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Reviews for Kore wa daisuki wo benkyoushimasu, ne?

By : SayuriNakamura
  • From ryukotsusei on June 29, 2005
    Hmmm I knew I was forgetting something in the first two reviews... I always KNEW Naraku was one kinky demon! Taking his own daughter/detatchment/whatever as a mistress and having her bare him a child. Tsks at the dead demon, shoulda known he'd do something like that lol
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  • From ryukotsusei on June 29, 2005
    *Blushes* I'm just a humble writer of crossovers but flattery will get you everywhere ;) Mmm my thoughts on this chapter. It was another very good one, Kagome being the one wanting to track them down is suprising but at the same time I can see why she would do so. She would definitely miss everyone back in the Feudal Era and would most likely be eager to seek out her old friends as well as possible new ones. Hiei's reaction was dead on, he's going to be suspicious at first. Nice twist with the Jagan and the Dragon wanting her, I'm curious as to the motives they have. I also like your portrayel of Youko, tis a good thing to see him portrayed as something other than a playboy with no brain.

    I think Yusuke is asking for one hell of an ass beating if he crosses that line again. Though he has a point. It was an unnecessary display of power but one that Midoriko told her to do so I wonder at the ancient priestesses motives. Was it just to purposely alert the Reikai to her presence or to alert the bad guy as well? I could see her doing that, after all the long they wait for this confrontation the stronger he is likely to be. Best to get it started now before he gets to the point that they can't handle him.

    Awesome chapter, I look forward to reading the next one. Update soon please!
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  • From DarkRainFiend on June 29, 2005
    Well, this is shaping up to be a great story. I love how you have portrayed everything, especially the characters and their relationships. I hate reading a story that has potential but the author doesn't take the time to focus on the interactions of characters and the building of the story. I will definitely be watching this one for updates.
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  • From ANON - Gem on June 29, 2005
    Rubs hands togeather with child-like glee! OOh this is shaping up to be a good one. I'll be watching for updates.
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  • From ANON - animeluva on June 28, 2005
    i love this story...the story so far is awesome. I do hope that you will continue with this story and update soon!

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  • From ryukotsusei on June 28, 2005
    Ohh a new fic for me to stalk, hope you don't mind if I hang out here for a while ;) This looks to have alot of potential to it. First chapter was of excellent length and I love the amount of detail that you've put into it. Nothing perks me up like alot of detail in a story. Well, except for lemons that is, but then thats another story entirely lol I like how you're going to focus mainly on relationships. I agree with you battles are important but to me building on the relationship is much more important. I'm curious if that display of power alerted Naraku's child as to her location? I'm not certain that the blast of energy was enough to penatrate the barrier if that is indeed where he is. I'm looking forward to this first meeting, now that the guys know about her I seriously doubt they will let her pass by without at the very least observing her, if not introducing themselves in some fashion. I look forward to the next chapter, please update soon.
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