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Reviews for Ever Us -- The Blessing; Keiko

By : DaddysSpecialRequest
  • From nchsmi on May 18, 2019

    Wow!  So much has gone on, my head was spinning by the end of the chapter!  It's amazing how much ground you covered & yet you remain elusive over the 'ninja's' true identity.  πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘.  That is one of the reasons why this saga is so awesome!  This guy seems to be all over the place too.  I have a feeling that it was him that sent Nana on the wild errand to help the so called maid's sister.  Sesshoumaru was into something, but I guess with all the excitement going on, he dismissed the fact Nana one of Nana's scents was absent!  I guess it will come to him later, if the game hasn't remedied the error later.  

    Geez!  Sesshoumaru and InuYasha are downright pornographic when they're in the mood!  Reading this makes me miss my hubby!  LOL!  I LOVE IT!  You and your dirty mind!!!  Heehee!  

    It was great that you had the brothers tell Kenichi about the pup.  I guess the cause of InuYasha's melancholy, was the fact that he was keeping his dear friend outta the loop.  He thinks of Kenichi as family, so to not tell him was really upsetting.  I so get that!  I was the same way.  Nothing seemed real until I told my husband, mom, and dad.  


    AWESOME job!!!!!

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  • From nchsmi on May 15, 2019

    So the maid has a name.  Nami.  The same porcupine who witnessed the destruction of her childhood nest, as well as her first litter!  What a sad series of events!  How strange that all the unhappiness, death, and destruction from 50 years prior are coming to a head now.   All this stemming from a stupid waterway feud between two rival Youkai tribes.  And it also seems that the Lord of the West, Sesshoumaru, was somehow an unwitting party to it all.  

    Its funny how a disagreement can snowball into an avalanche?



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  • From nchsmi on May 10, 2019

    Wow!  I bel in seeing the makings of the very first time hospital and the start of apartment complexes being brought to life here!  More evidence that the times are changing quickly!  With the festival being the success that it was, I'm not surprised that things are moving so quickly.  It's a positive impact on town life, and shows how awesome Sesshoumaru and InuYasha rule the lands!  

    I'm still worried over this spy that keeps lurking around.  Someone live that is loyal to Naraku, isn't good.  What I can't figure, is the attachment this person has for children?  Is it because Naraku was very good to her, that she can't see the wrongness in his twisted mind?  Was she something like Rin?  An abandoned child that Naraku took in on a whim, like Sesshoumaru did for Rin? Hmmm!

    LOL!  Even to this day poor Jaken gets punted like an old football...hahaha!  HILARIOUS!  I totally understand InuYasha's fears about their pups and how they will get along.  Little did he know that his worries would be unfounded.  What I found most interesting was Sesshoumaru's little inner musings over InuYasha's ears.  Those adorable puppy ears!  So uniquely him!  I always thought InuYasha's ears showed more dog heritage than Sesshoumaru's did.  Those things adorning that cute head were clear giveaways as to what InuYasha is.  Sesshoumaru, on the other hand, has to transform in order to see his Inu heritage.  If not for that, Sesshoumaru could have been just a gorgeous anything!  So, jealousy might not be too far off the mark here.  Anyway, I am glad they are were they are now.  So sexy and CRAZY about each other!

    Can't wait to read chapter 28!  So excited!!!!!


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  • From nchsmi on May 10, 2019

    Damn!   This whole Nana business is really breaking my brain!  I can't get a good feel on her, and it's got me completely stumped!  Just when I think I have her pegged, BOOM!  A new angle appears!  At one point, I started to think that Nana wasn't really there.  Like she was a spirit that appeared to Jeninji.  And, that's how no one sees her after she's left the room.  Jeninji sa us she just left, however no one sees her pass them on the way into the room she JUST left!  But, I kind of nixed that idea.  People have seen and talked to her too, so she couldn't be a ghost.  Maybe she's an elemental?  Who knows?

    What REALLY​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ caught my interest was this strange woman going to the beaver insisting that NARAKU was a g old person, and that he was persecuted by the Inus unjustly.  He was wronged and destroyed for no reason!   Was there a 'child' made by Naraku that had been hidden somehow.  One that no one had ever seen, that somehow lived even after he was killed?  One that Naraku kept hidden from the world, and from his past misdeeds?  That would be a good candidate for a woman seeking revenge.  I know if someone murdered my dad, I would be hell-bent on getting them back!

    AWESOME CHAPTER!  This is a real honest to God whodunit!


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  • From nchsmi on May 06, 2019

    Yes, having someone like Nana around to answer questions about life is the MOST important and influential to have!  I'm blessed that I had so many Nanas in my world!

    Its 1000% FACTS!  Books are a wonderful tool, but I will take good old fashion live experience and common freaking sense any day of the week, month, or year!  I look at the kids in the university I work in.  They can get their phones, tablets, and laptops to do intricately detailed analysis and sync their lives to them, but can't get their food on their plate without making a fucking mess!  SMDH!!!  LOL!

