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Reviews for Shrine Prostitute

By : FlameTwirler
  • From ANON - ecci on April 14, 2007
    I LOVE IT! KEEP GOING! the plot is fantastic, everything about is fantastic!! keep up the good work; ill be reading all the way through! ^_^
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  • From ANON - Ro0tin4Kagome on April 14, 2007
    I think someone is trying to stop me from reviewing this story. Im gettin so annoyed i tried 3 time already and they keep rejecting it. Mediaminer TOO!
    Ne ways....
    I luv ur story
    Especially how u write long chapters and make them worth the wait.
    So when will Kagome find out she's in love with inuyasha if she even falls in love that is?
    wel imma go and try again and cry if it dont work!
    Love ya

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  • From ANON - InuYoukai on April 14, 2007
    Chapter 9 -- Thanks for the update of this GREAT story. I know it is tough for you but I really like this story.
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  • From ANON - Kimiko on April 14, 2007
    man, i actually WANT this to be close to the second last chapter cuz i really wanna see wat happense. But, the plots getting more complicated and I'm liking it more! Hope you update soon!!!

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  • From inuyashaloverr on April 14, 2007
    Well, things seem to be getting interesting, not like they werent before, but still... lol. Wonder what Kagomes gonna do now, and can just inagine who was staring. Great chap to an excellent story. Update when ya can! ;)
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  • From InuGoddess715 on April 14, 2007
    Another good chapter. I REALLY hope that there is a solution to Inuyasha's problems. Talk about a HELLISH existence. And now that they both have a heavy crush on each other, it's becoming even harder for Kagome to see him hurt. It's not love yet, but man, are they on the edge. If what happens to him in the Shrine is not as bad as what could happen to him on the Kagome is still so naive; I just hope that her naivete doesn't make things even worse for him. Unfortunately, I'm sure they will get worse....
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  • From ANON - Nyouko (nsi) on April 13, 2007
    I have one thing before I say anything asle and that is about Kagome and Kouga, EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (I shoke a little while I was trying to read the last part about Kagome and Kouga. It just put bad images in my head that I really did not what to see.) Ok, now about the story, OhMyGod it is so good. You need to update. If you ever find someone that does not like this story please do tell me because I what to know if there is someone crazier than me. Thank you for writing this story.
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  • From NimbusPrime on April 09, 2007
    Very nicely done! Your characterization and attention to detail really enhance this story. A few typos here and there; the only major thing was that one mix-up of Ryu's ad Kazuma's names which made things sound a little confused. I wasn't expecting much in the way of plot from a fic entitled "Shrine Prostitute" but I was pleasently surprised. The political hanyou rights subplot was a particularly enjoyable and unexpected twist. I don't know that I've ever read anything quite like that in a lemon before. Overall, good work and I eagerly await your next chapter!
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  • From JLucPitard on April 02, 2007
    I really enjoyed reading the story thus far. There are a lot of nice touches and I like the strange "seperate but equal" society thing as well. World building is pretty high brow for pr0n, but your story is worth it!
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  • From ANON - KamakuraYumi on April 01, 2007
    I saw this before but I never read it. Now I wish I had. The idea of prostituition and pilgrimage/worship is something that tends to be glossed over or denied altogether. I quite like what you're doing with this but naturally it's the growing relationships between our two protangonists that is keeping my interest. I look forward to your next update.
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  • From Youkai06 on March 31, 2007
    Chapter 8 - Thanks for the update. I know that you don't like this story but it is coming along great! Please finish it.
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  • From ANON - Sand_storm_10.5 on March 30, 2007
    Great story and I'm glad to see it's not over yet! Whats a tetsudai? If you already mention this, gomen...but I have short-term-memory when it comes to words I have not heard of before. :P
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  • From InuGoddess715 on March 29, 2007
    Another good chapter. I'm not surprised that Kagome asked Inuyasha his help; some women just aren't capable of sleeping around and being okay with it, even if it is the reason she's there. And she really does care about Inuyasha on a more personal level, otherwise, she wouldn't be looking for ways to free him in her spare time. I'm not sure that he feels quite as fond of her, but he does care about her on some level. But, Inuyasha's life has truly been hellish, so you can't blame him for being wary. I look forward to reading more soon.
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  • From ANON - Kat on March 26, 2007
    I'm simply amazed. The reason I don't review each of your chapters individually is because I soar through them all like a woman possessed. I just finished chapter 7 and I love what you've done. Simply put, the characters are 3 dimensional and yet they still possess those same personalities that we know and love. The plot is refreshingly unique while at the same time appearing seamless. The Inuyasha and Kagome love scenes were simply perfectly done. You're not just an author but some kind of miracle worker. Thank you; you are one of my favourite authors on this fanfiction website. :) Keep up the great work! We're all cheering on you. (while at the same time we are all secretly jealous of your wonderful writing skills.. I guess practice makes perfect, eh? ;)

    Don’t let your muse die, this tragedy could affect millions! (we are all desperate to read this story to the end!) :)

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  • From ANON - blondesingrchick on March 18, 2007
    UGH not again you are torturing us leaving chapters like this.......XD im gonna die if you keep doin this to me!!!!!!! ugh i love it sooooo much it was a great little thing to go into Kougas part in all of this. It was a real turning part. Well i obviously cant wait to see inuyasha come back again.......WHY MUST YOU BE SO CRUEL LIKE EPISODES ON TV? (you know those episodes that say "to be continued" and then you just want to punch the tv cause now you have to wait..well yeah thats kinda how im feeling right now) i love your stories sooooo much please continue and please finish it o and e-mail me when you are going to port the next chapter i would love that soooo much its such a dissapointment to go onto aff to find and new chapter not there yet XD hehehe ok yeah luv our stories!!!! *~*BLONDESiNGRCHiCK*~*
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