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Reviews for Haunted

By : medli
  • From InuyashaKagome on July 17, 2007
    this was a great story hope you add more to this story
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  • From Redknight on June 07, 2005
    I love this story, best one I've read so far keep it up...
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  • From fallenangel7583 on March 23, 2005
    intresting story. i'm throughly confused but a good story never the less. so...inuyahsa is losing tetsusaiga and turning demon randomly? what happened after Kaggo purified the jewel? hmm...very intresting. i hope you continue with it! great story.
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  • From ANON - sexililkagome on March 06, 2005
    O.O!!!!!!!! OMFG!! *cries* im a lil confused in the 1st chapter didn't InuYasha kill Miroku and Sango? i guess im gonna have to read it again but ur a awsome writer has a good description and details ^_^ keep it ^!
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  • From ANON - sky on March 04, 2005
    Hopefully thats not the end. If not plz update n hurry.
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  • From ANON - sexililkagome on March 04, 2005
    wow ur so talented *cries* that was so sad....*runs away sobbing*
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