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Reviews for Come Here Boy

By : szmadad
  • From ElementalDemonessSorceress on April 26, 2007
    I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
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  • From ANON - SapphireBlade on August 16, 2005
    Very nice and well written. I think my screen started to fog up. ~_^

    Ja ne!
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  • From ANON - mel on July 13, 2005
    OH MY GOD!!!! that was amazing! i loved it. it was wonderfully delicious. please dont let this be a one shot. please please please add on to this and make it an on going fic.
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  • From ANON - Catz2.0 on June 25, 2005
    That was so emotional an yet so sweet, So caring and yet so dangerous. I loved it! i kinda hope that this wasn't a one-shot because I would like to see a bit more of this if you know what I mean. *sighs in a daydreaming state* I hope if this'll be a chapter story, you'll update soon and if it's not... then you'd better start writing another one pretty damn fast!
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  • From on May 08, 2005
    Wow, it really getting hot in here. Lolz. Brilliant is all I can say right now. Please continue your fabulous work.
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  • From ANON - Kari on April 16, 2005
    wow that lemon was wow, i'm speechless all i can say is that u gotta take a cold shower after reading that one lol. but i loved the one shot.
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  • From ANON - Ashes on March 01, 2005
    that was hot. and the ending...i wanted to cry. that was wonderfuly written. everything just flowed together so nicely and there was a reason for it all, which is uber important. bravo for a wonderful scene. I can't wait to read your other stories.
    ~Ashes :-)
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  • From ANON - jay watson on February 23, 2005
    Awsome! Awsome! Awsome! Ann Rice couldn't have done it better! This was hot...scaldingly hot! But what about 'the morning after'? I was happy to read a good bit about the two of them finally getting it on. I enjoyed this very much.
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  • From ANON - Lord Folken on January 25, 2005
    there no words for me to tell you how gerat your story was. I would love to see a nother chapter to his story. keep up the good writing and maybe you can give me some tip on how you got the ideas for your story.

    from one inuyasha fan to another "keep up the good work"
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  • From ANON - Cowboy on January 25, 2005
    I just wanted to say that don't listen to that reviewer they didn't even leave there name so you could least email them and thank them for there wonderful review they just told what was bad about but didn;t give you any advice on how to make it better and personally if they think that marking is better than the idea you came up with then I would never ever read a story written by them. Especially when they can't even leave there name.
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  • From ANON - ??? on January 25, 2005
    Hmmmmm what to say.........well just to let you know i'm going to be your first bad reviewer isn't that nice.Now first off i do like inuyasha/kagome pairings.The worst part about your story if you ask me was inuyasha's future appearence you have to realize that its almost impossble for him to ever look like that, maybe if he was 10 but he's like 16 or something(not including 50 years tied to a tree) and he'll probobly grow another inch maybe two and he might look a little more greek god like but its unlikely unless he had like implants(besides i find a bronze color very ugly on him).One last thing about this how would he get a tan.....if he lives in the sunshine.......and he doesn't have a tan.......where would it come from?Next someone said thank you for not doing the bite mark mating thing but isn't it a little better than their name? If they aren't named by nature how would it know their names at least the bite mark is something(mostly) given by nature and is therefore more realistic.They were pretty in-character but they were pretty unemotional i mean sure u gave detail but it was lacking something.Last but not least i'd give your story a 3.5 out of five and it was pretty good but you don't have very good potenial unless you can find some creativity and get someone to help.Because theres nothing wrong with you that can be fixed by practice alone.Sry but i felt it had to be said and i hope you take into consideration what i've said.(And in my personal opinion it seemed kinda sad rather than romantic for some reason maybe u can perk up your writing a bit)
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  • From ANON - ghettoside_gangsta on January 25, 2005
    That was an extremely well written story. Good work.
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  • From ANON - 4kagome on January 24, 2005
    Wow!! That is all I can say..... I am speechless.......totally awesome!
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  • From ANON - Brittany on January 24, 2005
    That is the the most spectacular fanfic i have ever read in my life. It was beautiful. Alls i can say right now is BRAVO!!!! ***Bows down. Then claps hands wildly*** That was just simply magnificent. You deserve that award!
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  • From ANON - YoukaiMusashi (not signed in) on January 24, 2005
    YAY! You revised Come Here Boy! This fic is SO special to me and you know it :) I'm running out of praises to you, girl, all I have left to say is: Read this, Scherezade! :) It's one of your many master pieces! :) It's perfect! It's beautiful, it's damn HOT and sweet and romantic and well have you READ it? lol...there's nothing really left to say, look here's your story, it's absolutely gorgeous, erotic and beyond intense, the best lemon (although I think I mentioned once 'lemon' doesn't describe's much more than that...I think I should come up with a new word to describe this fic...) As always wonderfully perfectly IC, vivid, and spectacular... broken record YM says...And you are absolutely crazy if you don't see how amazingly Talented you are so read it for yourself, over and over until your head swells :) This is THE Ultimate Inuyasha Lemon. Damn girl I will NEVER tire of reading this fic...and I have it printed so I can read it all the time lol! And here I am reading it online again and reviewing :) I shall build you a shrine now if you'll excuse me so I can bow properly to thee. Again, simply perfect.
    Ok so to change my praises I'll say it in Spanish: Este fic es simplemente perfecto, absolutamente hermoso, maravillosamente descripto, vívido, increíble, más que intenso, romántico y ardiente y totalmente espectacular! Scherezade es la reina! :)
    Love and ramen! You SO freaking ROCK, girl!
    Your biggest fan!
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