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Reviews for It all started with a nameless beauty

By : no1inparticular
  • From ANON - Tamamiko on May 21, 2005
    GRRRR!!! :3
    Why must you tourture us so??? Your story is so good and you just drop it..... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok. ^_^()
    Please write more soon.

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  • From ANON - Cindy on May 21, 2005
    Well that caught me off guard. I didn't expect all three of them to show up at once.. lol I like the fact that Kagome got a punch on Sesshoumaru. woo hoo! GO KAGOME!! Uh oh now Youko and Sess have a hold of Kagome...I can't wait to find out with happens. UPDATE SOON!!!!
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  • From ANON - kiara703 on May 19, 2005
    hey there, i do like your story so far. is kagome gonna meet up with future kurama and the yu yu gang. i think it would be funny to see what happens between them in the future and in the past.....
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  • From ANON - Cindy on May 19, 2005
    I'm liking it so far. I like the fact that Kagome kicks some serious butt!!! She is my favorite character. I think she should stay a inu-hanyou, just have to cover her ears when she is in the furture, then meet up with Kruama. I'm not sure if she should meet up with the gang because of a mission or just bump into eachother, either way I think i'm just getting excited for when they do meet. Can't wait for an update!!!!
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  • From ANON - Tamamiko on May 17, 2005
    Please don't stop here, it's just getting good. :3
    I haven't seen/read YYH yet, but my curiosity has been itched as of late, and you only further the itch with your intriguing story.
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  • From ANON - Maku on April 21, 2005
    your story is great i'm kinda leaning towards both kurama and youko but whatever you pick will be great i'm sure. ^^
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  • From ANON - puff on April 20, 2005
    Please make it a youko/kagome fic pretty please with a cherry on top .



    from your number one fan puff
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  • From ANON - Vyncent on April 20, 2005
    Oh Please, please! This story just would not be quite the same without a lemon. Ya just gotta do a lemon......
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  • From ANON - sweetsakurablossoms on April 20, 2005
    Very well done. The personality touches of Youko are flawless, and Kagome's spitfire is definitely perfect. All in all you have provided an excellent story to enchant the mind!
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  • From ANON - Diane on April 20, 2005
    Well I like it but I did notice you made a common mistake; hanyou = dog ears on top of the head so no going up the neck to the earlobe [which she wouldn't exactly have anyway]. To get to her ears he'd have to go up till he had her face against his chest.
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  • From ANON - amuro on April 17, 2005
    Hey, Just wanted to say this is a great fic. I can't wait untill you update it again. It's one of the best fanfics I've read lately. Keep it up!!
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  • From ANON - Kuramasbluegurl on April 15, 2005
    Dude, great storyline you got here. only thing i have to say is just make your chapters longer LOL ~_^
    cause i start reading and I get lost in the chapter and then it's all over ;(
    other then that it's awesome
    thanks for the great read
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  • From ANON - Lizzie on April 12, 2005
    I gotta say I like it. Im not a good rewiewer, I just wanted to let you know I like it.
    Sincerely Lizzie
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  • From ANON - Kagomereborn-Nsi on April 11, 2005
    Damn good...keep it up..please email me if you can when you update..arigato
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  • From ANON - Cindy on April 11, 2005
    I am really enjoying this story, I love how Kagome's character is strong. I can't wait for more. so PLEASE update soon!!!!
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