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Reviews for Spring fertility festival

By : jeffshelton
  • From ANON - Mija on September 11, 2003
    lmaoo omg I luved this getting a bolt of lightening right on the noggin leaving a bald spot?? damn that was priceless and he still tried to go after the the whole Susana-O thing..but how could he tell her to abort it??? funny..Miroku wants SAngo to keep her baby, and Inu wants Kagome to get rid of hers..sigh...he thinks its Susana-O's...will we ever find out if it is his or Inu's?? ok ok nough babbling..sigh all I know is that I sooooooooooo luv your story and want to read more and cant wait for you to update which I hope is soon..:-) till then huggs and smiles Mija..:-)
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  • From ANON - Laureate on September 11, 2003
    The extent of your research impresses me. Even if I didn't like this story (which I do, very much), I'd keep reading just to learn things. Therefore, I was very surprised with the mistake you made in this chapter. Perhaps it wasn't a mistake, but if it was it'll be an easy fix. Pregnancy tests are of absolutely no use the day after fertilization. It is impossible to get an accurate reading until several days or even a few weeks after the fertilized egg implants itself into the lining of uteran wall. In fact, that's how the "morning after pill" works; it prevents the potentially fertilized egg from getting cozy. The only reason I know this is because I go to a women's college and information like this was literally part of first year orientation. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoy this story and hope you update again soon! ^-^
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  • From ANON - hakuryuu on September 10, 2003
    You did very nicely in this chapter... I really enjoyed the scene with Kagome's Mother, as well as the Mirosan scene... Just gorgeous, and a nice way to wrap up those mini-chapters. Can't wait until the next!
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  • From ANON - Mrs. Sanada on September 10, 2003
    Okay, this is a good story so far but your grammar and English along with sentence structure need a lot of work. You also need to have it Bata read the editing is so poor it gave me a headache while I read. If u clean it up it will be a fantastic Inu-Yasha tale! Sorry, but that needed to be addressed! Your research was wonderful and I am sure it took a lot of your time, so don't let all that time u spent be wasted. Other wise bravo on a gr8 story 4 Inu-Yasha fans! Lord knows there r no good Inu-Yasha stories out there so don't stop writing. And if u want a Bata reader I have sum1 who is gr8 at it or ask sum of your fans I am sure they would be delighto doo do so.

    Mrs. Sanada
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  • From Mija on September 10, 2003
    awwwwwwwww I liked this chap..soo Miroku wants the baby huh??? awwwwwww..but I much preferr Sango use the pills than reed hooks...shivers just thinking what they might look like and if they will what the heck is Inu doing to the gods tree??? lol...silly Ive said only he would fight with a God..lmaooo I soo have to see what happens next..update soon k?? as always I love this fic and cant wait to read more, I thI think Kagome's mom handled things well...huggs Mija..:-)
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  • From ANON - Diane on September 10, 2003
    Just a minor point of interest after watching a subbed copy of the 1st IY movie, Kagome calls her mother momma.
    I'm really enjoying reading this, the extras you add at the end of the chapters are really interesting to read.
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  • From ANON - Babsie on September 09, 2003
    another fantastic chapter.
    I really like this plot and all jap japanese history inclued in it.
    Inuyasha canīt really destroy the goshinboku, right?
    Now Kagome could be pregnant, Inuyasha intend do do it again...what about Kikyou? Hope lost :-)
    I love the way Miroku react, even if he donīt have a say about it, he will fight for his child...very good and coerent. Afterall Miroku always want a child.
    Canīt wait for the next chapter
    Keep doing a great work here
    update soon

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  • From ANON - PrincessLemon on September 08, 2003
    OMG! Poor Sango and Kagome! I hope everything turns out allright. Please post the next part soon
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  • From ANON - hakuryuu on September 08, 2003
    Wow... there are some really hard desicions there, huh? Well great job with the drama. and keep it up!
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  • From ANON - MysticInca on September 07, 2003
    This story has been an absolute treat to read! Its not often you learn something new from fanfiction?! I throughly enjoy the history lesson in the end of every chapter, you explain everything so makes me wonder if your a teacher. ^^ Anyway that was a risky move for the last chapter, i have no problem with the abortion thing, it was done then to keep more villagers alive. (or at least that was thea iea i got from your ending notes) I really hope you don't get any bad responses for this chapter. I honestly can't wait to see what you have in store for the next chapter....I'm so addicted to the history you have written in here!! Great work, wonderful chapter!

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  • From ANON - kenji on September 07, 2003
    have inuyasha not miroku go after kagome and talk with her.
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  • From ANON - Babsie on September 07, 2003
    What to do in a such situation?
    And about the mark? This make or not kagome belongs to Inu?
    we know they belong together but they still have to see this.
    Well looks like Kagome and Inuyasha will have kids too...

    I understand Sangoīs wish of abortion and all explanations that kaede have done...but...Mirolu , as a houshi and a father has a word on it donīt him?

    I like very much this chapter.
    Please, update soon.
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  • From ANON - RavenShadow on September 07, 2003
    I have to admit you aproached the subject of aborition in a proper manner. Useing Keade with reason and consern was a wise touch and true the stats are largely against the village. I hope that readers remember that we are talking about another time period and that the challenges that they faced are not our own. So I must congradulate you on a ter ter well written and I can not wait to see what is going to occur next!
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  • From Mija on September 07, 2003
    Yayyyyyy you update..again another great chap..I feel sad thaildrildren must die, but I do understand why, sigh but Im glad Kagome is not thinking if aborting her child with Inu..she is prego right?? Or did I get that wrong?? and omg Inu taking revenge on the Gods tree?? thats priceless..does he get to do it or does Kagome stop him??? cant wait to find out..update soon k??? again another great chap..till the next one be well and be happy huggs Mija..:-)
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  • From ANON - hakuryuu on September 07, 2003
    Wow... every time you just manage to blow me away with your thought out, in-depth and historically accurate chapters... It'll never cease to amaze me! Keep up the wonderful writing!
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