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Reviews for Space Hanyou

By : Wheezambu
  • From chanda on July 30, 2007
    I about fell out of my seat when I had seen that you updated. Thank you, thank you! I loved the update. I do look forward to your next chapter.

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  • From LadyE on July 04, 2007
    I'm loving this story! Looking forward to the next chapter!
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  • From Silent Pluto on July 03, 2007
    hmmm I liiiike! lol
    This story is incredible, I'ved never
    read anything like it!
    Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Liqueuersama on January 05, 2006
    Nice fic, I love the way you managed to crossover two completely different anime like this. Please update as soon as you can.
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  • From ANON - MarcellaRyoko on January 02, 2006

    OH so good! LOOOOOOOOVE this chapter! GO INU GO!

    Did you say if this was an Inu/Kag or what? oh nm......I'll go find out...somewhere...

    Don't let Inu die now...that would suck.

    And the only thing my lil stupid brain can come up with for help...(as if) that I hope Kagome isn't as cold as she seems in this story...*hint*hint*hint*



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  • From drake220 on December 25, 2005
    you updated!!!!!!!!!!! Can you hear my squeals of joy?!?! You should. They are loud and piercing screams of joy because I LOVE this fic and am so excited to see it back! Good chapter and with plot developement. Please have Inuyasha and Ed have a long, long talk. She is my favorite character in all anime adn he would have so little patience for her, it would be hysterical! update soon!
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  • From ANON - name on November 18, 2005
    i love your wrok on almost every stroy you write =)

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  • From ANON - Coffee Gyrl on September 30, 2005
    I freaking love this story!!! It's so great but isn't it Sesshy outside firing on them? I'm curious on what the Kikio/Naraku conection is on this. Don't worry about the time of update as long as you don't forget and leave us hanging;) Your writting is so amazing that even when I re-read your stories they feel as good as I read them for the first time.
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  • From ANON - Morlana on September 30, 2005
    I thought that if Kags died the necklace would detonate or was she just lying? If she wasn't then wouldn't Inu not survive?
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  • From ANON - fallenangel7583~NSI on September 30, 2005
    very nice. i actually just started watching the beebop series so reading this was a joy. i always wondered about ed,if it was a girl or a boy...guess this answers my questions. it's hard reading kagome as such a hardass but she fits the role well. and what a rep inu has...holy hell gurl, that's a lot of shit he's done. i'm looking forward to seeing him, one, put kagome in line adn two, get his ass handed to him by sesshiles. very nice. keep it up!! (and please don't take a year to update again!)
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  • From drake220 on September 30, 2005
    hmmm...what is that? It's so portyl and god! It's me! It's me JUMPING UP AND DOWN WITH EXCITMENT!!!! Do you want to know why?!?!?! BECAUSE YOU UPDATED!!! Notice the joy!!! Do you see the joy and happiness?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?! I have been waiting and waiting for this to update and GLORIOUS GOD PRAISE BE, an update after all my impatient waiting! HUZZZAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could have had a three word update adn I would have been more thrilled then you can possibly imagine.
    See the joy!!?!?!?!?!??!!?
    JOYOUS JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - MarcellaRyoko on September 29, 2005
    OMG OMG OMG!!!!


    You have NO IDEA how umbelievably happy I am that you have updated and decided to continue this story-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!


    I read it and almost gave up on the idea that you were even gonna look at it again, and usually author's just quit after such a long time because they have forgotten what the story-line was. I'm sure you know all of that,though.

    Can't Sango just come for them?....or something?

    Ah, well......they'll all survive anyway, right, right?

    Thank you, once again, for deciding to complete this....or at least I hope you have.

    You are such a great writer, and I love your stlye!



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  • From ANON - mai* on September 29, 2005
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  • From quirkyslayer on September 27, 2005
    HA! I just started reading this. I read in your LJ you were re-writing it and updating so I thought I'd give it a shot. So far it's pretty funny. Inuyasha's a bit of OOC but it's an AU and a crossover, so it fits. Besides, it's just the first chapter. I can't wait to see more in the history of his crimes and his interaction with Faye. My favorite line, "You tell them, honey!" Cracked me up. ^^
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  • From ANON - XRaven on September 26, 2005
    YES!!! You updated. This new development is quite intriguing, who is attacking them, I wonder? Was it Sesshomaru, or Naraku, or do we have some new players? Wonderful characterization as always! I hope you'll update soon... and for the love of all things fluffy, please don't wait a year again. Hope RL is treating you well. - Peace, Xraven

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