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Reviews for Wicked Ways

By : WykkedAsSyn
  • From Starryice on July 03, 2019


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  • From ANON - gLyn on October 29, 2006
    hi! I was wondering, since u said that you wanted to start on a new project, (AND SINCE U DID SO F-ING WELL IN "WICKED WAYS", KUDOS! =))would you maybe consider starting another sess/rin fic? How about another AU sess/rin? like, an angsty/romance fic, one with rin being a bitch and everything, making use of people by using her sexuality and stuff like that. And maybe even to the extent of sleeping with so many men. Then she came across sesshoumaru, and did the same, thinking that she'd gain out of it, but noooo~~~, sess's too smart to be outsmarted, (besides, he's a demon that lived for centuries and have seen so much and all that, while rin's just a mere human who thinks she's so damned smart). then there's this little bit of complication, sess's supposed to hate and despise her. But she's the re-incarnation of his lost love or something...(yeah kind of cheesy.. sorry.. well, it's just a suggestion. =)) But what he doesn't know of is: terrible things have happened to Rin before to make her turn out like this. -----> yeP... just an idea. it's a suggestion, so hope you'll consider or something. anyway, thanks so much for writing wicked ways. If i could write as well as u do, i'd be writing fics myself too. haha
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  • From ANON - sex goddess on February 13, 2006
    i lo e it it the best you should make a sequal i know ill make it one of my recomandations
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  • From ANON - Demonprincess on May 19, 2005
    OMG! The last few chapters are like really intense.
    I mean all the chapters are intense but these last few espically.
    I wouldn't be surprised if Rin ends up pregnant at some point from her and Fluffy's sexual hungers.
    please update soon!
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 22, 2005
    that was good is there more?

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  • From ANON - ??????????? on February 25, 2005
    Wheee!! I'd like to ride Sesshomaru!! Yow, baby, yow!! Give me his cock anyday!!
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  • From ANON - Da rin-chan on February 03, 2005
    XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this fic just keeps getting better and better i cant wait for more or another story soon *melts* the scences are getting better with each chapter you add and the plot thickens i LOVE it keep up the UBER AWESOME work ^.^
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  • From ANON - anony mouse on February 02, 2005
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  • From ANON - animegirl007 on February 01, 2005
    What can I say that I haven't said before..........just more...just more please.......
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  • From ANON - Bianca on January 24, 2005
    Oh snaps!!! This story is the gretest. Its so sexy^_^ Well anyways I can't wait till you update because I'm hooked to this story. Please update soon!!! Two thumbs up for you!!!^_^
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  • From ANON - Countess Lulu on January 22, 2005
    New Chapters!!!!! Yay!!! This is by far the best story i have read . I think that sesshomaru is completely believable as a badass rock star .The bloody sex scenes are good too ...How else would a couple of demons have sex??? Damn I love this fic!!!
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  • From SilverFox on January 08, 2005
    Oh! Look what I get when I don't pay attention once again, evil school >.< !! Interesting choices to pick from ( one of them VERY tempting!! ), and yummy chapters! I can't wait to see what you are going to have Sesshoumaru punish Rin, cause when you do that, I always have this need to take a cold shower afterwards! * drools over Sesshoumaru and quickly cleans it up * ^^; I really can't wait! Until next time!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - animegirl007 on January 06, 2005
    Man, your story is so good...I always have to take cold shower are reading it....but, before I head on out to the bathroom ...once again I had to say good job...I don't know when you will be ending this story...but, I just wanted you to know that this story is saved as one of my recommed readings for this site.....update soon...... It's shower time!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - da rin-chan on January 06, 2005
    *melts* man your story seems to get better and better with every chapter and writers block i cant wait for the restt!!!*begs for more*

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  • From ANON - Cassie on January 06, 2005
    Hi, you want to know something, I just love you for writing such a really good juicy lemony story i can't wait to read the next chapter. I just wish Sesshomaru was dominating me insyead of Rin. Keep up the good work. And you are Wicked as Sin. But I still love you and your stories
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