    I was wondering when Kenichi was gonna check on the weapons master!  Poor guy could have died from blood loss!  I know he won't remember much, because he was hit from behind.  But, I do hope that he remembers what was so interesting about what he saw on the arrow!  That could be important!

    AWESOME so far!


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  • From nchsmi on May 05, 2019

    LOL!  Oh My God!!!  Damn that phantom bitch strikes again!  Just when the weapons master found what looked like a clue of some sort, he's knocked stupid from behind!  Damn it, I'm gonna just call her the phantom from now until you reveal her wicked ass!  I wonder.  Could the phantom be Sesshoumaru's mother?  She's pretty sneaky herself.  I wouldn't put it past her to do something like this.  A test,just to gave the mated Lords mantle.  Are the worthy?  I swear, you got me stumped!

    Secondly!  I tried to hold it together. I really did.  But, you just HAD to write that!  LOL!  I couldn't breathe!  InuYasha being worried about having sex while pregnant is a valid concern.  I was petrified when I was pregnant with my first bornborn.  Shoot, I was scared with each and EVERY pregnancy!  But, the first one is always nerve-wrecking!  Would be poop her out?!   I say cracking up!  And, Sesshoumaru's response was great timing.   Who.the he'll can have sex when their loved is talking poop!  LOL!

    ​​​​​Great stuff!  


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  • From nchsmi on April 30, 2019

    ​​​Son of a biscuit!!!!! 

    I can't believe you got that last me!  ME of all people!  Ugh...  You're good!  I've been looking at this all wrong!  I took it as face that Tsuneo was a human male.  The fact that it's a shapeshifting female, possibly a witch didn't even accur to me!  I should have known!  Only a woman would have that kind of reaction to being slapped in the face the way Kouga did her!  It stunned her to the point were she lost concentration long enough for Kouga to snag a win!  At that point, I don't think Kouga has to worry to much.  When Ayame finds out what's been going on, she'd most likely be okay with Kouga pimp-slapping the bitch!

    and if Japanese history has proven time and again, the now was one of the very few weapons women used back then.  A shapeshifting female assassin/spy would be quite adept with this weapon.  Midiriko, Kikyo, and Kaede were extremely accurate with the bow and arrow, as was Kagome.  Wow!  You blew my mind with th is one, then you completely destroyed my brain!  Nana!  You created her so well, I couldn't hazard a guess that she was NOT what she appeared at all!  She's the one they've been after all this time.  And, now she knows of InuYasha's pregnancy, and Sesshoumaru's book!  She's been inside the castle!  It wouldn't be hard for her to infiltrate at anytime!  I feel bad for Jeninji.  He really cared about that ' old woman'.  This would probably break his mind heart.  

    Oh man!  I can't wait to read the next chapter!!!!


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  • From nchsmi on April 29, 2019

    Ah!  The stew is REALLY starting to simmer!  Could it be that this whole thing started as a dispute between the Beavers and the Wolverines?  I sense a very misaligned argument, and a misguided belief that one tribe has been harboring feelings of neglect.  Neglect that started 50 years ago.  Sesshoumaru's own thoughts revealed that HE should have been made aware of the incident back when it happened.  Something is VERY amiss here!  Yes my friend!  Keep stirring the pot, my hungry is growing!!!!!




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  • From nchsmi on April 29, 2019

    Yes!!!  It's all out now!  Sesshoumaru and InuYasha know they are about to be parents.  That went very easy.  I would have thought InuYasha would have been more overly emotional, going from 0 to 100 on the hysterical scale.  He took it with relative ease.  I know the fun stuff will be here soon.  LOL!  

    Now, I'm a bit concerned over that human from the sump tournament, Tsuneo.  I think that's what you called him.  What was his deal?  And, what happened to the guard that was tailing him?  Was he found out, and done away with?  Or is he still in him?  Or, has he partnered up with the human?  I have a feeling that Tsuneo might be involved with the but infestation.  He seems kinda sleazy!


    Anywho... I'm so ready for the next chapter!  I think InuYasha will have a lot of fun being pregnant.  Teasing Sesshoumaru and creating mischief in the castle while preparing for the little princess would be right up that adorable hanyous alley!

    great chapter!


    B reading U!

    BTW... Went to see Avengers Endgame last night.  7 pm got out at a little past ten.  It was AWESOME!   Small spoiler hint:  GIRL POWER RULES THIS ONE!!!  LOL peace!

