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Reviews for Beneath the Skin

By : szmadad
  • From ANON - nancey on March 19, 2005
    I love really like this story, are you still working on it? Do you plan to update soon?
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  • From ANON - ixchen on March 10, 2005
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  • From ANON - baku on March 07, 2005
    MWUHAHAHAHA!!!!I'm stalking your stories...I really like it, it rocks so hard!
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  • From ANON - Ashes on March 05, 2005
    PLEASE tell me you'll be updating soon! Wow. I think riding on a bike with InuYasha has just become a new fantasy of mine. I don't even think I *care* what's really going on between them, as long as you give me more more more!!! Okay, that's not really true. I love to see how characters develop in stories. I love to see the *plot* develop in stories. You've definatly got me hooked. It's so beautifuly written, one of the best I think I've read!
    More? Pwweeessee!?
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  • From BrethlessM on February 19, 2005
    I usually don't like AU's... but I'm loving this one! Update soon please!
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  • From ANON - fruitcake on February 16, 2005
    woo. pretty neat story. so this takes place in modern times, right? okay. uh yeah...
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  • From ANON - Tarzan on February 14, 2005
    o please please please update soon haha. this story is so awesome, n i can't remember if I already reviewed but the emotions are so intense n great.
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  • From ANON - Scurvy on February 07, 2005
    man, oh man--- this is like, the ultimate adorableness. geez, my teeth hurt.
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  • From ANON - Emily (no name yet) on February 07, 2005
    Actually, I kind of like how you haven't given us a complete background yet. I would prefer it if you continue to do what you have already started--gradually revealing the past to us in small hints here and there. For instance, we already know that Kikyo is Kagome's cousin, a liar/bitch, goes to school with Inuyasha and Kagome, has something against Inuyasha (a secret past?), has lied and said Inuyasha forced himself upon her, and is manipulative. She's probably rich too, if Kagome is. And we haven't even met Kikyo yet!! I find myself greatly enjoying this story and the fact that we do NOT know the entire past only adds an element of mystery to everything. But what I like the most about this fic are the intense emotions the two of you seem to convey through your writing style. In short, I like it; I love it; and I want more of it....Soon!
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  • From ANON - ME on February 06, 2005
    Absolutely fantastic fic!! You two should definitely collaborate and do AU's more often!! An absolute treat to read--so well written--leaves you asking questions and wanting more ^_^ and....well..of course---so very hot and steamy!! just how I like my Inu/Kag fics ;) Dang it!! now I'm all addicted and can't wait for more........*grumble*grumble*.....stupid authors and their great writing ability--now I have to pull out the ol' patience thingy and merrily wait! Shit, I hate that! Err ^_^ Great story--update soon, eh??
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  • From ANON - Zelix on February 06, 2005
    Fucking hell... this one looks and sound so... so... sinfully interesting and excellent! Update soon again you hear? This story has all the right elements to become a fucking excellent masterpiece, i will write a bigger review after a few more chapters, when i know what's going on so i can do a proper analysis and all that shit, i will then write one big ass review, so for now, this is all i can say: Update soon, because i'm begging for more.
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  • From CutiePieHentai on February 06, 2005
    Whoa....I mean....WHOA....Ok...first off- *smacks Scherezade and YoukaiMusashi* Why didn't you 2 tell me you did this? I just found it today! And I loved it...Especially the use of "kitten" by our little "puppy;" Very nice entendre....Only 2 chapters and already very steamy, very hot, very sensual. Great visuals and emotions. You wasted no time getting to the good stuff, did you? Now THAT's a textbook example of reeling in the reader!
    It wasn't the shy, reserved IY of the anime, but still fully believable, especially considering the AU connotations of alternate upbringing and how it would affect his demeanor, especially in a modern era with more liberal ideals and different ways of thinking, still keeping the depth, angst, and emotional layers within (yeah, I've seen Shrek one too many times...onions and hanyous...what's with me and food analogies?). Awesome job with Kags- completely in character! And *YAY*, Kikyo is once again a bitch! I look forward to meeting Miroku and Sango in this, and I'm dying to know just what the Kikyo and Inuyasha situation is.
    Your timing, for me, couldn't be better, either. I've always shied away from A/U, because so many authors can't seem to pull off the dynamic right, but I recently read Numisma's "Movie House Hanyou," and Delkadin's "Broadway" series and they got me hooked. You two are further proof that the right author(s) can make an A/U that smacks of true characterizations and the canon feel, while throughing our favorite pair out of the "safety" of the Sengoku Jidai. Well done!
    Please, please, please email me when you update!
    As always, yours, Cutie Pie Hentai, aka, Jenny D.
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  • From ANON - J on February 06, 2005
    Hello again it seems that I will be reviewing after every chapter. How sweet they were together is cute and the fact that she seemed to be losing her mind at the end made me smile. Maybe next you can write how he felt the whole time she held him and what he did after he left her especially since he smelled her arousal and he chanted "slowly,slowly". By the way how long is this story going to be? I'll answer that for you and say really loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg!!
    YaY!! You both ROCK!! This is one cute chapter that put something that is hardly on this face.. a smile.
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  • From ANON - Spud on February 06, 2005
    *fans face* Well, if there was ever a time that I was satisfied and left hanging all at once, it's now. Damn I'm messed up. But, hey, what else can you expect from a girl that nicknames herself after a potato? Anyway, this isn't the time to be talking about my mental deficiencies. That was great! Talk about having a need for more. Anyway, update soon!
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  • From ANON - EvilSchmetterling on January 25, 2005
    I love this story!!! Please keep writing!
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