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Reviews for Something Real

By : Angelica
  • From ANON - george on August 14, 2005
    What can I say that properly hasn’t been said many times above.
    That this story was absolutely brilliant ,the plot the detail, the interaction between Inuyasha and Kagome. I have only just introduced my self into the Fandom world of Inuyasha and it was so refreshing read a story like this on I was also sorry to here that someone had the nurve to plagiarise your work but then happy to see that it had been removed to bpdie should get credite for your work except you.
    I hope that you do write a sequel to this or even another Inuyasha story, as there is no other story I have read like it .

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  • From ANON - george on August 14, 2005
    dam u i just finished this story an unable to do a prober reveiw,u just wait till i get back from work .
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  • From ANON - Fyrloche on August 05, 2005
    Very interesting. I enjoyed this fic a great deal and I enjoyed the editorial, as well. You did a very good job of defending yourself. You are absolutely correct in your assertion that the Japanese have a much different outlook on sex than Americans. Some people would call us repressed. Personally, I think that the bonderies that we have in place are fine, with the exception that parents should do more to teach their children about sex instead of their peers. Anyway, back to the story review. It was well written and I think that it was not very out of character at all. Inuyasha has a very lonely soul inside of him. Kagome has a very compassionate one, though she can get a little ridiculous with the subdueing command. Inuyasha has a lot of pain to deal with and Kagome would be more than willing to try and ease that pain if the stubbourn hanyou would let her. Inuyasha also has a lot of pride. I see that getting in the way more than anything else. He fears that people will think that he is weak if he lets his emotions show, and what man wants to appear weak in front of a potential love interest. Anyway, keep up the good work and let me know when you write anything else. I look forward to your next effort. Just remember that what we the reader says really doesn't matter. Write for the love of writing and just enjoy the fringe benifits of an adoring public. :) Until the next time, Larry Nash AKA Fyrloche
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  • From ANON - Kirah on August 04, 2005
    Stupid plagarists, not even creative enough to write their own fanfics. Great story, by the way. I understand your excuse for the OOCness, but still believe that, givin the characters personalities, Kagome's modesty would have won out, and Inuyasha would have been more likely to tear apart half the forest than talk to the walls. But it makes for some nice results.
    Please post another story (or update this one, but I got the impression that it was a one-shot- it may have even said it in the summary, I can't remember.). You're a very good writer, and actually have a brain and a knowledge of English grammar (sadly rare traits on this site). So if you write again, you'll probably be hearing from me. Cya!
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  • From ANON - butterfly216 on August 01, 2005
    I SOooooo have to bow to you for that awesome shutdown in your 'vital editorial' section. your story rocked...they cant help themselves;) You're my new idol. peace out.
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  • From ANON - prettybatty07 on July 22, 2005
    ....oh- i forgot -- i laughed out loud and fell out of my chair at the line, "And when it comes down to it, who wouldn’t want to fuck Inuyasha?" god knows i sure wouldn't pass up a chance .... ^_~
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  • From ANON - prettybatty07 on July 22, 2005
    YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO WRITE MORE!!!!! no. seriously. i know that the other 90-something people above me have said the same thing but this is by far one of my favorite fics on this site. a lot of these fics are just a romp in the hay...not that that's a bad thing... but all-too-often they can be badly written. you, my friend, are de-freakin-lightful. seriously. i dont think i can say how much i love your story. i wont pressure you for a sequal PER SE, but i will ONLY be appeased if you write more yummi-yummi interludes. keep up the good work!!!!!! ^________^
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  • From Angelica on July 20, 2005
    Since 'Bill the Surly' has not elaborated on his reasoning behind his review, I have removed it. I will be happy to repost it should he contact me via e-mail with further details. Really people, I don't mind if you tell me you hated the fic - just tell me WHY and what led you to your conclusions.
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  • From ANON - Steffiekins on July 19, 2005
    Well, I figured I should actually review this and read it ALL the way through in one sitting (which wasn't easy cause I got inspiration for my own story which I'll show you tomorrow). So, as always, I find your story well done and it brings up a couple of points that do need to be hashed out before Kagome is ready to do what she wants to do. I expect you'll cover that in the sequel, well hell, I know you will. But anyway.

    As for the moron listed above? Pity sex is only good for some people, and I wouldn't call it pity per say, not sure how I'd classify this type of sex, but its not FULL pity, I believe...we'll hash this out later, ne?

