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Reviews for JOURNEY

By : SesshysJadedSamuri
  • From ANON - Courtne on June 20, 2014
    I got kinda scared there for a moment. I really thought for a minute that she and Sesshomaru weren't going to find each other because of the so many obstacles in the way. As far as her dreams she keep having I take it they were premonitions/ wrongs that she should have paid close attention to hell Sesshomaru as well for that matter. I really enjoyed reading this story and you should keep up the good work. I have a niche for writing some great fan-fictions.
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  • From ANON - Elisa on February 20, 2013
    I first read this story years ago but never finished it. I loved it then and even after all this time I still do. Great story I love your writing style. I cannot wait to read more from you.

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  • From ANON - TAJE on March 13, 2009
    I am so glad that I paid some attention to my email when someone asked about your story. I had the pleasure of reading your story! The one thing I regret is not being able to read it when it was going through its creation stages by you. You know, chapt. by chapt. I really love the OOc of Sesshomaru because if I had to write him in a story, it would be mostly OOc. I love the way you made Kagome a woman of strength. Making Souta the elder Bro was wonderful. I adore the way you made every angst situation full of emotion that at some point it had me in tears Especially Sango's demise. I love it when authors make me cry. Understand, I'm not at all gloomy, I just like to feel or get into your characters. The way you told this story, in my opinion captured the beautiful everyday life of this reservation that will always be remembered by me because you made me feel like I was there. Truly I enjoyed this story and I'm looking forward to reading more of you works. Peace!
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  • From SesshysJadedSamuri on April 20, 2008
    I see your point about the warning... perhaps I should have stated 'Major character death' in the warning. I appreciate your honesty, and the fact that you were not ugly about it. I know that this is not my best work, but it still hurts a little when people trash it.

    'JOURNEY' was actually a story that I had written many (17) years ago with original characters, in hopes of submitting it to a publisher one day. After I started writing fanfiction and my skill at writing grew, I decided to see if I could change it into a Sess/Kag fic wtihout changing too much of the content. I suceeded
    in making the change, but I was never really thrilled with the way it flowed... I always thought that there was more that I could have done with it.

    In light of your observation... I will go back and add a warning...both in the summary, and at the beginning of the chapter.

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  • From Kekkai on April 20, 2008
    Hey ;)

    I love your work, we've exchanged email before, you and I. I think you're a very talented writer, and this is coming from a woman who writes professionally. Not fiction, not fun, but all the same, in one of those professions that people get impressed about, but really means nothing; value comes from doing something well and helping others. Most of the suits (and I include myself in this category) don't do very much for others. I have always tried to be different, but I still believe that the person who cuts my hair does more for society than I have, for she makes people feel good about themselves every day, something that I can only watch in awe and with gratitude.

    And so, I'm very selective in what I'll read - I've always love anime, and I don't really care if it's "appropriate" in the eyes of those who think fun should stop at 18 or 21 or surely before one becomes a .

    I love DLL's work, especially her shorter stories - ShadowsWeaver, Sesshou_lover, Sidhe, there are some wonderful writers, and some very good ones. You write very well, very cleanly, good syntax and flow, excellent dialogue, creative and original ideas, it's all very good. This story is very different but I've been enjoying it and wondering where you would take us.

    I know you said "Rape and Death" -- okay, fair enough.

    Here is my one small problem, and this is for discussion, it is most definitely not in the nature of "You did bad" or anything of that sort. I have a preference, and I believe this is the case for most people, to know if a *major character* is going to die. This isn't set up at the start as a dark fiction; more of an adventure/drama/discovery and very much AU, and you said some OOC. That's fine. But major character death without warning is a bit upsetting.

    I fully understand and accept that you did warn; but you warned of death and rape, not of major character death -- that's one of those issues that is a hot button issue "Is it necessary to warn of character death, and if so, of all or just major characters. Many readers prefer to avoid major character death stories; they find it disturbing. DLL's recent story, Creed of the Other Breed, contains character death, major character death, but it's warned ahead of time so you know that the death will be of a major, but not primary character.

    I personally don't enjoy stories where Kagome or Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru die. I won't generally read such stories unless it's the sort of "death" where they have been together for a very, very long time, and decide that it is time to move on to the next "dimension" -- however you are to phrase it -- together, as one, mated, as one soul (yes, I have a sappy romantic side) -- even so, I prefer to have it end with them in bed, lol, having fun and living, arguing, laughing, and loving -- with misunderstandings and temper and power and all of the different ideas and original plots I've seen.

    Recently someone by the name of Trinity3000 wrote a story called .. (I think I have the title right) The End of (the) Demons.. or The End of Demons -- it was nominated this quarter to Dokuga by Kagome357 (the writer of the very original "Kinky Boots").. Trinity writes exceedingly well,and her story is considered a dark fan fiction, but it's a wonderful portrayal of Sesshoumaru and I don't believe there is going to be any character death in that one, merely a very inventive story with a good deal of violence.

    She's a new writer, not on A Single Spark yet, although we have been trying to get her to put the story there, it would be very popular... I guess the difference is that, that story says it's dark, Demonlordlover (DLL is easier to type) has her story, Creed, marked as a dark fiction, with character death, and we all treaded carefully... your story didn't say "dark fic" at least I didn't see it, and while you said graphic rape and murder (and that rape was -- as you warned -- exactly as you said, very graphic and horrofic... when one sees fisting in a rape scene with anal rape, that combination is extremely violent and graphic, especially with the beatings and the rest of the horror.

