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Reviews for Shrine Prostitute

By : FlameTwirler
  • From mariana on October 10, 2007
    i like this story how many more chapters befor it is done
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  • From ANON - D.Saya on October 04, 2007
    I read the oneshot version of this ages ago, and I have to say, I love what you've done with it. It's one of the best stories I've read on here, the grammar is pretty much perfect, and the story is captivating. You also have a knack for driving your reader completely nuts. He walked out?! I would have killed him right then and there, if I were her. When someone bares their soul/heart like that, to have it shot down so completely is just cruel. I'm glad she didn't completely give up on him, though. *Whaps Inuyasha with a broom* Dummy. Anyways, I hope he goes back to her, or she finds some way to give him his rights, like he and all the other hanyou should have!

    Anyways, great story.

    Love, peace, and doughnuts-
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  • From yeiko87 on October 03, 2007
    I dont usually get too into Inu/Kag stories, much less stories where the characters are given entirely new backgrounds, but this story has really pulled me in. I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
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  • From LousMe on October 01, 2007
    I would like to take the time to thank you for your wonderfully written narrative. I cannot call it a 'story' or a 'fic' as it is for me, far too well written and the plot line is exactly that; a plotline. Initially I was intrigued by the idea that you put forward: Inuyasha in a modern setting, but still oppressed and poorly treated for being what and who he is with Kagome as one of his only sympathisers. Although the idea has been repeated in many, many different ways, your perspective on the Inuyasha/Kagome relationship is refreshingly unique. As you yourself, I tend to find OOC stories repetetive and I find that I get bored with them quickly. I am now an avid fan and I cannot long onto the 'Net without checking to see if you have updated this onderful piece of writing.

    I guess what I am trying to say is 'keep up the good work' and I hope that you are feeling much better so that we will not have to wait until your next installment!

    N.B. Would you be as kind as to add me to your mailing list? it'll save me a lot of heartache when I find that there is no update!

    Thank you for your hard work!
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  • From ANON - citrusbaby on October 01, 2007
    I love this story soo much! Such an original idea! I have no idea how you're going to manage to realistically pull it all together though. If it's a topic taboo to TWO societies, even with finding information, I doubt Kagome will be able to make a big difference. Maybe find a loophole for the lives of hanyous to be easier, but even then, I don't know how she'd be able to pass along the information (like how would she find each hanyou, or if she got published, how would she know that they'd get hold of the article?). I have faith in you though! I will be looking out for updates! Much love
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  • From SecretQuill on September 29, 2007
    love it!! love it!!!
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  • From ANON - nell on September 28, 2007
    oh my gosh! i just love your story it is so damn good. I cant get enough of it really. Which really sucks when your internet aint wor4king too well. But it is really good and the writting qualty is excellent i also love the fact that it has a really great plot.

    Please update soon I cant wait to see what happens next. I am like sitting on the edge of my chair right now. and hopefully i get to send another review!

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  • From nmos on September 28, 2007
    yay! this was such a good update. I'm sorry you were sick :( I hope it wasn't too serious.
    thank you for writing well again.
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  • From bluedragonkai on September 28, 2007
    -clears throat- Arlight, let me say this, for the past three days, I have sat here, ignore my Sesshomaru-sama (Who cosplays Sesshomaru all the time) and read your fic. Even at work. I love this fic way too much. You make the characters so in character, its like your writing from their point of veiw. Which in some way you are. its just fantastic. alas I would write more, but Sesshoamru is here
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  • From Kijo52 on September 27, 2007
    btw I would love it if you would add me to your update email list thingy!

    And once again PLEASE update. Onegai? With chocolate almond flavored pocky ontop?
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  • From Kijo52 on September 27, 2007
    First of all let me say "DAMN YOU!!!DAMN YOU!!!DAMN YOU!!!"

    DAMN YOU once for getting me so enthralled in this story that I can't seem to stop reading, leading me to stay up till 6:30 in the morning.

    DAMN YOU twice for ever THINKING of leaving this story as a oneshot...the injustice!!!

    and DAMN YOU thrice for the excruciatingly long wait between updates! My curiosity is currently beating me with a rather large stick! Oh the headache that will ensue from the many questions it is asking me...

    Now that thats out of my system...

