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Reviews for Fateful Night

By : LadyOrion
  • From BeautifulOblivion on July 05, 2007
    As you can probably tell, I am bored right this minute. But, this fic caught my eye. I started to read it and couldn't stop. I really wish you would finish it. I hate it when there is a spectacular fic like this that is just left, forgotten and unfinished.

    Please update if you remember this.

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  • From Pocahontas20 on August 25, 2005
    I really like this story. I really do, but I hate cliffys. I really do. So maybe you can update soon. Maybe. I'm anxious.
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  • From ANON - Kari on May 26, 2005
    wow! awesome! so glad your back and what an awesome chapter! i can't wait till u update again and i hope it's sooon please *hehe* take care!
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  • From cukid9 on May 17, 2005
    Oooo I love this version of Inuyasha! This is great! I hope you do update soon!
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  • From ANON - Laurachan (too lazy to login) on May 16, 2005
    I love it! absolutely a faboulous story!
    I hope Kagome will stop having those horrible nightmares so that she can enjoy her relationship w/ Inuyasha (I'm an Inu/kag fan all the way!)
    Just one thing: before posting, try to correct some little grammar mistakes.
    Also, Miroku is a Houshi (which means monk) and not Hoishi or whatever you wrote (I don't remember ^^; )
    One of the last chapters (I think 14 or 15 or 16) has some weird signs on it that make difficult the reading...

    But otherwise these little things, I completely adore your story!
    Please keep writing!
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  • From ANON - Kari on April 26, 2005
    i'm in love hehe, this story is wonderful i'm loving how everything is comming along. i can't wait to read what u have comming next in the story. i love how InuYasha reaction to Kagome is, it's cute and funny. hope u update soon
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  • From ANON - *dont do no name* on February 02, 2005
    hi cooly fanfic so fars! ^_^ hurry up and finish it!!!!! plz!!!!!
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  • From ANON - ANNA on January 14, 2005
    were the hell is inuyasha BICH WERE IS HE
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  • From drake220 on January 13, 2005
    oh my god! my story italics wouldn't either for the longest time! it was so annoying!! is your doc a MS? that always messes stuff up. don't be depressed! your story kicks ass adn this chapter was great, if just for the bathroom mishap! add in that great hunting scene and this was a fabulous chapter! if you need someone to bounce your ideas off, to get the imaginative juices flowing, email me! i'd love to help!
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  • From ANON - scherezade on January 13, 2005
    Oh...I forgot to name was "szmadad" ...just so you know, I've been reading and reviewing this story for a while now! :)
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  • From ANON - scherezade on January 13, 2005
    Silly goose! You insult your writing too much! I was extremely excited to see that you had updated. You've started a very compelling story and I'm enjoying how it slowly unfolds. I know how annoying it is to face writer's block, since I'm in that stage myself...well, that and a lack of real time for writing! But take your time...write in bits and spurts when the mood strikes. Your fans will wait for updates...I know, I for one will.
    As for your story...poor Inuyasha got pounded into the ground by Kagome's sits! Hanyou abuse! Hanyou abuse! Can I report Kagome? :)
    I think that you're doing a great job depicting poor Kagome's tortured feelings. It's so obvious that she's connected to Inuyasha...that she's growing closer to him - emotionally and physically. At the same time, it would be out of character, given her warm and sincere heart to quickly forget about Hojo. It's terrible enough to lose the man you think you'll marry (even if he's *not* the right one for you), but even worse to have him reanimated and turned into a vengeful zombie who wants to destroy you...who blames you for his death.
    All in all, Kagome seems to be adjusting to her new time and surroundings well enough.
    I'm *so* evil...but I like that Kagome is still somewhat afraid of Kouga. He can't really be Inu's rival for her affection that way. And I love how Inuyasha is being forced to "grow" to move out of his own emotional shell in order to reach and comfort Kagome. Your description of his action alone speaks volumes for the way he's coming to care for her so deeply.
    Looking forward to more...
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  • From ANON - drake220 on January 11, 2005
    i love it! i am most enamoured with it!!
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  • From ANON - drake220 on January 11, 2005
    all right!! now THAT was a great ending line!!!
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  • From ANON - drake220 on January 11, 2005
    okay, i have to say i love the fact that you make kouga a sympathetic character. it'd be so easy to make him despisable but here, he's just great!
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  • From SilverFox on December 07, 2004
    I think this was a very good chapter despite what you said. Also I know what you mean by writers block...I just passed through a 4 month dry spell myself. >.< I hope that never happens again! Anyways back to the chappy...It was lighter compared to the previous 2 chapters, if I recall correctly. Lightness is needed now and then. The only thing that irritated me ( and I'm sure you had nothing to do with it more like the recent problems with's servers ) was the strange symbols that worked its way into this chapter and throughout the fic. Luckily it wasn't so garbled that I couldn't read it at all. Anyhoo...I hope your block is cleared soon as I didn't mind the long wait for this chapter.

    * in a sing-song voice * Inu and Kags sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! ^_~ ( or more like Kaede's hut! Tee hee! :-D )

    Until next time! ^_^
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