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Reviews for It All Adds Up

By : michelle5137
  • From ANON - Gem on May 18, 2005
    We'll be here ready and waiting for you!
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  • From ryukotsusei on May 17, 2005
    Glad to see you are still around, that writes block is a bitch to deal with. Can't wait to see the new chapter, give Kuronue a hug for me please!
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  • From ANON - stefni on May 10, 2005
    Wow! This is incredible. The relationships and Kagome's goodbyes were very believable. It was very sad but knowing that she would see Sess again in the future gave her something to look forward to. Does Kagome still have the Shikon no Tama? You never mentioned if someone made a wish. I can't believe that Enma actually thought he could get away with taking the nephew of the King of Makai and there would be no repercussions. Kagome is just the person to show him how wrong he was.
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  • From ANON - Michelle *the hentai* on April 30, 2005
    OMG I can't wait for the next chapy to come out...I so can't wait to see what happens..and I am so glad shessy came to see her.

    *dances to another fantastic fic well on it's way*

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  • From ANON - anonimous on April 26, 2005
    I realy like your story so far. so please update soon?
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  • From ANON - kiara703 on April 20, 2005
    hey, can't read what happens next. soooooooooo................when's the next update !!!!!!!!!!!! >) :) :) :) :) :) :O
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  • From ANON - ^Buyo-Chan^ on April 07, 2005
    Howdy! I must say that I absolutely LOVE your fics, though my current fixation is "It All Adds Up." As the pathetic soul I am I find my self anxiously awaiting an update, and I check daily. I have no life, LOL! However you are currently my favorite author, seeing as most I find...write poorly or their plot is not well thought out.
    Your dedication to your work shines through even in filler chapter. Your characterizations, sentence fluency and plain old writing style is well developed and I quite enjoy it! I also have found myself addicted to Kagome/Kurama/Youko type pairings, they are just SO CUTE aren't thay?! I honestly cannot really enjoy anything else now. Pity there are so few fics. Which is another reason I Love YOurs!;)
    I must say I am anxiuos to also see Kagome get reaquainted with Shippo. I am also curious to see if you decide to have any of the old shard hunting group such as Shippo and Sess are at all familiar with Youko or if he as Kurama will be a new aquaintence. You would think also that the demons would be first to catch on to Kag and Kurama's little affair. Shippo can be evil, well mischeivious as any kitsune as seen in the second movie. Though either dynamic is fun.
    I myself have a plot bunny living in my head (and not paying rent!) that will not leave me alone. I am a pathetic writer though so I doubt I could ever do it justice. Any advice on getting the fuzz ball to stop messing with me other than writing it out? (whimper whimper)
    Well I have yacked your ear...eyes techniqually(is that spelled right? I don't think so...) off enogh I will leave you alone. Look forward to the next chapter!:)
    Yours Truly, Buyo-Chan
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  • From ANON - Audrey on April 05, 2005
    Hey - I've just read this story and I think its got a great start. I love how you've written Sess in this story - not as a lover. I am really devastated for poor Inuyasha! Can't wait to see what happens - but at least we know kagome's going to kick some major ass! I've always thought of her as a kick ass girl!
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  • From ANON - Chibes on March 25, 2005
    I am a fanfiction writer and I really think your story is cute. so what is she going to do when she meets the spirit detectives? Will she succeed in finding Shiori? Please update.
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  • From ANON - Kin-chan Pandun on March 24, 2005
    Wow! Inuyasha and Shiori! This is great! I love you just for this! This is the first I've read or heard of this pairing, and 'it all adds up!' (Laughs at own pun.) I love how you have the plot set up, and I thoroughly expect you to continue the story and update it soon. How will Kagome go about her revenge? How will she rescue Kyoki? Will she kill Enma or Koenma? Will Kurama koin forces with her or be completely clueless? Will the Spirit Detectives switch sides? How does Sesshoumaru being king of the Makai fit in with the supposedly "three kings, Yusuke is a decendant of one of them" plotline? Are we going to be ingoring that, or will you make it all fit? I'd be happy to ignore it for THIS plotline. You ROCK! I still can't get over the Inuyaha/Shiori pairing! You are an absolute GENIUS! Please remember to go in-depth when writing, and to draw the plot out so that you don't rush and that everyone can thoroughly enjoy the Reikai bashing, revenge, and general plotiness as well as all the smut you can logically fit in. Smut is good, but I must say, I think I'll be reading this for the PLOT of all things, it's written that well! PLEASE continue and update soon!

    Kin-chan Pandun

    PS- Inu and Shiori! W007! YAAY! YAAY!
    PPS- HAH! Kagome thinks Rin is dead! Lol. I can tell she isn't, you tease, you! Ah, That's so Fuuuunny! (Rolls around giggling) Dead! HAH!
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  • From ANON - Ookami K. on March 17, 2005
    Oh wow, I loved the chapters. I can't wait for Kagome to kick some butt. Hopefully she'll bring Inu boy around ( make his mind come back in other words.) I can't wait to read the next one you come up with..... Gotta have some kick ass to it..... I want more.... By the way it's Koon-loun... And yes, that is her real name. I can't wait please hurry I'm dying over here. Ha I can't wait until Shiori gets a load of Kagome. She'll be surprised... Anyways update soon.... Peace.
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  • From ANON - CybrEmly01 on March 17, 2005
    Don't feel like a dummy, I keep track of stories by name. I never pay
    attention to their number.

    Waiting as patiently as possible,
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  • From ANON - Ox King on March 17, 2005
    Holy crap Bat Man!!!!!! That was the best ending to a chapter EVER! Kagome got pissed. I love it. I want more of it. Is Sess going to train with her to bring up her Miko powers? Any S.D. butt kicking? You got to have that. Sprit World ass kicking is needed. New chapter soooooon. I'm going nuts here. Don't ever quit on this story, or I'll hunt you down, :-P
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  • From ANON - Kams, a.k.a. Kylie on March 16, 2005
    I love this story! please write more soon!
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  • From ANON - Nightkitsune16 on March 16, 2005
    This is a very cool and I mean cool story. Update soon. I'm so caught in the story and cant wait for more chapters. DO NOT GIVE THIS STORY I think I know who shiori is in present time but I could be wrong. I remember shiori is the name of kuramas mother so I am gussing she was also Inuyashas mate and if Im right then I cant wait to see you pull this off and if Im wrong I still cant wait to see who she realy is. Its been awile sence I read a good story as this. UPDATE REALY SOON. cant stress that enough. LOL
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