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Reviews for It Is Good To Be Kagome

By : KogasAngel
  • From ANON - muffins and cheese on June 04, 2005
    Awesome!!! Personally, I think you should do a Kuroune/Kagome one-shot...
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  • From ANON - Princess on June 04, 2005
    WOW!!! I mean... WOW!!!

    I've never been one to ship Naraku with Kagome before but this fu... I mean fic! *blush* FIC!!! This fic has made me sign up for the Kagome/Naraku ship. XD

    You're an awesome writer! :)
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  • From ANON - kouga lover on June 03, 2005
    these are great one-shots, please update soon i can't wait.
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  • From ANON - tortured_inu_hanyou on June 01, 2005
    OMG!!!! I loved the inu/kags one!!!! That was actually the only one i read because other pairings piss me off, but this one was pretty good. Normally i have my pairings inu/kag sess/rin or sess/kagura koga/ayame and sometimes kohaku/rin. i usually turn kikyo into a sex crazed alesbyan freak and naraku into a gay sex crazed petophile. i loved the inuyasha kagome one shot though. you really out did your self.

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  • From ANON - Cashmere on May 20, 2005
    Hee! I really, REALLY liked this one! You said you'd gotten requests for a continuation on the Yusuke/Kagome? Well if you did (and even if you didn't) - then I say you should! It was one of my favorites. I'd love to see more of it!
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  • From ANON - Alleycat on May 18, 2005
    I FUCKING LOVE THESE STORIES!!! You are a genius, woman!!! I love the lemons, the tiny bit of plot you put in, and usually each chapter has me laughing my ass off! But I have to ask, who are Bankotsu and Jakotsu? Are they original characters or from another show? Just wondering. Please update soon, and thank your Hentia muse for me! ^_~
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  • From ANON - BC1 on May 15, 2005
    I love it! And I can't wait for the Ginta/Kagome/Hakkaku/Kouga one.

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  • From ANON - Coffee Gyrl on May 15, 2005
    Ahh very nice kinky hot lemon their and I love the ending it was most humorous.
    Oh another thing about Kuwabara is that he loves cats.
    In one episode he was told to steal some comics to ransom his kitten
    that had been kidnapped but instead of stealing had bought them instead.
    He corrected Yuske when he called his kitten a 'he' as it was a 'she'.
    Can't wait until the next chapter man you're really cranking them out:)
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  • From Blackraven85 on May 15, 2005
    Hey! Can you do a Hiei/Kagome/Naraku!! I Love their red eye^_^*!!!!! And they sound really HOT when their wearing black!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - Semme on May 15, 2005
    te he... nice nice.. Likey likey with the barbie of hell! Yeah! Update soon.. now I have to read your new story
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  • From ANON - Hillary on May 15, 2005
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  • From ANON - Beccapatty on May 15, 2005
    Forgot to give my other requests..

    Sess/Kag/Inu/Kouga... I requested it before but idk if u saw it or not.. ,,, Like Kagome could go in heat and it attracts all three demons to her side.. and the smell could cause Inuyasha to go into full demon form.. cept he doesnt try to kill anything? idk..

    Kag/Sess/Inu .. *Kagome can get turned into an Inu full demon and It can attract Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.. and Sess since hes in heat can get really affected by her and turns into his less controlled demon form(not really normal, but not when hes a giant white dog.. Like when he has those Freaky red eyes and hes more agressive like..) When hes in heat hes extremelly protective of his new chosen mate.. and won't let anyone near her.. cept Inuyasha cuz he smells like an Inu as well.. soo then with all the complications they both agree to mate Kagome and eachother.. and when Inu is mated by the 2 full demons and marked.. he gets turned into one .. Not his crazy one but an actual full one like sesshomaru.. ? idk just an idea.
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  • From ANON - beccapatty on May 15, 2005
    Niceness.. pretty good..! :) hehe Poor Inuyasha was in shock and denial! lol
    Hmmm.. Can I make sum suggestions for the next pairings? hehe

    Kagome/Demon Inuyasha/Sesshy

    Kagome/Demon Inuyasha

    Kagome/Inuyasha/Sesshy in heat or demon form or sumthin..

    I hope ya can get to those.. lol I love Kagome/Sess/Inu pairings.. I read ur one.. and It gave me these ideas.. Thankss!
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  • From ANON - Kidwellie on May 15, 2005
    I LOVE this collection! (Hell, I love ALL of your work lol) Umm could you maybe throw in a few DBZ characters as well? (another fav. of mine) ;) I look foreward to your updates!
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  • From ANON - Katzztar on May 15, 2005
    Thank you for considering Kuwabara.I'll go ahead and tell you some of him.
    First off, the english version of the show really does him no justice. I prefer to watch the DVD's in the original Japanese with subbed words at the bottom. The English...brrr from the horrible voice actor to the way the others treat him.... gah lwts just hsay I REALLY don't like the EV show.

    95% of my info comes from the japanese version or the manga itself.

    Kuwabra is the comedy relief but he's not stupid. At 14 (begining of show) Kazuma Kuwabara was a street thug and didn't care about school and didn't try, so he got a 7% on ascience test. The science teach Mr.Akashi was hateful and made Kuwabara and his 3 friends,fellow street gang members, swear not to fight for two weeks or one them Okubo, would loose his job. Since in Jaapan, students have to have the schools permission to work the teach COULD do that. Only Okubo was supporting his mom and siblings. SO being a true friend Kuwabra kept to his word and refused to fight for that time, even when other gangs attacked him. A second demand from Akashi was that they had to get at least 50% on the next test. Being a man of his word, Kuwabra studied for those two weeks at the same time the gangs ambushed him. At the end of the 2 weeks, Kuwabara had raised that 7% to a 53% on the test.

    That is why I said he's not stupid. Kazuma Kuwabra also finnifhed jr high, went to high school then to college.

    Kuwabra is a man of honor. He stands by his freinds and whats right, but if a friend did something wrong, he would take notice of it.He has never fought against a woman and refuses to harm one since he respects the female gender.
    Thaose qualities helped switch around how girls treated him in school in later years. Although they never have any classmates call him ugly in jr high Yusuke and Hiei certinaly did. But in the first year in high school, Kuwabra correctly predicted an earthwake, since then he's been quite popular.

    In the lst episde, Kurama visits Kuwabara it'sabotu the time that Kuwabra & Keiko are preparing to go to college, they've finnifhed high school. While at atrain stop, two girls approach Kuwabara & Kurama,. They act quite familar wtih Kuwabara, calling him Kazuma-kun.They mistake kurama for his girlfriend (hehe ) after they leave Kurama mentions that he noticed that Kuwabara is 'quite popular'. Therefor at the end of the series (kuwa's 17), he's well liked by the girl population.
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