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Reviews for Emergence

By : inufan625
  • From Phoenix_Rising on November 15, 2018

    This was so amazing! Well done! So emotional and touching. I laughed and cried reading this. Good job.

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  • From ANON - Sieg on September 01, 2008
    I find this story different then the other two that I have read. It stared out great til about half way though it.
    Then it seemed sad, as if u did not write it. The last three chapters seemed totally different then any other of the works you have done. But over all the errors were a lot less and the story was good. Just seemed as if your heart wasn't in it.Keep up the great work and keep on writing.

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  • From Darknessdawns on June 12, 2008
    AWWWW, this story was so sweet. I love how it ended and I love that it was mostly about their relationship rather than the sex, though the sex was good to. I'm even kind of sad it had to end. Good stories always leave me a little empty inside when I finish them. Anyway on with the review. It was very well written with lots of emotion and feeling. I only wish that they wouldn't have had to go through such hardships, but alas they were a necessary evil. At least it had a happy ending. I love how you brought out Inuyasha's hidden personality and showed how he definately has a lot more depth than he usually shows. Saddly it would probably take something tramatic to bring him out of his shell in any case. Anyway it was a wonderful story and I greatly appriciated it and I will also be looking for more works from you. Keep up the good work and dont let any flammers get you down. It really was a wonderful story.
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  • From Darknessdawns on June 11, 2008
    I know this is going to sound kind of weird but...... This story makes my heart happy. Just wanted to share a phrase me and my friends use for really really good stuff. Like when your heart wants to squeel on its own its so happy kind of stuff. If yoiu haven't guessed by now I just finished reading ch.17 and the wonderfully sweet and yummy Lemon.
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  • From Darknessdawns on June 11, 2008
    ....WOW....and I thought you were good before I read this. So far my favorite chapter is ch.5, the one where Kagome wakes up. Anyway, I love how you portrade the characters, you caught their personalities pefectly and the story is blossoming wonderfully from this stand point. I know this work is about 30 chapters long so I am really looking forward to finding out where its headed. I read doggieearlovers story blood and tears before this and I have to note on how similar they are but from this view yours looks like it will be more about her recovery, where hers was more based on the relationships that and getting past all of that. I look forward to seeing what this sweeter and slower view has to offer. And now off I go to read the rest.
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  • From ANON - Heathe *not signed in* on July 03, 2006
    awwwe congrats on the pregnancy!!!
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 03, 2006
    I've really enjoyed this story.

    I also thought I would mention that in the anime at least Kagome's family does have an american style table that they eat at, just like Kagome as a real bed, though her mother does use a futon.
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  • From ANON - Heathe (not logged in) on July 02, 2006
    They do not have the american style tables we have... they sit
    on the floor when they eat, their tables are that of ... perhaps like
    a coffee table's height in american society... it would be a bit
    difficult to footsie beneath one.. given that some do not even have
    a hollow underneathe. But i love this... Im gnna keep reading now

    just thought you should know that.
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  • From ANON - Lynn on February 07, 2006
    Such a good chapter again! I loved the way Sesshy delt with Eri! I also imagined the look on the youkais face when he heard her talk such mean things, full well knowing that they were not true...Priceless! Love ya!
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  • From rubyhunny on February 02, 2006
    I absolutely love this story!! You are an amazing author and I can't wait to read the rest of the story. I cant believe Eri though!! She makes me so
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  • From kashudoreineko on February 02, 2006
    Okay, first I have to say that I don't get on as frequently as I'd like, so I missed the last update. That is the only reason I didn't review that chapter. I read all you've posted, THEN review.

    Now to the review.
    There's always someone who can't be happy for people in love, isn't there. Love how everyone smacked her down though.
    My thought, though is that once Eri gets back home, she'll be mad at herself for backing down and cause more problems. People like that always do.

    The wedding was sweet, the reception, too.
    I'm glad you didn't spend a ton of time writing about their wedding preparations. In my experience, those who focus too much on the preparations aren't as in love as those who could care less about the small details of their wedding. And these two... Definitely completely in love. SIGH. :)

    Glad to hear there's more coming. Don't be disheartened if I don't review right away. Just means I haven't been on recently - not that I've lost interest in the story. As a matter of fact, when I saw there were updates today, I actually said, "YAY!" and clapped my hands. So there! :P

    Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - PJ on February 02, 2006
    nice update. I tell Eri just really, really needs to get a life of her own and quit trying to push her way into other peoples. I am glad that she had been talking to someone that would know if Kagome was or was not pregnant... and that she was mated so to youkai it didn't matter if she was married in the human way. I wedding was great and what they said during the ceremony was lovely. I bet old Eri will ba surprised when Kagome doesn't have a kid. She won't be having one anytime soon will she? I mean she won't be getting pregnant on the honeymoon will she? I think it would be nice if they got some time more time together plus they need to find the last shard I would think they would want to wait until after they find it. I mean look at how they decided to not have Sango/Miroku travel with them now. Anyway again great chapter thx for posting this great story. I look forward to updates and to updates on your other stories too.
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  • From ANON - Anon on February 01, 2006
    I'm still here, reading and enjoying every word you write. (Just having issues with either my computer or the site and having trouble reviewing). This is such a beautiful romance, a truly wonderful work. I loved the wedding scene and the vows they spoke. You are very gifted.
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  • From ANON - inu hanyou nikkie on February 01, 2006
    E-Gahd!!! I have been away from the story for a while and look what happens!! I don't review!! EEEEKKKKKK!!!! Promptly goes to find a wet noodle and beat herself with it. - GOMEN NASI!!! GOMEN NASI!!!!!! I didnt mean to do that!! Offers up virtual cookies and pocky on the altar of Literary Goddess!! Well I must certainly say - WOW!!! Literary Goddess!! I only name a few writers Goddess!! I am truly amazed by how awesome and talented you are!! I think you have captured the essence of Eri prefectly!!! And I loved how Sesshoumaru stepped in and took care of the matter... I was really impressed.. ( the horrid girl probably would have died of heart attack if Sesshoumaru had gone all red eyed and dripping poison claws!!! LOl!!! I thought the wedding promises/ vows were a brillant and exquiste touch!! It was a beautifully written scene!!! I was crying with joy!! How do you do it?? How do you keep the spirit flowing through the story just as strongly as it was at the start of the story!!!??!! Question was Eri there for the cermony itself or was she only there for the reception and if she was wouldn't she have seen the Youkai in their glory? Would she have spoken up and caused a nasty scene? Again I am very sorry that I didn't review any sooner than this. I try to make it my goal to review all my writers whenever there is an update.. I did get to manage to third your story for best romance inu/kag !! Whoot!! I have fingers crossed for you and winning!! I can't believe the end is coming up in another 6 chapters!! WHAT a story this is!!! It sooo TOTALLY ROCKS!!!! I wonder what will happen next? I can't wait!! PLEASE keep up the most excellent work and forgive this inu hanyou nikkie no baka for not reviewing like a good girl.
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  • From ANON - Seiteki(nsi) on February 01, 2006
    awwww, so sweet. i cant wait to read the hentai wants the honeymoon too lol!
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