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Reviews for It All Adds Up

By : michelle5137
  • From ANON - Anon on March 16, 2005
    I absolutly love the story so far. I cant wait untill you update so update soon. Also shiori is the name of kuramas mother in the yyh series soooooo is Inuyashas mate, shiori the same as kuramas mother? lol
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  • From ANON - DarkChimera on March 16, 2005
    I'm quite mad at right now. After I read chapter four I tried to review and let you know how much I enjoyed the chapter. But, as soon as I clicked on the review button, my internet died. Well, I guess it wasn't my internet, but died.

    So anyways, about this chapter. It was a great chapter. I love Fluffy. But, there wasn't any Kurama, so that made me a little bit sad. So, Please update soon!
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  • From ryukotsusei on March 16, 2005
    Hmmm very, very interesting. Kurama's mother's name is Shiori. Coincidence? Hmm I dunno. I love what you have done with this chapter. It plays right into the one shot this is based off of with Kurama and Kagome keeping their relationship a secret. Could make for interesting times later in the story, especially if they decide that they are going to have children. I can see the Reikai going after them and their children. I can also see Kurama, Kagome, and the others cleaning house in the spirit world as well if something like that were to happen. Throw in Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha (assuming he regains his sanity) and I think there would be much violence wrought. I like the idea of Kagome sharing the dreams. Hmmm, perhaps he could be having part of the dreams while she is awake which draws her into a trance like state where she experiences whats happening? Hehehe talk about tasty daydreams. However you chose to work it though will be great, I'm positively drooling in anticipation of their first meeting. I'm revising my stories now. I figure I can add some things in while I try to get my creativity back. That and I'm going to start combining chapters. One way or another Commitments will stay under fifty chapters! Even if I have to cheat to do it lol

    Hmmm Youko is shameless. From the ceiling you say? I'm not sure which is worse, the ceiling or his peeking up from the foot of the bed. Kuronosuke brought up the idea of just setting him up in the recliner in the room so he wouldn't have to sneak around. The hentai flat out stated that he enjoyed watching us and was prepared to use any means necessary to get the footage he wants O.O Ah well, we gotta love him. Youko will be Youko after all. Until next time, Keep up the good work!
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  • From ANON - Neo-Crystal on March 15, 2005
    It in the address bar. The number is up there. ^
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  • From ryukotsusei on March 15, 2005
    I love the way you introduced Kurama, makes me wonder if perhaps Kagome is having or will end up having the same dreams. I'm sure that it will turn out exactly how you are hoping. Dessert was quite enjoyable, so much so that it's becme an anywhere/anytime event instead of after dinner. Kuronosuke sends his love to both you and his brother. Oh, and just to ket you know Youko has been quite the hentai lately, we caught him watching the other day. With a video camera no less! So don't be surprised if he ends up pulling a stunt like that over there. He refused to turn the tape over and Kuronosuke wasn't really concerned about it anyway, said it's most likely for his private collection. *Grumbles it better not end up on ebay*. I'm trying to work on my own fics but I'm in a major slump, especially since someone pretty much accused me of stealing a conversation because of a term I used. Now I'm second guessing everything I try and put down on paper and it's annoying the hell out of me. *le sigh* Maybe I need to start something new, maybe a PWP one shot would do me good. Have to think about that one and see what I come up with. Anyhow, this was another great chapter, can't wait to read the next ones. And in answer to your question the number to the story is located in the address bar of your web browser when you view a story. Until next time :-)
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  • From ANON - Celestial Fox on March 15, 2005
    It's good. It's soo fucking good! I am so proud of you. Doing that story neatly and leaving nothing to be questioned. God, I love you and your damn stories and you better update soon, or else...XD JK
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  • From ANON - CybrEmly01 on March 15, 2005
    The number is at the end of the URL when you're actually on the story page. For example,
    the URL for this story is And it is
    number 544178595
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  • From ANON - kisda on March 15, 2005
    **puts bat away** hehe ok well i love the new story also if i find out how to put the favs on this bloody thing tell me!! please **puppy dog eyes**
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  • From ANON - Tori~Chan on March 15, 2005
    i love this story lol you have done such a good job with this so how long before she meets the spirit dectiv. that should prove intersting and so forth. well pleaase update because this seems like suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccch a good story so hopefully i'll see it soon
    good luck !!!
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  • From ANON - Neo-Crystal on March 14, 2005
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  • From ANON - KitKat on March 14, 2005
    Hya~_^ I Love this story and I really hope you update soon.

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  • From ANON - Ren-chan on March 14, 2005
    Squeeeeeeee!!! I love the ending! I wanna Hug Sesshomaru too! Please keep updating this story I absolutely love it! You know if you have a problem deciding who to pair Kagome up with you could always do a threesome.
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  • From ANON - kiara703 on March 14, 2005
    Really love this story so far. and can't wait to find out what happens next.
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  • From ANON - DarkChimera on March 10, 2005
    Kurama in the next chapter would make me very happy. I'm also curious to see when Sesshomaru will make another appearance too! Update soon!
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  • From ryukotsusei on March 10, 2005
    I support you because you are an awesome author, and yes, Kuronosuke was a help too lol I totally agree with you on the sit issue. It seems to be overused way too often. Guess that's why I could probably count on one hand the number of times Inu has been sat in all of my stories combined lol. I love how perverted Youko is as well as being cut-throat when needed. I'm sure you will pull off an intensely perverted Youko extremely well ;-) I enjoyed this chapter quite a bit. I can imagine the reunion waiting for her on the other side of the well now. Kuronosuke is doing quite well, he surprised me with a romantic dinner tonight. You can probably imagine what dessert ended up being though lol Until next time, we look forward to reading the next chapter! *is dragged away from the computer by Kuronosuke and pinned to the bed* mwahaha Bye!!
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