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Reviews for Come Here Boy

By : szmadad
  • From ANON - drake220 on January 24, 2005
    schezerahade, spin another tale!!! that was fabulous!!!
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  • From blackcatt930 on January 12, 2005
    Hhehehe, thank you for your email, but it doesn't matter to me. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - catt on January 11, 2005
    Hey!! I am from, u may know me as fromcatt, or blackcatt930, I just wanted to tell you I am a very big fan, and I love your art work. Its so AWESOME!!!!! I could never draw the way you do, but wow. I think your fanfiction, and artwork is amazing. Please if you want to email well you can if you want. Thank you for your wonderful work. Bye bye!!!! ^_^
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  • From ANON - zelix (not logged on) on January 06, 2005
    Okay, i promised to review didn't i? sorry if it's a bit late but well... i was busy. Anyway, good one-shot, nice steamy lemon, good descriptions and nicely put together... all in all, a full 5 star fic, hope you write more like this one in the future!
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  • From Melene on January 06, 2005
    This was great. I loved the way they came together. I also liked that he didn't have to bite her for marking. Great idea and I'll look for more of your writing.
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  • From ANON - Tami on January 04, 2005
    WOOW!! That was hot!! Please write more fics, cuz you sure have the gift!! I saw the picture, I love it...And Kristin...Ahhh I'd like to draw like her*gets dreamy*
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  • From ANON - lolita on January 02, 2005
    plz tell me there is more PLZ
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  • From YoukaiMusashi on December 31, 2004
    OMG, Sherezade...this was just WOW! And you say you admire my writing? I can't believe it, you're so incredible at this! You definetely should write more...I'm your official fan now :) This was simply wonderful and perfect and I can't believe a great writer like you actually liked my fic...I'm so flattered! I added your story to my recommended list, hope you don't mind :) Amazing work, girl, you totally rock! Thank you so so much for reading my story, I'm honored. As for practically edit my chaps ALL the time! Never happy with them...I know those who already read it probably won't read it *again*, but I always add more nevertheless...except for the clay bitch chap, which will not be touched anymore by This Youkai Musashi, I edit all the other chaps all the time! I know, I know, I should be writing new chaps instead...if you feel like it, you can check out what I edited...I do feel better about them every now and then. Gods I can't believe you enjoyed my fic so far...I hope I don't dissapoint! You truly are gifted! And your reviews are so honest and wonderful and...could you email me if you have the time? I would greatly value your opinion and suggestions so much, especially since I'm approaching the point where I have to start writing anew (what I posted and edited endless times had already been written way before I got the courage to post) but now I actually have to start writing new chaps lol...except for the lemon (s)! I wrote so many INU/KAG lemons they could make an entire fic by themselves...but I want them to fit into my solitary story and having to *wait* to post these is killing me! Filling in the blanks... ugh...Enough about me...I LOVE this fic! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! Did I mention I LOVE your fic??? You just have to write more Inu fics! Email me? Please? I can't believe you don't realise what a skilled writer you are..:) You need to be told how talented you are, believe in your writing skills more! You truly are wonderful...this story was gorgeous! And hot lol. Luv u girl, keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - comicfancat on December 16, 2004
    I loved this,and thought you did really great with the lemon and entire story.
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  • From ANON - drake220 on December 15, 2004
    whee!!! lovely!!!!!!!!!!! i feel all wonderful!!! great job!!!!
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  • From ANON - Midnight_Sparrow on October 22, 2004
    I loved it!
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  • From ANON - Shadiyaray on October 20, 2004
    I really like!!
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  • From ANON - TheCritic on October 20, 2004
    awesome!! The suspence is is totally thrilling!! Keep it up!!
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  • From ANON - Kaya on October 20, 2004
    Sugoi!! Great fic. ^_^ Its one of the best Inuyasha Fan fic I have ever read. I love the way Inuyasha is pourtrayed in this, as well as Kagome. Daisuki Desu!!! Bouku Dekita>Well done!
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  • From ANON - A.J. on October 20, 2004
    This was such a sweet and well written story. I throughly enjoyed it. Good job!!
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