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Reviews for Shrine Prostitute

By : FlameTwirler
  • From ANON - Necr0mantic on July 09, 2007
    {AN "Sorry, apparently I suck. I just checked the prologue and it seems I kept mixing up Ryu’s and Kazuma’s names."}

    DOH! Sorry, my bad! That's what I get for not reading the entirety before trying to be helpful, lol!

    *bows low* Gomen!

    I'm in love with this's become my new drug.
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  • From ANON - Necr0mantic on July 09, 2007
    D'oh! A bit of a name mixup where "Kazuma" should be "Ryu" in this segment, I believe:

    "What are you smiling for? he snapped.

    Kagome raised her eyebrow in protest. "Is there anything wrong with smiling Kazuma?" He started when she said his name; she guessed he wasn’t used to hearing it from the people who passed through here every day. They probably never bothered. Pity really, these two seemed highly entertaining to her.

    Kazuma rubbed the slightly bald spot on his head, making Kagome wonder if it was bald naturally or from his constant attention."

    The AU character of Kagome is endearing and makes puts me into one giant giggle fit. She's adorable and I can almost feel her discomfort. Very well written!
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  • From WTW on July 08, 2007
    I'm glad to see that you plan on finishing this fic. You've been working on it for so long and doing so very well. I can't wait to see what you have planned for our two love birds.
    Keep it up! Love what your doing and going with this story. Great job on details and all. I can't wait till another chapter.
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  • From ANON - Slim Kim on June 19, 2007
    Great story, hope that when you have some time to yourself you will be able to continue it. You are very skilled as a writer. Congratulations on thinking up such an interesting and unique topic. :) Cheers.
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  • From ANON - Ri100014 on June 10, 2007
    I finally had enough time to let my anxiety die down. I literally couldn't touch this piece immediatly afterwards, it was just too fresh, the poetry of Inuyasha, Kogame's time together that if I had read right after her next worship with another prostitute I think I would have had to punch something... and my walls already have been replastered too many times as it is. [accidents: stupidity; not anger problems] And after coming back I thank you, really appreciate how you worked the Kouga plot. Some might have been a little let down with the lack of smutt after so much from the previous chapters, but I was grateful for it. It just would have been a kicker. Keep up the great writing, this is one of the best fan produced amatuer publishings I've seen, period. For it to be here, is just a tribute to the talent that affiliates with this site.

    Till next time... adios.
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  • From ANON - la623 on May 23, 2007
    I just read this whole thing and I love it! Such a good story and the sex is hot! Damn! lol...I really really want to read more! Please update soon!
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  • From xchibiixdorkiee on April 30, 2007
    shiiiiiit . updateee[:
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  • From ANON - stormchaser29 on April 23, 2007
    amazing story! just read it and i love have to keep it going!! thanks for all your hard work.
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  • From kinoko on April 18, 2007
    I am addicted to this story, I ♥ it like a fat kid ♥ cake! The lemon freakin rocked and was out of the ordinary then most of the previous lemons, great way to spice things up! I also have taken note to your attention to the characterizations, it's great! Keep it up, ♥, kinoko
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  • From ANON - yashaslover21 on April 16, 2007
    I just wanted to tell you that I have been keeping up with this story and I love it. I have it bookmarked and check for your updates just about everyday. I just thought I would give some props. Keep on writing and make them fall in love all mushy and sappy like ;).
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  • From ANON - kary on April 16, 2007
    It's so rare to get plot and sexyness tied nicely together in a story, but you're pulling it off beautifully. I just want to add my little waving hand to the line of encouraging reviewers who are waiting on tenterhooks for teh next xhapter. And the next. And so on.
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  • From ANON - Lena on April 15, 2007
    im sobbing here, crgying my hart out. please update soon? i think i might die.
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  • From ANON - Nyouko (nsi) on April 14, 2007
    Another great chapter. I wonder when Kagome will realize that InuYasha called her koi. I wonder when InuYasha will realize that he said it to. Well just wanted to say that and Update Soon Please.
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  • From WTW on April 14, 2007
    How fun! I'm throughly enjoying this plot. I just really hope that there is a way that Inu and Kag can live in peace with the society you've created. Yay for such a cool story. I'm so very proud of you hun at how well you've managed to develope this. Its taken a long time but defientely worth the wait. Thanks!
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  • From ANON - Alma on April 14, 2007
    I love the new chapter, it gave Inuyasha a voice. And now we know the background in the story! Yay! Keep up with the story and get the next chappie going! Nice job!
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