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Reviews for Beneath the Skin

By : szmadad
  • From ANON - thoughts on January 24, 2005
    An excellent and intriguing start. I'm looking forward to the story continuing. You've jumped in the middle of the story. I'm full of questions now -- what happened with Kikyo; how did they meet; what is the background to the story; how did they get in this situation?

    You have started a page turner (the type of book that you end up reading to the exclusion of the rest of your llife). I'm looking forward to the next installment.
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  • From ANON - J on January 22, 2005
    That was good, is there going to be more. What about love poison please don't forget about that one. Please finish it and this one as well. Looking forward to having this one as one of my favorite stories next to love poison. You need to update soon. Really soon for the both of them. Thanks for writing it and putting it up. Now if you want to keep your fans all you have to do is continue your great writing and UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE and up above all finish what you have started.
    Your Fan!!
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  • From ANON - Badriyah on January 20, 2005
    Hey, this was... wow! A little confusing on parts that obviously pertain to the past (i.e. Kikyou & Inuyasha's involvement, Kagome & Kikyou's relationship with one another, Kagome & Inuyasha's past, etc) but that'll be cleared up later, yes?

    Well, I HOPE you two continue this, it's set up to be an amazing story!

    A faithful reviewer,
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  • From ANON - Spud on January 19, 2005
    Holy shit... Talk about your hotness! DAMN that was sexy. The plot's great, the writing is beautiful, and you get the point. But, is more stuff about just HOW they got to that point gonna be reavealed? 'Cause I'm kinda confused. Oh well, as long as the Queen of Bitches from Hell is the evil personage. (Kikyo *shudders*) God I loathe her! Update soon!
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  • From ANON - Coffee Gyrl on January 19, 2005
    OOO OOO OOO sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy. 'Kitten' is by far and away the VERY BEST pet name for Kagome by Inuyasha of all time. I had to read this one 3 times in a row its so good. This looks like a very amazing story please keep it up. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Midnight_Sparrow on January 18, 2005
    *Laughs* can she explain those away?? Good work so far, keep it up!
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  • From ANON - drake220 on January 18, 2005
    this is GREAT. really wonderful writing, i loved the slightly disoriented feeling you got, that there was more on the surface of the relationship then you got, i adored the fact that there was backstory that was only partially revealed. i mean, it was wonderful! update please! it's excellent work!!
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  • From ANON - MC on January 18, 2005
    It's been a while since I read a good Inu fanfic, and I'm so glad I picked up on this story. =D Great style of writing! So far, so good. I really like Inuyasha's crazy character in this story, esp in an AU fic. I just find a tempered Inuyasha so hot. Things seem a bit dramatic between Kikyou and Inuyasha, but I'm glad it wasn't focused too much on the two. I absolutely adore Inu/Kag. ^^ I also absolutely adore Sess/Rin, so I'm wondering if you would be throwing these two couples in too? Hehe. Well, good job, and please keep the chapters coming!
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