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Reviews for The Last of Their Kind

By : HimeAndi
  • From ANON - blisblop on August 03, 2005
    There are so many things to compliment you on with this piece.The scenes for sex,the responces of characters to each other in most situations(all of the sex scene situations with the guys are a marvel,you write lovers with a deft fresh passionate voice.You seem to rarely slack off.Its so hot)the props used(the auto-axphyxiation bindings,spider silk I think they where made of,when you got that sophisticated I was so damn pleased that I found this), the settings,the rising and falling of action,the tone/reality of the story stays IC its a pleasure to read because of this and other points.Its just been great spending time reading this.Such constant increases in quality from chapter to chapter,one can see your story getting,words damn!ummmmTighter?The plotting is flowing from one point to another more and more smoothly and it wasn't bad(it was superior to begin with.)I was taken aback at how whole heartedly Inu yasha turned from Sesshomaru to Kagome,it clanged but then you change that distance in the following chapters.Saved the flow!It would not have fit(or it would have cheapened the story to do that.Some day you might want to smooth that, the only graceless move in the entire story but maybe I only felt this cause I found the idea of three of them far more appealing then I/K,but it did indeed increase my anxiety when reading it and I am sure it was a plot devise so I am aware you have to move the story on,this isn't PWP.I know I am stating the cbvious but why don't all three of them form a breeding will probably go against instinct for the males but Kagome would be a happy camper.They seem to fear the others in the village reactions not just to the incest but to,more to the homosexuality.Thats sad.People who live life on the edge,I would not expect them to follow inconvieniant manners from another time/place or to even judge a person to whom you owe your life( perhaps you are trying to coax people to open their minds ?My mind is so open my brain slips out periodicly but I am rarely regretful or bored shows big huge grin) I find the leachery of a monk more revolting then whether someone elses partner has on opposing set of plumbing,its so crass but I doubt he is a catholic monk anyway so he can breed all he likes.There is so much more I could say but I don't want to gush too much( and scare you so you scream "like who is this freak!!??!").Please keep with this.You have a talent,I hope it brings you what you want it to.Thank you so much.Bye!and MORE PLEASE.
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  • From ANON - lilly on July 22, 2005
    Wow. I am truly impressed with this story. You are so descriptive, and your writing is amazing! I like the story line you've developed, as well as the (very well written) lemons. I'm usually not a het fan, leaning more towards the yaoi, but somehow, your het scenes don't bother me as much. I truly enjoy this story and am eagerly waiting for updates. Thank you for sharing it with us.
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on June 30, 2005
    What a wonderfully hot yaoi lemon. I loved the bondage. Wish someone would do that to me. Ah, well. I've been working on a lemon for one of my stories where foreplay with the ears brings Inu over the crest, so don't think I got the idea from you. K? I've had a thing for his ears since Kag's Blood and A Day to Play. I so respected Sesshoumaru's behavior with the mean children. Good going. Wish he could remove Inuyasha's rosary. Oooh, what's Miroku going to say? I hope he doesn't get left out in the cold. Interesting...Sess has had human lovers. It would be cool if Sango had some demon blood in her. Love Rin as always. I feel so bad for Sess. He's so tired all the time. It sucks. Can't wait to see him get better.

    I anxiously await your next chapter.

    Snowfall aka Hanyou Slave
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  • From ANON - Nanaka on June 30, 2005
    Yay you updated..... and it was a great chapter at that.... i hope you'll update soon
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  • From BlackberryPatch on June 24, 2005
    Interesting. This is by far the best S/I I've ever read, and the second best Sess romance ever. I had my doubts when I started reading- since, in my experience, not only is this is a difficult pairing to make even a bit believable, but Sesshomaru is a character that apparently no one can write even remotely IC- but I think this story gets better with every chapter as you throw in... unexpected turns. I'm actually so caught up in the plot that I'm skimming over the sex scenes. That's never happened before... Thanks. =]
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  • From ANON - Sabine on June 09, 2005
    Please update soon. This story is just to awesome to let it fall to the wayside.
    I absolutely adore it!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 08, 2005
    *is mad* UPDATE! This is so awesome! and I keep waiting and waiting for more! Please hurry!
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  • From ANON - yako on June 07, 2005
    MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Onyxlight on June 03, 2005
    wow wow and triple wow I love this fic...please continue I have to know what is "to late"
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  • From ANON - Huong on May 19, 2005
    When are you going to update?! This is a really good story, heck I've been reading this for 5 times savoring each chapter. I know its kinda sad but I really like your fic! Please continue!!
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  • From ANON - Nanaka on May 18, 2005
    I really enjoyed this story and hope you will update soon
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  • From ANON - snowfall on May 13, 2005
    Damn it! When are you going to finish this! Aaargh! It is so well written and has such a good plot. Please don't abandon the story. I know there was a time when reviews couldn't be posted. But all that has changed. Come on! Please!?

    Snowfall aka Hanyou Slave
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  • From ANON - beyatch on May 11, 2005
    Oh, hell no. You have to continue. I need the Sessh/Sango part (not Sessh/kagome, I do not like Kagome)
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  • From kittyblue on May 08, 2005
    Wow! I think that this is the best fic with Sess/Inu that I ever read..
    The possible mating between Inu and Kagome is making me kind of sad... but apart from that!!
    I'll be waiting to read more!!! I hope you update soon!!!
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  • From ANON - Hotaru1421 on April 20, 2005
    Wow. This is one of the best yaoi stories I've ever read! Please keep up the good work, and e-mail me when you update please!?^-^
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