must admit that this story seems to be revolving around Ikaru still and I'm quite confused about it now, the last 8 chapters have been either about her or she was the main character and that's quite a lot for a character who isn't supposed to be the main focus of the story. While I know how it feels to create your own character and get caught up in it because it can be quite exciting I still don't understand why the focus has been taken from the main pairing for so long.
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  • From lara5170 on February 04, 2016
    While I really like this story and really enjoy your character Ikaru, I can't help getting the feeling that it's becoming more involved with her. I just read the part where they are at the party after she kicked Conner's ass and since the few chapters since Kagome and Sessh reached his home have been so focused on her that I had actually forgotten that this story was a Sessh/Kagome story. I don't understand how she has become the main character or why, it's just that so much has centered around her instead of the main characters that I'd started to unconsciously feel as if I were reading a story about her instead....
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  • From lara5170 on February 03, 2016
    That was quite a good idea I must agree to give Ah and Un a mate. I've always wondered about the 2 headed dragon.
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  • From lara5170 on February 03, 2016
    I love that this story doesn't have Kagome portrayed as weak and helpless. It seems almost everyone has her as weak, defenseless and so caught up with being madly in love with Inu and always being hurt by his constant desire to compare her to Kikyo and him always running off to be with the golem. I like it better when she isn't that way and can stand up for herself and I really like it when she isn't portrayed as being Kikyo's reincarnation because I find Kikyo repulsive. Thank you for this story again
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  • From ANON - LittleKitten on November 06, 2015
    Oh my god. Please keep this fan fiction coming. I am completely in love with it. I usually hate reading ones where it goes off and tells other peoples story too much but this is just so well written and thought out. I just love it. Can't wait to read more!
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  • From ANON - stephanie on May 21, 2013
    I love your fanfic it is so amazing , by far one of the best I have ever read please dont stop writting im dying for you to continue on with this wonderful story you have me on the edge of my seat. Thank you for writting my most favorit story.
    Sincerely yours steph.
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  • From ANON - Destry on February 23, 2013
    i don't understand why kagome can't see sesshoumaru or sleep next to him?
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