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Reviews for Shrine Prostitute

By : FlameTwirler
  • From ANON - Sekiaku on December 28, 2006
    AWE I LOVE HOW THIS STORY IS KINDA SORTA IN A WAY ALMOST COULD BE LIKE PRETTY know...with a guy. Still works though. :D I do love it though! keep it going! you've got me on the edge of my computer chair!
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  • From Rebeldedm on December 27, 2006
    That was the best fuckin story I have ever read!!!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!! DAMN that was awesome everything was tight!!!!! I LOVE IT ALL!!!!!
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  • From ANON - InuYoukai on December 27, 2006
    Chapter 6 -- That was a great, long chapter. They are getting closer to be together. Wonder what is next.
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  • From ANON - Anon on December 27, 2006
    Hrmmm... I'm not horribly ok with you fictionalizing an entire religion to make a fuck fic. If this was an AU set in Babylonia or Aztec society, then that would be fine, for it would be accurate and not suggesting such a controversial and nowadays, quite looked down upon practice is being practiced where it has never been. If you wanted to make a prostitution fic, there are plenty of exotic practices and possibilities in Japan for such a thing.

    If you had done this in a fic where you wrote there were religious prostitutes in a Christian church, the flames would burn a whole through your monitor.
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  • From ANON - raye on December 27, 2006
    I just wanted to say that I have been enjoying Shrine Prostitute a lot. The sixth chapter was very interesting - I really wonder how long it's going to be before Kazuma gets his comeuppance? I'd love to see Kagome and Ryu organise something where he ends up publicly humiliated.

    Talking of Ryu, I've been wracking my brains trying to figure out who he could be - I think he could be Myouga, but I really can't tell! I hope you reveal it eventually.

    Given the setup, I would like to know what exact hold the Shrine has on Inuyasha. Because if it's simply a voluntary room and board in return for servicing clients, technically there's no reason why he can't leave. And I would love to see Kagome bring home from the Shrine a silver-haired handyman with fluffy ears, who'd stay at Higurashi Shrine and do all the odd jobs and repairs around the place in return for room, board, a lock on his bedroom door and nobody calling the cops on him for breathing (or perhaps two, if Ryu follows him). It WOULD give him and Kagome more time together, and a reason for Souta's canon hero-worship to develop... but hey, your fic. I'm sure that I'll enjoy it, whatever happens!

    Please keep writing. I'm looking forward to the rest.
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  • From ANON - celest on December 27, 2006
    Keep going! Continue! I need more! What's gonna happen?! I NEED to know!!! I'll be waiting for the update. Continue!!!! Bye. Oh and if my pleas aren't enough... I LOOOOVVVEEE your story.
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  • From ANON - kagome1312 on December 26, 2006
    i liked it update soon
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  • From ANON - kagome1312 on December 26, 2006
    i liked it update soon
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  • From ANON - WTW on December 22, 2006
    Hun, what can I say. Your story is really a bright new idea and its refreashing. Please when you can in your busy days try to work a bit on this wonderful plot. Thank you for your creativity. Have a happy Christmas too.
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  • From ANON - InuGoddess715 on December 22, 2006
    Great story. I definitely want to be added to your mailing list for updates. And you're right about Inuyasha and Kagome not having the chance to fall in love yet. I guess just boning each other for a couple of hours a night for two weeks wouldn't be enough to develop a relationship, lol. Plus, Inuyasha's JOB is sex, so I think it would be safe to say that Kagome's kindness to him (compared to the sheer hell of his daily life) would mean more to him than any sex ever could. But now Inuyasha's daily does of kindness is at an end, and he no longer has seeing Kagome to look forward to. I just hope that she can figure out a way to help him soon. His life really is pure hell. I'll be looking for the update.
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  • From ANON - Karla on December 22, 2006
    fantastic, the way you write this story, it all flows so perfectly well!
    i must say that i dont usually read lemon fanfics, but the story behind this one is sooo interesting, i kept reading all day today! i couldn't keep my eyes off of it!

    thanks for that, it's been a looonnngg time since i've read a story that kept me hooked DESPITE my sleepyness ^_^

    i only wish that you had more time in your busy life to write more chapters for this story, i'm DEFINITLY going to recommend this to my friends :)
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  • From ANON - celest on December 22, 2006
    please update soon. I NEED more. I love this story. And yes... I was worried you died on us. I'll waiting... hopefully not for long.
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  • From ANON - rowdygirl on December 21, 2006
    you're breaking my heart. i want to go out and kick the ass of every racist bigot i can inuyasha's name. and then start on the people who hurt others for their jollies. then maybe i can read this book you're writing without crying like a baby; but i doubt it. you're breaking my heart and you made me cry.
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  • From ANON - InusMiko on December 21, 2006
    Oh my God!! This story is so good. Plz hurry up and update I'm dying to know what happens!!!
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  • From ANON - Ashley on December 21, 2006
    Love the story...please add me to your list for updates..thank you
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