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Reviews for Emergence

By : inufan625
  • From ANON - lithium88 on November 16, 2005
    yet again, another beautifully written chapter. I'm glad that you finally had Kagome remember the incident that got her to where she is now, it gave depth into everything. I'm really intrigued with the whole scene containing Sesshoumaru in it, I can't wait to see what happens between the 2 half-brothers. As for the time apart that Kagome needs from Inuyasha, it's understandable. Sometimes you just need to be alone to figure things out, I only hope that if she does continue to remember everything, it won't hurt either one of them.... too much. Sometimes ignorance.. really is bliss. Once again, another great chapter! Continue your updating, and until your next chapter.. Take care! ^_^
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  • From ANON - inu hanyou nikkie on November 16, 2005
    Another awesome chapter.. One that has made me even want to sit down and think... Damn thats good!!!! I like how Kagome has remembered that day and her reaction... so very vivid.. So very much in character. I like how she explained to Inuyahsa that she still loves him very much but needs 'personal health day' to sit back and reflect then move on. I enjoyed how Inuyasha true to form had a panic attack and told her. VERY EXCELLENTLY DONE!! Bravissmo!! Bravi!! Bravi!! I feel that when this story ends (bawls) That there will a standing ovation for you!!!! Like how you had Sesshie come into the picture!!!! Bows before the Goddess of Most Excellent Wrinitg..... Can't wait for the next instllmnt.. (actually can.. Allows me to re-read every chapter!!!) SMILES and BEAMS with joy!!!!!!!!!!
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  • From ANON - smurfsicle on November 16, 2005
    YAY!! and boo! awwwe inuyasha looked so pityful! poor thing and poor kagome.. is she ever going to remember everything? please update soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - Bree on November 16, 2005
    I sure like this sweet and cuddly Inuyasha you have developed since the accident. I hope Kagome remembers some of the good times she had with Inuyasha before the accident so she understands why she fell in love with him in the first place. Another very good chapter.
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  • From ANON - inu hanyou nikkie on November 16, 2005
    LOVING the story BIG TIME!!!! THIS is GREAT!!! WOW!!! another great chapter (chapter 15 ) though I am a little confused and lost by what exactly Inuyasha was telling Kagome when he said “I meant to tell you that friend of yours... She don’t want you to be with Hojou because she doesn’t like me.”... I wondered if you could explain what he was trying to say... was it Eri wanted Inuyasha for herself? She wanted Hojou for herself? She doesn't want Kagome to have anyone because they have to meet her expectations? Was Eri trying to make it seem like Inuyasha can go from girl to girl in a heartbeat? I was confused ... sorry...I left you my email so if you are able to write me please do so.. But other than this you totally ROCK!! I hope that there will be more interactions between Kagome and her meddlesome friends ... Oh yay... Nikkie is looking for seeing them get put into there place even more!!! I can't wait for your next update!!

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  • From Asmodai666 on November 15, 2005
    hiiii, excellent, excellent, wondeful, you good, you really good writing!!!!!!!keep going, and thaaaaank you for writing this splendid story :D kisses ;**
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  • From ANON - Caitriona on November 13, 2005
    Excellent piece. I have really enjoyed it a lot. I think that you have done a great job of capturing the uncertain gentleness that is Inuyasha hidden personality. I also like how you have done Kagome's character -- Even without her memories she is the same base personality. I thought that the scene where she lays her head on his lap and he pushes her off was especially good. I can see that being right out of the manga.
    Kgome's mom was an angel. The scenes where she is helping him learn to read were great. I can see the mama of cannon doing that for him.
    I don't generally like Kikyou in fanfiction. People make her either too evil or too much of a goodie-goodie. I think that you have done well to balance her out so she isn't too perfect, but just human. And a human that love Inuyasha at that.

    Once again, great piece, and thank you for writing for us. I look forward to reading more of this piece.


    BTW - The comments in you AN's where you say the more reviews you get the more 'excited' that Inu gets have really cracked me up completely! All I could think of was that TV commercial with the dog and the beggin strips. Only change the dog to Inu and the Bacon to "reviews!"
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  • From ANON - Laini on November 13, 2005
    omg what a sweet story! ^_^ ::cries:: love the SO ready to read more of it sooooo update ASAP pwease? ::puppy dog eyes::
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  • From ANON - kashudoreineko on November 11, 2005
    YAY! More story.
    So so cute, too. I love how you get Ayumi & Hojou together.

    I have to admit having Kagome heal Kikyo was a stroke of genius. What better way to make everyone more comfortable with everyone.

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  • From ANON - lithium88 on November 10, 2005
    Once again, another beautiful chapter. Aww, i'm glad you went easy on Hojou in this story and got him a date! Ayumi and him would make a really nice couple, as for Eri and Yuka. Damn straight, they got what they deserved.. or at least Eri did. The whole scene with Inuyasha telling Kagome that she didn't need the wig was very sweet, i really love the bond you have created between the two. So now, until ur next chappy!! take care ^_^
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  • From ANON - Bree on November 10, 2005
    Really enjoyed that chapter. Kagome's friends are just like high school girls I've known. I also liked how you handled the Hojo situation. He seems to take more than his fair share of abuse in fanfiction. By the way, I thought you portrayed Kouga perfectly, pushy, dense, but willing to stop what he was doing for Kagome's sake. Look forward to your next update.
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  • From ANON - SoutasSister on November 09, 2005
    I read the latest chapter this morning but didn't have time to review. It's great as always. Keep them coming.
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  • From ANON - inuyasha/feak on November 08, 2005
    so far its been good because you unlike most people make a story last longer and not just make a one shot .please try to make an update soon.
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  • From ANON - smurfsicle on November 08, 2005
    rawr... haha more! i absolutely love this story!! keep it up!!
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  • From ANON - dogboylover on November 06, 2005
    hi, im finished reading the updated chaps, its reaaally good,CONGRATS :D:D but dont u think kags sould remeber EVERYTHING, dont u think its too sad to make kags forget all she's been through with dogboy? dont u think its too sad to forget a part , a BIG part of you life? just try to think about this, she should be able to remeber everything , even about kikyou, and then , even though after having remembered the sad, harsh, and stupid things that dogboy said, that had happened and the good ones too, she'd still chose to stay with dogboy!!!! isn't this way more romantic, beautiful and not so sad and radical??? anyway you story is wonderful, i just don't like the goodie-goodie way you make the clay-woman act buuuut...nothing is perfect right? kisses ;***
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