    Laterness. (as always, all spelling errors are to be ignored)
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  • From ANON - CommanderX1125 on July 18, 2005
    I have spent a lot of time thinking about your writing. A lot of time, in fact about a days worth of meditation was required for this. PLease, please, please, please give me some pointers, tips, clues, anything to help me write like that. It was amazing to say the least, in fact that's the least I could say. You did a perfect job of showing Kagome's feelings, fears, and need to please others. I'm tempted to believe that you do in fact own Inuyasha. I would gladly follow you to hell and back for a continuation of this, and no, I don't just mean the lemon, I'm more interested in the effects the experience has on Inuyasha emotionally, and mentally. It is obvious from your skill that you have been writing for a very long time, and are a very commited fan of Inuyasha. This alone would of got you 20 stars if I had them to give (sadly I don't...) but then you took it all a step further with Inuyasha, his past experiences and all of it. You showed how people treated him, and how no matter what he did, he would always be a half-breed to the people. Because of that you were able to paint perfectly the mind of the worlds favorite hanyou.

    Now for your technical work. You went the extra mile when most of us, myself is included (you have no idea how much this applies to me. This is why people think engineers are so inhuman), just give a straight story that is said and done. To say you are gifted wiith the written language is an insult. You got the facts about the character, many of which most people probably don't know unless they read the manga and watch the series religiously (like myself, and obviously you). Then you get facts about people in general. You are 100% accurate on peoples emotions as virgins. (Yes I admit I am one of them, so I can say that part is most accurate.). Then you get down to human anatomy and your there again with facts, which are perfect which I'll testify to and win, since I am a male, and to say there is a ton of tension is like saying the ocean is a small pond. I don't know if I can say much more other than you have really inspired me to write, which is saying a lot since I'm studying a science that is thought to turn out souless people. Thank you again for this piece of writing.

    And now for the flame you did to the idiots out there! It brought tears to my eyes. It was beautiful, just beautiful. I can't but it into words. Once again thank you for your work.
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  • From ANON - Cougiecat on July 17, 2005
    Beautiful piece. Even without the citrus. Kagome isn't often confronted with Inuyasha's rejection from society. The image of a sexually knowledgable Kagome is a little.. disturbing, but not unbelievable. Especially if she's been with Inu a while and has had some motivation :) I'm sure she would have acted much differently if SHE had been the one to catch him (maybe with some oswaris and henti comments), but with the vilagers and his rejection, I can see her wanting to do anything in her power to comfort him and make him feel accepted. 'Course if I wasn't in the limy mood I would say the kissing and the conversation woulda been enough for that.. but erm yeah. no complaints. *drools over exceptional lime* no complaints at all.
    Glad they didn't have sex though. Kagome was right in thinking that *that* at least needs conversation and full knowlede of the others feelings. I'm also glad that you mentioned Kik, but did not make her in any way the focus of this piece. The piece was not about Kagome's feelings for Inu, but her desire to let him know that he was loved and accepted- at least by her.

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  • From ANON - deshwitat on July 16, 2005
    Please continue this fic. Not only was it incredibly erotic but it was a terrific character study of both of them. I have read it several time and I am in awe of you. Thanks for the wonderful work. Toni
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  • From ANON - Kori on July 14, 2005
    WOW, I can't beleive that people would actualy plagiarize you 8 days after posting! Thats just horrible, and readers should know not to do that, it's not only illegal but it's moraly wrong, and people who do it should be kicked off of the fan fiction sites. I was so happy when I found your story and it turned out to be great, it's so terribly hard to find good storys on this site that is so geared for 'adult' topics that most authors forget the importance of plot and originality. Reading 'Something Real' was a refreshing break from the outrageous sex scenes and endless similaritys. I can't wait until your next post and I hope that the dissapointing readers don't discourage you.

    -Kori ^,~*
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  • From ANON - Rainy on July 13, 2005
    that was a great story! you have got to write the next part. please and thank you:) I would like it very much, and I think a lot of other people would too;) I mean its a great story you cant just stop now! I really want to see what more Miroku has to say about what Inuyasha said to Kagome in a sopost to be quite enough that the others couldn't hear tone, "it isnt like either of us got any real sleep last night!":) Plllllllleeeeeeeeease
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  • From ANON - {~Invisible_Reviewer~} on July 10, 2005
    That was beyond amazing. You are an extremely talented writer, and I admire this fiction. It was well written and had excellent detail. Good job, I can't wait to read more writings from you! I don't care how long it takes for you to update, because if it was as good as this piece, it's worth the wait.

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