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Reviews for Come Here Boy

By : szmadad
  • From ANON - ~BLACK_N_PINK~ on October 20, 2004
    I like ur story r u going to do another chapter? Hope u do, but if u don't thats fine 2 i really liked it!!
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  • From ANON - Endless Dawn on October 20, 2004
    That has to be the best lemon I have ever read! So beautiful and erotic at the same time. Emotions expressed so pricesly I felt them from the depths of my existance. Your a wondeful writer, I can't wait for your next fanfic. ~Dawn~
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  • From ShaeyaSedjet on October 19, 2004
    Great story! It was beautifully written. You have a sensual way with words. The only notes I have for you are these: 1. Botticelli did not sculpt David. He was sculpted by Michaelangelo. Be sure to research your facts. 2. This goes along with #1. If you are going to use foreign words, be sure to spell them correctly. I'm not trying to bust your balls. I respect your work, and I just want it to be the best it can be. I'm looking forward to the next volume of this series:-)
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  • From ANON - Spud on October 19, 2004
    You called Kikyo an evil, undead clay zombie. *bows down numerous times* I don't have to read the rest to love you as an author. But I read the lemon, and I have to say, I have never read anything with that much feeling and lust at the same time. It was beautiful. But, I'm a sick, perverted person, so, alls I have to say apart from what I just said is this. *shuffles in chair excitedly* I want MORE! Inu/Kag pairings rule all. Especially ones that are so hot they make you a h a hole in your chair. :D What was I gonna say... Oh yeah! That last part where Inu-Yasha thought, 'Sleep mate... you'll need all the rest you can get while you can...' I think I almost went mad thinking that it ended there. PLEASE be a quick updater. (is that a word?... O_O) Update soon!
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  • From ANON - AngelHeart2122 on October 18, 2004
    That was an amazing story. I really enjoyed the slightly different approach to the very often used markings. I thought that your marking was different then most stories I have read. This was very well done and I would love to see more stories from you. Also as a side note I had read this story only minutes before seeing your review on one of my stories. I just thought I would say that because it was ironic to me. Thanks for the reviews on my story if yif you want to ask me more about the story feel free to e-mail me. Any way great story, please continue to write.
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  • From ANON - ChromiumBlue on October 18, 2004
    I don't know why you don't think you're any good. When I finished reading this fic, the only word that came to mind was "AMAZING!!!" Please keep up the good work! I really think that you have the potential to become one of the great fanfic writers in the IY fandom!

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  • From ANON - Smittin Kittin (NLO) on October 18, 2004
    wow! that was beatiful...not just smut but a well writen romantic incounter! wonderfully done! thanks 4 sharing! ^_^ smooches kittin
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  • From ANON - Sorena on October 18, 2004
    Wonderfully written one-shot lemon, very hot and I loved how you kept the characters still in character throughout it. I really enjoyed it and I hope to read more of your work soon.
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  • From ANON - Psy Face on October 18, 2004
    Absolutely one of the best I have ever had the opporunity to read.
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  • From ANON - Pac Man on October 18, 2004
    Dial 1-800 can I get me some more of this.
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  • From ANON - Shippo Chan on October 18, 2004
    it was a pleasure to read this.
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  • From ANON - Miroku on October 18, 2004
    I truly do hope you decide to continue to writing more this one shots.
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  • From ANON - Wild Willie on October 18, 2004
    Can it get any better then this I don't think so. EXCELLENT!
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  • From ANON - Mega Man on October 18, 2004
    I.m glad you decide to grace us with awesome story. Thank you!
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  • From ANON - Ring Master on October 18, 2004
    Very, Very nice. Good luck if you write more in the future.
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