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Reviews for The Price of Vengeance

By : YoukaiFate
  • From adeaneri on February 04, 2007
    please update i LOVE this fanfic.
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  • From adeaneri on January 28, 2007
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  • From ANON - Purple Pixie on November 17, 2006
    I Love It. But Please Don't Take Another Year to Update. I'M BEGGING YOU I LOVE THIS STORY IT'S AWSOME PLEASE UPDATE SOONER
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on November 13, 2006
    Thank you so much for the story! What a great way to pass the time on a sick day, heh. So, since I just read the whole thing yesterday, figured I better review, eh?

    I think the thing I like about this story the most is the characters. The changes everyone goes through are always within the realm of 'yeah, i could see that happening,' and draw me in more and more so that I am so fascinated as to what will happen and hoping for the best, etc.. i loved how you did the various romantic pairings; I never even thought of Kouga/Kagura before, but it was set up so nicely that it totally works here. Sango and Inuyasha too. In fact, with Sango/Inuyasha, all I could think was, "Wow, they are so completely made for each other, aren't they?"

    Great job.

    The plot has moved along in such an interesting way, some nice interesting twists here and there, and any OC were quickly fleshed out in a well-written and concise manner.

    I had one question: at one point (and this is going to help, oh, not at all as I've forgotten the chapter!) you talk about Kagome's short, green 'fuku,' I'm wondering if you meant gakusei-fuku? Fuku is, like, an outfit or uniform, best I can translate. Gakusei-fuku is the school uniform. (heh, I'm learning japanese and that was a vocab word a few weeks ago, so it stood out ;-) oh, same deal for the term 'younger sister.' If I remember right, it's 'imouto' rather than 'imouta.' Yeah, yeah, nit picky crap that frankly doesn't detract from the story, but I figure I'll mention it in case you ever decide to go back over the story for some reason. Considering most authors I know can't quite leave the story alone and come back to it at sometime or another to fiddle, at least, maybe it'll make a difference sometme, yes?

    Oh, let's see, I think my favorite OC are Hideki and Suyo. Oh yeah, I about died laughing with Ginta's reaction to Hideki and Kaede. and I really find that pairing adorable, actually. Just...what a nice thing to do for a character who has always, in the stories, had to devote her whole life to others and taken nothing for herself, really. It just feeds my desire for everything to turn out right and everyone to get what they deserve. Hmmmm, and thinking of older characters and what they deserve, I have a sudden image of Myouga and clue. Sorry, random brain moment that will now be written her forever as I'm too lazy to go back and edit, ha.

    Thanks again for writing this and I'll be very, very whinily and impatiently awaiting the next update!!
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  • From ANON - Vyncent on November 12, 2006
    HOT JETS AND WOO HOO! You go girl...! LONG TIME IN COMING, but still worth the has SO got to update again soon...Oh...BTW...PLEASE has someone
    bitch slap Natsuko...she is just an arrogant bitch, and for a midwife that is JUST so not cool. Trip her and let her fall face first into the mud....let her
    have one upside the head with a sloppy, snowy mud ball, have someone trip her as she walks near a cliff...SOMETHING...just to take her down a peg or

    Besides, I am sure that Sesshourmaru would be MOST unhappy with her treatment of Kagome at this particular time. I know...perhaps Hideki and take
    her down from her haughty pedestal with a few well chosen works of wisdom that the bitch didn't think of.

    WAY TO GO...

    I hope that the uma
    Lord can be avenged for both him and his the mean time, KICK NARAKU'S ASS and update soon...

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  • From ANON - medi on November 12, 2006
    OMG you finally updated! This is my all time most favorite story and I had to wait for a year to see an update. Please dont stop now. Just finish it. Ooh...I'm off to read it^_^
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  • From ANON - mel on November 11, 2006
    Yipee! An update at long last. Thank you so much for updating. I'm glad that you are continuing with this story. It's one of my favorites!! Please update again as soon as you can. Thanks again!!
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  • From ANON - Megan Consoer on August 05, 2006
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From ANON - Drix on July 24, 2006
    I am down on my hands and knee's begging you to please continue this amazing story, I read the whole 65 chps. straight through. I need more.
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  • From ANON - STINKUGLY on January 18, 2006
    When are you going to add to this story.
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  • From ANON - Anon on January 12, 2006
    Please update, I shall give you a dollar if you do so.... Please? This is a fantastic story, writers dont have lives, right? *shifty eyes*
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  • From ANON - inurin on January 12, 2006
    I have only been able to read your story over the Christmas holidays and was totally enthralled, your imagery and detail are absolutely amazing. I can't believe you have not undated this story, you left Kagome in labour, the battle just starting and we all want to see more Sess/Kagome and the what the pups look like!!!! Please reassure me you will return to this story it needs to be tended to and given the ending it deserves! You are an amazing writer and I hope to read more of your stories.

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  • From ANON - Amber on January 03, 2006
    please update, this sotroy is amazing...cant leave me hanging like this!
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  • From ANON - Mel on November 30, 2005
    I just wanted to let you know that this fic is one of my all time favorites! It has a very indepth storyline with many different pairings, and yet the character's stay true to themselves.
    Please update soon!
    I can't wait to see what happens next!
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  • From ANON - BUTTERNUT on November 26, 2005
    This is such a nice story! However, I think it should have been a Kouga story because he seems to be in more chapters than See/Kag. I find Kouga boring and he's and idiot!! But that's just me!
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