    I am absolutely in love with this story, the angst the darkness the passion. I only found this story yesterday and already I'm so deeply hooked I feel like I should be sent to FFRA ( or Fan Fic Readers Anonymous if you want to get technical...)The detail in this story is so unlike any other fic that I've read before. The length of the chapters is so satisfying. If your not a novelist you should truly look into the option of becoming one. The grammar is perfect and the feel of it is captivating, unlike certain fics that make you feel as if the story has been sliced diced an mutilated. And where it truly breaks my heart to see our beloved dog eared friend who is normally so free spirited trapped in such a caged situation, I must say that it is the background of his suffering and circumstance that makes the healing process that much more enjoyable.

    You've taken the Inu yasha an Kagome romance so much farther than I've ever seen it. Bypassed all of the Naraku and Kikyo scenarios and just went and set the whole world against them. How naughty of you!

    I'm also very glad that you didn't rush into the whole "I love you" thing...with such a heart wrenching past, how could anyone learn to love so quickly? It only makes it so much more realistic and all the better for it. I'm grateful for you also not making Kikyo a villain. For anyone who has seen "The tragic Love song of Destiny" Its obvious that Kikyo is not a villain, just a woman forced into a life that she didn't really want, forced to take on responsibilities that no one should have to bare on their own. Shes not bad, just a tragic heroine cut down before her time. I'm not quite sure how I see you fitting Naraku into all this, if you plan to at all....but is it just my imagination or does Kagomes teacher share an uncanny character likeness to a certain hentai monk? I mean if Kagome was a priestess in the series, and wanted to be a doctor in real life, why not Miroku as well? I always pictured him as an "Out of the Box" Kind of guy. I could be wrong though...only time will tell.

    Please PLEASE update quickly, leaving me ( and the rest of your readers ~cough~ ....) with such an evil cliffhanger is just so inhumane! I understand that great writing takes time, and more than a little inspiration, but my curiosity must be sated!

    This is by FAR the LONGEST review I have EVER made, but I really feel this story deserves it! An if you felt that my initial comments were a bit flamey...well consider them a flame set under your bottom to motivate you!

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  • From ANON - Anon on September 26, 2007
    i love long chapters. there's just so much more opportunity for character development and plot advancement. it also helps the reader to be able to live in the story for awhile. a good story, i think, is one that the reader can live in and be comfortable doing so. you make everything come alive so well.
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  • From ANON - tajia on September 26, 2007
    This is a wonderful well written story once I started reading it I could not stop. I love the thought you have put into the main characters they have come to life inyour story. You are doing a fantastic job on this many thanks for sharing.
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  • From rowdygirl on September 26, 2007
    i am so sorry that this story is sucking the life out of you. i understand how that can be. when someone puts their heart and soul into a creative project, that kind of thing is bound to happen. and this is a lovely, hot, romance novel you're writing and you are writing it very well, hence the feelings of lifesucking.

    i must tell you, when i saw that you'd posted a new chapter i jumped up and started dancing around my computer {which went pretty well until i hit the wall}. And it is SUCH a GOOD chapter too: IY is off at the sex shrine pouting and whining [how like a man] and Kagome is out in the world fighting for her man. and damn, if you didn't make me start crying when he wouldn't come to the bloody phone!!!! what a jerky turkey! i just wanted to walk right over to the shrine and bitch-slap him for a minute until he grew some sense!

    one thing, while i often hesitate to point language things out due to English being different from country to country and region to region, you used the word ancy; if you were referring to someone acting nervous, like they had ants crawling on them, that word is spelled antsy and i'm pretty sure its American slang - straight from Brooklyn, NY. that's me, a mind full of useless trivia.

    take your time in writing [and i can't tell you how it hurts to say that], the majority of your readers understand that to turn out a story of such excellence as this cannot be done in an instant. it requires, in addition to a brilliantly inventive mind, a lot of thought, time, rewriting, working your favorite butt off, editing, working more of your favorite butt off, screaming at the walls, the cats, the neighbor's dog, thinking, swearing, oh yeah, and working your favorite butt off, to achieve work of this quality. Stay healthy.
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  • From ANON - WTW on September 26, 2007
    Bless your heart hun! I'm so very glad to see your feeling better but please do take care of yourself. Thank you for getting another chapter up. Take as much time as you need. ^^
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