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Reviews for rins mother figure

By : kags
  • From ANON - Dee Dee on December 11, 2006
    Hmmmm, it's very interesting. But, I do have a few complaints-1.Your spelling isn't so great(you might want to work on that),2.It's kinda hard to figure out who is talking and when in the story(I suggest checking out some other stories to get it right). Well that's all I can think of. Sorry if you think it's mean, but I just thought I'd help you out a bit.
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  • From ANON - nihilatrix on November 09, 2005
    Can we please get some punctuation?...You know, those little marks that tell you where to pause and what kind of sentence you're writing? Punctuation, grammar check, quotation marks, and capitalized names are important.
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  • From ANON - Kagehoshi on November 08, 2005
    This story seems very interesting, but I must confess I was unable to continue reading after Kagome saved Rin from the bear demon. I don't want to be mean or discourage you from writing, but I thhink you need to study your grammar. You seem to ignore punctuation and capitalization, and your spelling could use some work. Try putting quotation marks around the lines where people are speaking and using commas every now and then. I also suggest finding yourself a beta reader, it might help you out some. Please continue to write and improve your abilities.
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