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Reviews for Shrine Prostitute

By : FlameTwirler
  • From ANON - blinkedy on February 19, 2008
    Yay! Finally another chapter. Made my day. ^__^
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  • From Diamond on February 19, 2008
    OH FT, I am so sorry to hear about your medical situation, I hope you do not need surgery but if that is what helps you, I pray for your swift recovery. I do so enjoy this story, I was so happy to see the update and it was the best one so far, very much worth the wait. Please take care of yourself, that should be your first priority but come back to us when you can! You will be in my thoughts and good vibes are being sent to you!!!
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  • From szaugg on February 19, 2008
    First, I'm so sorry to hear about the physical difficulties going on in your life right now. I will be hoping for a swift and positive resolution that can let you get your life back so you can enjoy yourself once again.

    Second, I can't believe I missed all these updates, although it was wonderful to have this many chapters to read all at once. I really like the pace you are going at, building the entire story rather than skipping over the parts that make it a fuller experience. It makes me impatient, but I think that's the nature of a chapter by chapter story. and I wouldn't trade the little boar hanyou or Kagome's experiences for knowing what's going to happen faster. I am just enjoying the story quite a bit.
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  • From nmos on January 30, 2008
    what a long almost two months :(
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  • From ANON - mae villarreal on January 23, 2008
    I really love this story. I mean there are loads of meaning behind it all and it just wants me to keep Reading more and more! Please continue on wth this story!
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  • From ANON - anotherfaceinthecrowd on January 14, 2008
    QUITE SERIOUS REVIEW (kinda...well, not really)! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! haha.
    I really like your fic. I like the way it resembles the social injustices we are currently facing. I know I'm young, barely 17, but I know that in your story lies facts... facts that makes me want to use superhuman powers to rectify everything. Alas, I am only a kid *sigh*. Unfortunately, your fic reminded me of how ignorant and how little I can do to help stop prejudice...I'm not even sure if I'll ever be able to indent something worthwhile on the said problem. Is it too much for an aian girl to ask for equality? how 'bout world peace? World peace might be asking too much...heck, even beauty queens can't use their physical influence to stir change...what chances does a 16 year old girl whose head is filled with dreams has? whatever. I can still try, ne? Law school here I come! Very eye-opening fic you have here...two thumbs up!

    PS: please email me when you update... I really want to know how you plan on approaching the political aspects of your fic:D thanks a bunch!
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  • From ANON - FrameofMind on January 14, 2008
    I am in love with this story. I wrote out a detailed review, but I got so wrapped up in trying to work out the politics of the society in the story that it got ridiculously long (about three pages single-spaced, in Word...yeah...), so I decided to email it to you instead (*grin*). Anyway, the short version is that the romance makes me melt (yum...), the politics strike me as being in need of a little more detail and rational justification, and I can't wait to see Inuyasha and Kagome meet again...

    See my forthcoming email for further ramblings on these topics... (*grin*)
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  • From ANON - at_the_moment... on January 08, 2008
    Uh. Hey. I like your story. This is one of the better things I've read, alot of the others are PWP and they're really boring. So yeah...Can you send me an e-mail or something whenever you update? (I'm not a member on here. Don't know how to make an account on here.) Okay, thanks.
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  • From ANON - Sky on January 05, 2008
    The chapter in which Kagome was bandging Inuyasha wounds really was brillant. The meaning behind it really made me enjoy this story even more.

    I was a bit confused at the end of your story though.
    thanks for writing this!
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  • From DarkInuLord on December 22, 2007
    It was fantastic until the end of chapter six, but I was really crossing my fingers that it would be purely Inuyasha and Kagome, I just have a thing about that is all, I don't like when characters end up with more than one partner, in a fanfiction.

    It's nothing personal, it's just my taste, besides that, I think this fanfiction was wonderful, and very well written, though a few typos and grammatical errors, but it was bearable and fun to read, actually quite 'fun' if you catch my drift.
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  • From freelke on December 21, 2007
    please update again, I sound really desperate don't I ? :)
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  • From freelke on December 19, 2007
    I can't wait! I look forward to the next chapter so much, I check every day :)
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  • From Chibioneesan on December 10, 2007
    Whoo Hoo! Inuyasha and Kagome get reunited soon...I hope...>.> Looking forward to an angsty and hopefully slightly waffy/torrid lemon reubion
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  • From ANON - Happy Reader on December 09, 2007
    I'm really enjoying your story quite a bit. I think that it's getting better as it goes on. I hope I don't offend you when I say that your first couple of chapters were weaker than the ones after them. Thank you for sharing this story with us and congrats on your award.
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  • From weyrdkat on December 09, 2007
    Great new chapter! (Even if I am a bit late getting to it.) The inner workings are getting so much more intense and Kagome is less naive, and it's just coming together beautifully! Keep up the great work!

    Also, if you're adding an email list to keep up, please add mine to it. In case you can't get it off the aff link, it's Arigato!!
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