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Reviews for The Daimyo's Son

By : Wheezambu
  • From ANON - kittyonnails on October 12, 2004
    Really, this is quite an amazing work. Just attempting such a story is a feat, but you have done an excellent job of it. I'm not sure if the story or the telling impresses me more. There is something to be said for writing fanfic with a plot unlike any other, and doing it well. you must be full of imagination. I am looking forward to your next work with antici...pation.
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  • From ANON - angelika on September 24, 2004
    I love your stories. They aren't like all the others they are complex and sufisticated. I just love them so much! PLEASE WRITE MORE SOON!!!
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  • From ANON - Talis on September 12, 2004
    *just finished burning a Chinatsu voodoo doll* BITCH IS GONNA DIE D:! GAH! *spasm* I can't STAND her. *cringe* I can't beleive Sho-kun is that STUPID to fall for her tricks ;__; Oh my. (sigh) >P InuTaisho has to beat some sense in that kid. Not kill him, mind you oO. Fuu.
    ..And Naotaaaaaaaa! *cries* Poor baby! TT *sobs* How I hope he gets out of this shit. Oh how i hope TwT Pyuuupyupu.
    :D I hope you update soon! I wanna read more x3

    Talis :B
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  • From ANON - Golden on September 12, 2004
    Wow... This just keeps getting better and better *.* Keep up this wonderful work. I become so happy when I see this fic is updated. Wee! ^__^ Update soon! I liked this chapter!

    TTFN! Ta Ta For Now!
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  • From ANON - Talis on September 02, 2004
    ( >>;; Talis's Re, pa, part 2! *was oblivious to the fact that cut off reviews ^^; *is used to, not AFF.* )

    One character, though, that I can absolutly NOT stand, would be Chinatsu. [though I beleive that's the reason of her being.] What a kniving little bitch. If I had my way, the mischevious little whore would be torn apart, he remains spralled across the whole forteress xP [ Please forgive my gruesome fantasies x3;; I mean no offence ].

    ^_^; I'm so happy with the way you portayed Sho-kun in his younger years. I would never had pictured him to be like that, but now that I have, I find it suits him marvelously!

    Well..this is where my horrendously long review ends. [ it's shorter then i thought it would be =P I hope it was'nt too much of a pain to read!] I look impatiently forward to the next chapter [ Damn the suspence, Damn it I say! ] and be sure that I shall review every single chapter until it ends :D! [ and no, they won't be as long as this on, thank the gods. ]

    Truthfulleh yours,
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  • From ANON - Talis on September 02, 2004
    Omg. *cringes with anticipation* I really don't know how to put all my thoughts about this story in one simple review! [ So this is gonna be one hell of a long review...^^ Sorry!] It's amazing! Hm, lets start about the first things that shocked me: First of all, I find the idea of writting about Sho-kun's [wow...I like that nickname, I think i'll steal it from you, if you don't mind xD;; ] past and such is a GREAT idea. There are a very select few of those in and, and as for those I've read, this is, without any second thoughts, the best one so far! Your plot is amazing, all the twist and turns are so captivating! I started this fic last night and since then I've been taking every moment of my spare time to finish it :D!

    Wee. Now, a second thing that I enjoy are the characters and their personalities. Jano, Nami and Ta-kun are simply marvelous. I love them so much xD Expecially Ta-un and Nami, I see so much of myself in those two characters! I'm also quite fond of Izitaki and Ari [it felt kinda weird reading his name in this fic, as it's mine too xDD! I never thought of nameing a male char. 'Ari', either :3 But I got used to it after a few chapters.] , aswell as the great Daimyo himself. [ And lets not forget our beloved Sho-kun
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  • From ANON - Golden on September 02, 2004
    o_o;;; Wow.... Seriously that is all I can say. Wow. This fic is wonderful... I feel like there is so much history and thought behind all of this. Like you've maded your own history and life for the charaters. This is all very much fun reading this! I can't wait for you to update, this fic is keeping me on a string! I wanna read more!
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  • From ANON - sublimetrickster on August 27, 2004
    Hey! Deviantart is being a jerk, so I decided I'd review here! I finally got some time to sit down and do some reading. Your style is very good, there's enough description to really see what's going on and I am already feeling for Sesshomaru (and I'm not even a big fan of his) and I like his cousins too. Nice addition there of them. Inutaisho is a cool character too. Most of all, it just enjoyed your writing, it just flows so naturally, don't think I was pulled out once while reading it.
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  • From ANON - Mischifmaker on August 23, 2004
    This is such a great story, Sesshy always was my favorite character. Iwould've reviewed before now but I just saw the story. I cna't belive no one else has reviewed yet!
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