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Reviews for I'll be there for you

By : Torne
  • From ANON - kegoma on October 29, 2005
    this story has not had an up date in so loung i want to now what happinss with there sex life and what will there friends think
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  • From ANON - kegoma on October 28, 2005
    this one need to be up dated this story is getting good and i want them to have sex they almost did almost but they didint so thats one thing that could be updated and what about the guys that were over and the guy that likes kegoma what will inuyasha do and what about her friends and dont make spring brak over so soon k
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  • From ANON - hellcat on October 27, 2005
    *gawk* uhhhhhh... ok...that was... AWSOME! HURRY AND WRITE UPDATE... yeah...thats it...UPDATE QUICKLY! PLS?!?!?
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  • From ANON - Rhiannon on October 24, 2005
    I agree with you and support your decision to stop them from having sex right away cuz thatd be just like all the others mostly...and i like how you did it too. Its alright that you need to take awhile n just breathe and then put the story back on the works...we all need a break once in a while so no worries...take as long as you need :) and it will do you justice.
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  • From ANON - rmguccione on October 24, 2005
    *laughin her ass off*
    Wow! I was not expecting Sachi to walk in!
    That blows my mind.
    Understandable when you got a house full of people though, but to ruin the moment? Oy.

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  • From ANON - rmguccione on October 24, 2005
    Dear God, I hope it's Inuyasha who has her.
    You wouldn't kill Kagome off!
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  • From ANON - rmguccione on October 24, 2005
    Dog ears? *tweak* *tweak*
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  • From ANON - Kaylie on October 24, 2005
    hey i really liked the story! It was very cute and it caught my interest! You should make an epilogue or something........
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  • From ANON - Anon on October 23, 2005
    i love this storie write more chapters
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  • From ANON - joy on October 23, 2005
    lol woow i would be soooooooooooooo embarrased if that happened to me great job
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  • From ANON - inus_my_hottie on October 23, 2005
    awesome story so plz update soon! and make it a good lemon *wink*
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  • From ANON - pat on October 23, 2005
    thanks 4 the update and for including me in ur storie! ^_^ i also hope u get it done before halloween cause i tottaly love this storie ! o by the way that was funny when the girl wlk in when inu and kagome were doing it! ha lol it was to funny !! hope u get it done good and soon !!!
    love Pat
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  • From ANON - smurfsicle on October 23, 2005
    awwwe thanks for mentioning me!! :D it was short, but awesome! keep it up and always, update soon!
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  • From ANON - chanda on October 22, 2005
    Well I hope its not before it sounds to me you have writers block...set it aside and do it later whenever you feel inspired... and again... hopefully not before christmas...LOL I said that already...

    Ok great chapter.. I am glad that they excepted their feelings.

    Thanks until next chapter,
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  • From ANON - KEGOME on October 22, 2005
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