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Reviews for A Mother's Love

By : Wheezambu
  • From ANON - Mara on September 11, 2008
    Disturbingly sweet!! I love your sick mind hehehe
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 29, 2006
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  • From manycats54 on January 31, 2006
    Good for you Wheez
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  • From ANON - Wheez on January 21, 2006
    To the most recent reviewer of this story.

    If you'd left your email, I would have responded privately. I had to update the first chapter of each story in order to comply with the disclaimer requests. My stories were hidden until I did. Because of the way this site is set up, every time a chapter is updated it shows up as recently added. Not my fault, I didn't design the site and I think it's a bad feature.

    oh and one more thing, you're a stupid, judgmental twat. You didn't know what was going on so you jumped to conclusions like an idiot. If I were nice, I'd just delete your review. But I'm not that nice considering it was a huge annoyance to me in having to update the first chapter of every single story.

    Bugger off, I don't have time for anonymous crackhead reviewers.

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  • From ANON - Anon on January 20, 2006
    I don't know what your mental malfuntion is...but when you repost all your stories like that with nothing new and just displace people who actually took the time write something recently you piss people off. Get a grip.
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  • From SkankyHime on December 10, 2005
    That was a lovely story. My heart ached for Inuyasha, and Izayoi. The way you described his shame and his fear felt so honest to the way that a child might feel under those circumstances. This is the first story of yours that I've read, but if I'm in store for more stories written in the same tender, loving writing style, i can't wait to get through them all. This truly felt more like a short story than a piece of fanfiction.
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  • From ANON - DarkLadyNyara on November 16, 2005
    That was... disturbing. Well written, but disturbing.
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  • From ANON - Darkladynyara on October 03, 2005
    That was... disturbing.
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  • From HypnoticUchiha on July 29, 2005
    hey, it wasn't all dirty and gross, you saw a side of their realtionship never seen before. You could see that they both suffered. I liked it, made me sad for poor inuyasha...his mommy too.
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  • From ANON - Backlash Wave on June 22, 2005
    That was good. I can't belive I am going to say this but I wish it was more descriptive. That is why I liked the Inuyasha/Sesshy's mommy. Plus Inuyasha's mom was hot. God I am a sick perverted son of a bitch aren't I ?
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  • From LdyMoon on June 19, 2005
    That was so good. It makes a lot of sense, why Inuyasha doesn't like sake, why he doesn't liked to be touched and why he hates his old man, but not hate him. We never know what happened before he had to fend for himself, so, this view is a great possiblity. People do crazy stuff like that, not to say it is right, because I don't condone such actions with anybody, but, in the sense of this story, well, it is a possibility. However, all of your stories are great, but, I am still waiting for....

    da da da dum......POSSESSIONS to be completed!!!

    I've reviewed your story under ldymoon and I still only see chapter 14, yet, you've written new stuff. PLEASE.....I need my fix. And for the love on all things Inuyasha update that story soon for that birthday girl who turned 17. If not for us....then for her. ^_^

    luv luv
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  • From ANON - kiiru on June 15, 2005
    wow. It was sad but at the same time really deep. so once again. wow...
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  • From ANON - Kid ^_^ on June 14, 2005
    Ho, ho, ho. Ha, ha, ha. Hee, hee, hee. I was wondering what mother and son fic this would be, considering you have the Sesshiko thing goin' on here (go Sakura Fubuki!), but I had a feeling that it would be Inuyasha and Izayoi. I also read the reviews and that gave it away, as well. ~_^ This makes a lot of sense. I mean, from what we gather Izayoi and Inutaisho (Inuyasha's father, if that REALLY is his name) really loved each other (well, that's sort of what I gathered >_< @_@), so naturally if one of them died and the other had to go on living it would be rather hard. It also doesn't help Izayoi that Inuyasha does take many of his characteristics from his father. Anyway, (I should stop boring you here....this might be why my reviews are always so god damned long...>_
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  • From ANON - Kid ^_^ on June 14, 2005
    Ooo, I can tell this is going to be one sicly fic, but it will probably still be good. I has to's one of your stories, for crying out loud. 'A Mother's Love,' ha ha. I can only imagine what this is going to be about....disturbing..yes, probably. Hee hee, okay, reading time. Let's see what unfolds ^_^.
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  • From ANON - Aleaha on June 14, 2005
    As a fan of Anne Rice I've read much more detailed sceans of this nature and she didn't really go into the reality of the shame that a person would feel in that type of situation. I don't think you need to appoligize for what you right, because I'm sure most people would understand that this wasn't glorifing child abuse in anyway. I'm very happy with they way you explore the darker side of sexuality in your works and I hope that you continure to push the edge.

    Aleaha *really big fan now* Sisson
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