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Reviews for It all started with a nameless beauty

By : no1inparticular
  • From ANON - blackfoxyoukai on April 10, 2005
    I just love the way your fic is coming along. It's very in chacter. But i do have a question will you make Kagome able to transform in to a full demon or will she stay a half demon. It's okay if you don't answer if it messes you the story but I am just dieing to know...
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  • From ANON - Gem on April 09, 2005
    It's good so far so please keep going. As for grammar and spelling, I did not notice any glaring errors, mind you spelling is not my strong suit. The story flows well so you would not notice any small slip ups. If you are concered try proofing it on this site, I find it very helpful, and it is free.
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  • From ANON - person on April 08, 2005
    this sucks
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  • From ANON - Ralina on April 08, 2005
    Great story so far. It has wonderful potential. Keep it up, I'd love to read more of it!

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  • From ANON - Shadow Walker Girl on April 08, 2005
    I love this story. Watch out for the mistakes, tho.
    Keep up the good work and try to make the love
    relationships real. Let them evolve slowly. Reeeally
    slowly...-_-; Update as soon as you can!
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  • From ANON - KogasAngel on April 08, 2005
    I think that it is wonderful. You have a good story here and I hope that you continue it. I am totally enjoying the story.
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  • From ANON - kaiya yang on April 08, 2005
    ooooohhhhhh my ggggoooossshhhhh that was awesome i cannot wait till you update man ive got to know who disturbed youko's mind. its so exciting cant wait till they get to the lemons anyway see you next time

    ja ne
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  • From ANON - vashta on April 08, 2005
    I like this fic, it is different. I have been getting bored lately it seems all IY fics are starting to mimic each other. Not on purpose I know, but there is only so much that can be done. I hope he has to work for her, don't just let her fall into bed with him, you have a good start, don't rush it.
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  • From ANON - Ookami K. on April 08, 2005
    Hey! No1inparticular it's about time.... Oh you don't know how long I have actually waited for you to post this story.... I loved it on fanfiction or was it mediaminor anyways i hope you finish the story.... You can't leave a cliffy like that and not update.... I need more, I want more...... So send more.... Come on I'm waiting! Poor Kagome what is she to do?
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