    Sango in this story to that point was a main character. I didn't expect it to be her -- I guess what I'm saying, is that in my opinion - and this is only one person's view - if it was going to be Sango (it couldn't very well be Kagome, or there would be no story) then a "Main character death" warning might have been in place. I realize that this would have given it away, but it would have also given the reader a choice beyond the "explicit read at your own risk". I can read explicit, most of us can and do and some kinds of explicit -- the adult variety -- are lots of fun if written well.

    I see the dilemma you would have had. Indicate main character or character death and you give it away - but if not, you risk upsetting readers who don't want to read about a favorite character being raped, sodomized, ripped by fisting and then shot in the head. I thought when you warned of graphic rape and death that a hitch-hiker would be picked up, or some other girl, and Kagome and Sango would escape. I didn't think for a moment that by rape and death you meant Major character death.

    I'm so sorry to have to talk about this, and I do NOT with to give the impression that I don't like the story - other than that, I do like it, I can't not like something as well written and creative, original and different... your stories are always good, and you always, always, excel.

    I just wish, I would have preferred, if the warning had been more explicit as is the general trend - where there is character death, to be warned, especially when not in a dark fic where there is a warning at the start, and most especially when there is a warning but it doesn't do what it perhaps might have done.

    Forgive this this less than stellar review -- if I were reviewing for the actual story, the writing, the originality, I would have nothing but positive things to say, and I do. But I felt this was an issue and so I raised it.

    I apologize if this has upset you... nothing negative is intended at all, just my opinion and feelings in this regard.

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  • From ANON - serrinaus on January 31, 2008
    hey i just wanted to let you know that i think this is a great story. i found it yesterday and i just finished reading today, i could stop, it was so freaking addicted that i had to finsh it. any who good job and i going to enjoy reading more of your stories.
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  • From ANON - The Empress on September 19, 2007
    This was a really well done story. It had unique situations and an original story line.! I loved it. The ending was really sappy and girly, and I LOVED IT. It was so Kawaii!! You definately know that it was the end. Everything wrapped up nicely with a bow... :) Please make some more...XD... *throws flowers at your feet*.. We're not worthy... We're not worthy.. *The Empress bows down grovelling*... Hope to read more of you soon.. Ja Ne!
    The Empress
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  • From JLucPitard on July 04, 2007
    Touching story. I liked the slow building of hte relationships, but the pacing seemed to lag in the beginning and again once she set up on the ranch. I thought it was well thought out and Kagome was a particularly strong character, which is how I envision her from the manga, but Sesshoumaru was pretty OC at times with his willingness to be in touch with his feelings. Thank you for redeeming Kikyo, but I don't think she needed to be so trashed up. I'm not a Kikyo hater, nor lover, but she has a character in the manga that can be respected. I understand you needed someone in that role, but it seemed a bit heavy handed. Points for working modern res life into a fan fic!
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  • From ANON - Lizzy*D on March 13, 2007
    Oh my goodness! That was stupendous! It was suspensefull, captivating, erotic, exciting, adventerous, heartbreaking, moving, sickning, sorrowfull, and I can't think of anymore adjectives at the moment. Damn, there are more though. I need to play mad libs more.
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  • From ANON - Chelz on February 10, 2007
    Beautiful!!!!! Abousloty Beautiful!!!! I loved it :D :D :D :D :D
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  • From ANON - Mini_Meanness on September 12, 2006
    Wow! Awesome story. XD It would have to be for me to actually review... which I almost never do. lol You did a great job. Hope you keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - ShadowandFlamePanther on May 19, 2006
    I loved this story. I cried through some of it and was really relieved how it ended. I am not really one for AU's but this story was great.

    Thank you so much for writing it and hope to read more from you soon.


    I was really sad to see Sango die so early in the fic, I expected her to end up with Miroku. But all in all perfect score. Great writing.
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  • From on January 24, 2006
    lol.actually,i DO know what's going on...sesshy told me herself.we are actually good friends, sometimes collaborate, and also beta each other's fics on occasion. BTW, if you want to argue it out, go here....
    'full frontal alchemist' is one of the fics we've worked on together.
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  • From ANON - HELLO on January 23, 2006
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  • From ANON - christianne on January 23, 2006
    Hi, I'm Christianne and I loved your story "Journey" but there was one little thing that I didn't like or better said incorrect. Drugs are not legal in Amsterdam only tolerated to a certain degree. Only softdrugs are tolerated like mariuana, but harddrugs like cocaine and heroine are forbidden. You cannot get an overdose on mariuana and is only very mildly addictive, and that is why it is tolerated. I am NOT saying that you should use Mariuana because drug no mather how mild are stupid and it can cause minor braindamage if used to often. I'm from Holland (as you probably guessed) but the only thing I have ever taken is asprin. Unfortunatly a lot of people believe that dutch people are drug addicts and that is definatly NOT true ( I know you didn't say that in the story). Everybody has had a lot of information about the dangers of drugs so anyone who has been addicted knew what they were getting themselves into. Most people are to smart and don't ever start. I hope I have informed enough about drug use in Holland and if you have any questions just ask. There is only one more thing to say, and that is keep up the good work, I really like youre writing style and I love a good Sesshoumaru and Kagome Pairing. I'm also gratefull that you warned about the rape part. Its not easy for me to read about these things and I can been in a depression for days if I get caught off gard so thank you!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see more of youre work soon.

    love Christianne
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