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  • From nchsmi on April 24, 2019

    I'm too old and have too many kids to be blushing like a schoolgirl!  The end of the festival was a triumph!  The whole thing was unbelievable!  Shippo's magic show, Akio's award and then being offered a position as human adviser to the court!  The fireworks...  OMG... THE FIREWORKS!  Inside and outside!  You freaking NAILED IT!!!!  No one can say, you need to flesh out your chapters after reading this!  I'm not EVEN going to mention InuYasha's great for Sesshoumaru!  That left me speechless!!! 

    You're too freaking FABULOUS for words!!!


    B reading U(indefinitely)!

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  • From nchsmi on April 24, 2019

    My heart melts when I read your chapters!  No sex, but it is the MOST romantic chapter far!  So many awesome and precious moments here.  The grandkits are no different from mine, they have an abundance of energy!  Especially, my eldest granddaughter, Yasmine!  That little girl's a lot firecracker from sun up to sun down!  I can't wait for the summer, His and I are taking all of them to Joe's family home in Puerto Rico for 2 months.  

    Back to the review.  The tailors story was moving!  It's a true testament of what a smashing success the festival is!  InuYasha was truly on to something with this.  It's something that the town can look forward to for years to come!  

    InuYasha fell asleep on Sesshoumaru!  Wow!  Well, pregnancy takes a toll on a body!  LOL!  I needed  at least an hour or 2 of a nap when I was pregnant.  As bad as I was, it's a wonder I kept getting pregnant!  LOL!  I was hoping you'd have Jeninji being up Nana to Sesshoumaru.  If ANYONE would know the signs of pregnancy, it's Nana!  And, having her knowledge record for the ages...BRILLANT!



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  • From nchsmi on April 24, 2019

    My heart melts when I read your chapters!  No sex, but it is the MOST romantic chapter far!  So many awesome and precious moments here.  The grandkits are no different from mine, they have an abundance of energy!  Especially, my eldest granddaughter, Yasmine!  That little girl's a lot firecracker from sun up to sun down!  I can't wait for the summer, His and I are taking all of them to Joe's family home in Puerto Rico for 2 months.  

    Back to the review.  The tailors story was moving!  It's a true testament of what a smashing success the festival is!  InuYasha was truly on to something with this.  It's something that the town can look forward to for years to come!  

    InuYasha fell asleep on Sesshoumaru!  Wow!  Well, pregnancy takes a toll on a body!  LOL!  I needed  at least an hour or 2 of a nap when I was pregnant.  As bad as I was, it's a wonder I kept getting pregnant!  LOL!  I was hoping you'd have Jeninji being up Nana to Sesshoumaru.  If ANYONE would know the signs of pregnancy, it's Nana!  And, having her knowledge record for the ages...BRILLANT!



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  • From nchsmi on April 24, 2019

    Wow!  The festival has gotten off to an amazing start!  If the rest of the activities go as well as the sumo tournament, then the Western lands will be on to an extremely profitable and enjoyable venture!  Festivals are the BEST!  

    Its a good call that Sesshoumaru shared Kenichi's thoughts on Tsuneo.  He wasn't a very good sport when he got tossed out.  He might be trouble later.  I'm glad that little Bonzu made an appearance along with Hiroshi.  I think that was his name.  I'm so bad with spelling!  It was a great reunion.  There should be some awesome reminiscent stories of how Bonzu was InuYasha's sempai!  LOL! That episode was HILARIOUS!!!!

    Hands up and YAY for Akio!  Everyone loves it when the hometown hero wins!  Also sounds like a cool guy, he deserved it!

    On to the next!


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  • From nchsmi on April 23, 2019

    I truly believe that Jake and Elwood should have let Sesshoumaru read that Greek tome.  Allow him to decide if it was relevant or not.  It might've contained a clue to what the term rafee meant, or at the very least let him know the correct word.  

    It was so funny to me how Kenichi was agonizing over the best way to give a sex talk to a rabbit!  Nature's very own fertility bomb!  Usagi IS a rabbit demon.  If there's one thing a rabbit knows, it's how to procreate!  LOL!

    I think  Sesshoumaru should ask Jinenji to consult nana about InuYasha's symptoms.  Hell, she might know what rafee is!

    ​​​​​​Well done!


    B reading U!


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  • From nchsmi on April 17, 2019

    Jake's mom is a gift!  LOL!  Her escapades sound absolutely legendary!  She's flown all over the world, seen, and done amazing things!  I can see how Sesshoumaru would be enthralled by her.  

    I am happy that Usagi got to see the sword of heaven in action!  It is a miraculous sight.   glad Sesshoumaru explained the sword and It's properties to him.  I wouldn't want him thinking that the sword could bring his parents back.  They've been gone to long for that.

    I feel InuYasha on the heartburn!  My grandma and mom always said that heartburn during pregnancy was a sign that the baby was gonna have a FULL head of hair!  Must be true in my case, because even though all my pregnancies differed in a lot of respects 1 thing was a constant.  I had heartburn for every blessed one of them!   LOL!

    Thanks for putting that in there! 




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