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Reviews for Just Natural

By : YummyVixen
  • From ANON - Satan\'s Widdle Hellper on March 29, 2005
    More! I luff this fic! And, I've always agreed that Fluffy needs a pussy, not a bitch as his mate. xD
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  • From ANON - Shinna on March 24, 2005
    Not to many Sess/Kirara fics. I like what I've read so far.
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  • From ANON - Cassie on March 24, 2005
    A really good story..... Who would have known Kiara's human form and with Sesshomaru... They would make a cute couple,after all they both are full demons..Keep up the good work and can't wait to read chapter 2... Really good and cute story and keep the lemons coming.

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  • From ANON - deep serenity on March 24, 2005
    OHHHH please do another, this could be a short but real fic!, thank you for being creative and doing something different! it was very good writing also. GOOD JOB
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  • From on March 24, 2005
    aww thot u was continuin DO NOT GIVE UP PLZ
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  • From ANON - Church on March 24, 2005
    oh jesus i love dis man gj keep it goin
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  • From Atropa on March 24, 2005
    This looks interesting. I have been looking for Kirara/someone-fics for a while now...
    Rare gems they are... Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - Anon on March 23, 2005
    what??!! no! you can't leave this as a one shot! :( pweeease... more chappys are love...
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  • From ANON - kikiz on March 23, 2005
    i like it ! please continue its cool
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