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Reviews for A Self Called Nowhere

By : Noacat
  • From ANON - Dark_rose_of_chaos on December 24, 2005
    wow, great story!!!! *squeals* that was really really really good!!! i luved it!!!
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  • From ANON - Arrowhead on December 23, 2005
    Great story I must say. I love the way it's written so
    professional. I hope to read more. So please update.
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  • From ANON - Lady Hemeno on December 13, 2005
    This is the 2nd time i've read it, and still it's breath taking.
    You should be proud of your work. It's the best I have seen
    so far. It's so beautifuly wirtten. I hope you serve it
    justice and continue till the very end. Please do update
    soon I just can't wait to read more. I think I'm hooked.
    I hope the fowlling chapters well be as great as the ones I have read.
    You have a grat talent there with stories, the way you describe
    everthing with great deatail. I wish I could write as you do. Ideas
    come into my head but, somhow they never reach paper. If
    I seem to be priasing you to much, well you deserve it. A great
    story such as this the creator should expect priase. Though
    please do update. Is there any other website where I could find your
    story? My computer seems not to opperate well here. ^_^ If there is please
    do tell me i would be geartly thankful.

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  • From ANON - HayleyM425 on December 13, 2005
    Okay....I'm completely confused and mouth is hanging open and I'm sorta shock....interesting...well....VERY WELL WRITTEN....and well thought idea how you came up with this idea and exacuted it so wonderfully but good job....umm...I don't know what say....just update...and wonderful got me hooked......................yaaaa.....
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  • From ANON - KuraiTenshi on December 12, 2005
    Great chapter! I want to know what exactly is happening so hurry up. :)
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  • From ANON - inu_lover1978 on December 12, 2005
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  • From ANON - DitzyAssasien on December 11, 2005
    I absouloutly love it! ^_^ I'm dieing to Know more.
    A part has me confused though? MMM....what happened
    to her in the museum, when the shikkon stared to
    shine? I'm teribley confused. It would be nice if
    you told me what happened? ^_^ Oh wells
    I love it. There's always a twist that leaves you
    leaning out of your seat in anticapation. Please hurry
    and update, I just can't wait.

    Your newly divoted fan,
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  • From ANON - LtSonya on December 11, 2005
    Very nice job on these last three chapters. You did a great job getting that fear from Kagome. She doesn't know what Sesshomaru is going to do, though I liked her assessment that he was going to kill her...or most likely kill her. The scene when the spell takes control was believable and felt that Kagome really was losing her sense of self. I was happy that you didn't have Sesshomaru and Kagome fall in love afterwards - that would have completely thrown me out of the story. Instead Kagome is ashamed of what she's done and Sesshomaru is back to his usual self. His arrogance and desire to kill her afterwards was great. Nice job.

    - LtSonya
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  • From ANON - melody on December 11, 2005
    this is so good where did u come up with the original idea mostly u see peops just copyin eachother now a days and this is sooooooooooo good lol plz do this lowly reader one faver and update really really REALLY soon lol anyways ... i hope u plan to continue to write other fabulous stories after u finish this one or hey i wouldnt even mind while u were writin this one lol >.- (wink) anyways i shall look forward to ur next chapters and ja matta for now
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  • From ANON - dark_miko90 on December 11, 2005
    This is probably one of the best fuckin Sess/Kag fics I've ever read. Your writing style is just so awesome and you write in such a fluent, descriptive way. Keep up the good work.
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  • From ANON - dark_miko90 on December 11, 2005
    That was so sad. I actually cried! Poor Rin-chan....
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  • From ANON - Media on December 10, 2005
    The lemon was good but somehow out of place. I mean every chapter was written so beautifully, there was so much feeling in them you could actually cut it with a knife. So I felt that words like "cunt" somehow didnt fit well. But it was good so this isnt a flame! I was just...surprised. Shakespeare writing hentai? Groovy.
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  • From ANON - Tsuki on December 10, 2005
    the story is great, and the plot is just amazing! You made a fine job when writing your chapters, they are accurate and to the point that they leave you breathless.
    Update soon, I can't wait to know what will happen of the next chapters! and also what happen to Kagome (in the future).
    Update soon!plz.
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  • From ANON - Media on December 10, 2005
    I was in panic. Your story disappeared (with my nice long review) for 3 days! I was about to e-mail you. This is one of the best, most beautifully writen story I ever read.
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  • From ANON - Brittany on December 10, 2005
    wow.... that's all i can say... wow... you tell a powerful story... I am highly impressed... this story... is amazing... please... update as soon as you can... ... .. ... .. wow
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