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Reviews for Kuronue's New Love

By : michelle5137
  • From lilbrokenangel on August 01, 2005
    LMFAO!!!!!! OMG, that's rich!!! I don't think a fic has made me laugh so hard at the insanity of it all in a long time!!! THX for that!!! JA NE!
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  • From ANON - Buyo-chan on July 22, 2005

    Those dirty rat bastards! (been trying to find new opprotunity for previous phrase for a few days) FFN often seems a little paranoid and prone to jump to conclusions. I support your anger! :)
    OOOhh! I Love your new story! I laughed SO hard! I am astonished no one came to inquire after my sanity...then again...
    An absolutely wicked mind you have! I especially enjoyed the little girl, and of course Kuronue's thought process, his gnawing at the bar, and Yoko's side comments amoung most everything else!
    I feel much the same as Kuronue originally did about carnival rides. It doesn't help that I am afraid of heights, confined spaces and get dizzy easily. Why about a month ago around the 4th of July I was at a carnival which suke most of my money seeing as you HAD to buy 16 tickets for $20, and I am a poor college student so...damn them. I decided to go on the ferris wheel as they are the only ones I ever usually enjoy. Except to my delayed horror it wasen't one of those friendly, relaxing, most couples make-out on ferris wheels-OH NO, THIS was the KILLER FERRIS WHEEL OF DOOM!!!!!!! The kind they have at the carnival in HELL.
    Which went very, very fast, while flipping you upside down so you plunged head-first into the ground, before giving you whip-lash as it spun back up. Given my earlier stated phobia's I was understandably (I think, though my friend just laghed at me!) nearly crying tears of despair...though in the end I kept my dignity.
    Hopefully you get a kick also at my scaring experience, and understand why for now on I will stick to that magic number rubber ducky game I haven't played since I was five...I THINK I'm safe with that one...
    Well, any matter I enjoyed and empathized with many a character. OH, by the way I was re-watching one of my all-time favorite movies, more commonly known as 'The Princess Bride' (which incidentally originally gave my lazy moogle muse, mog, the pirate idea. Ah the dread pirate roberts...) When one of my favored lines struck me as a graet line for Yoko or Kuronue. Thus being, "You are trying to kidnap, what I have rightfully stolen!" Well anyway I thought I'd pass it on, I mean can you say perfectly appropriate? Well, I thought it was anyway...I really need to get out more...just not to any carnival...
    It appears I have once again yacked you ears, scratch that, eyes out again. I send my Best wishes and regards to you, Kuronue, your delightfully wicked brain, muse and anyone or thing I may have missed. Good-luck with those dirty rat bastards and the site I can niether live with nor without as I am painfully and unhealthily addicted to fan fiction, specifically cross-overs, specifically yours. If that wasen't a run-on sentence I don't no what is...explains why I didn't pass IB english senior year. Though I still blame the dirty rat bastards (three times! YAY!) who spontaniously changed the school scheduale...once again I am rambling, though I am sure you are used to that by now...WoW this is bloody long! Okay time to shut-up Shav.
    Much love!
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  • From ANON - Kage Otome on July 20, 2005
    Oh GOD that was incredibly funny! Had me laughing my ass off for a while! The irony of it all. How amusing! One question? Will you post your fic "Good Morning beautiful" Somewhere else, because I think it got deleted on FF.Net. *pouts* I liked it very much. Of course this one almost makes up for it being deleted it was sooo funny!
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  • From ryukotsusei on July 20, 2005
    Oh Gawd I can't stop laughing LOL Serves them right for making fun of him *snickers*
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