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Reviews for A Self Called Nowhere

By : Noacat
  • From Auraki on January 29, 2009
    You have been nominated at The Readers Have Chosen! Each week readers and authors alike select their favorite fanfiction to recommend for the Weekly Recommendation Poll, and your story has been added to our Poll! The voting will end on Saturday at midnight (PST), and the results will be published on the main website on Sunday. Thank you for sharing with us and good luck!

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  • From may904 on November 14, 2008
    i love this story!! and i wanted to thank you for telling me about the paternity thing, now i feel kind of slow lol but thanks and wonderful story. ^_^
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  • From minia867 on May 15, 2008
    Wow...I was really awestruck as I read this fic and I truly envy your eloquence.
    The rich descriptiveness and slow pace, at times almost painfully so, makes it come out so realistic.
    To not rush things and give in to impatience..I believe that in it self is a great ability.
    Development is evenly spread through the chapters flowing like lava; slow, hot and powerful which to me gives the story a very solid feel.
    I enjoyed every minute of reading. Thank you for sharing ^_^

    I particularily liked the lack of dialogue and the continuing struggle against an unnatural relationship between Kagome and Sesshoumaru. The intimate scenes were also nicely portrayed although I wish that you'd have elaborated slightly more on the ones following the first, lingering a bit in the dark.

    All in all I think it's tuly a masterpiece and I deeply wish I too had the amazing gift and ability to describe the world as beautifully as you have.
    More than on one occasion my evil self though I should give you my draft kekeke ;). You would easily and undoubtedly turn it in to the kind of story I'm struggling to write. XP

    Again, thank you for writing. ^_^

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  • From KingMyzeri on October 04, 2007
    Hi, I really think you should update this story. I read it a while back and I love it. I would love to know what happens next. Do you plan to update it?
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on September 03, 2006
    This is an excellent story. Very original and well written. I hope that you plan to write more. Would you mind letting me know if you have abandoned it altogether?


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  • From ANON - Shadow on July 10, 2006
    Awesome! I loved it! I love the plot and I so want to know what happens!!! Please update soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - Metis on July 08, 2006
    Ah. You're here too. I almost feel as though I'm stalking you. *rolls eyes* I'm looking forward to finding out what the 'joy' is that came of the events. I hope it's what I think it is. Please update!
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  • From ANON - Bridget on July 07, 2006
    Ah come on..update!! I am loving this story so much.
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  • From manycats54 on July 03, 2006
    For some reason my review attributed itself to Anon, I must have logged out somehow. So. The Anon above is 45cats; just in case I lost it again.
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  • From ANON - Anon on July 03, 2006
    Well, I feel like a little bit of a moron because I didn't know this was here. In my defense however, I didn't know until today that the author panel worked again, not that I've written anything. I've been wondering when someone would mention a character reading fanfic smut. That was very clever. I wish I could see your other reviews while I'm writing this. I agree with the reviewer that appreciates that after the sex, Sesshoumaru and Kagome maintain their original feelings for each other; fear and contempt. I find it unnerving that in so many fictions sex heals all wounds and brings with it enlightenment and some sort of ascension to a higher plane. At least, that has never been my experience. The reverse is more often the reality. A good author can pull off the Disney-esque version, but for others, it's mostly a cop out. Oh, by the way; have I told you how beautifully you write?
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  • From ANON - King Myzeri on June 14, 2006
    I am loving this story...are you ever gonna update? I check back every few days to see if you have. Sorry it took me so long to review...but for some reason when I clicked on review it took me to a blank page. It did that for like months!! But now I can review it. Please please update soon!!!!
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  • From ANON - sesshou_lover on February 12, 2006
    As much as I love this story I am still of the opinion that only Kagome's stupidity can be blamed. If you are that naive at the age of nineteen, thinking the world is all rainbows and sunshine, then everything that happens is basically your fault. But then I hardly was a child at nineteen, so what do I know about how she should act.
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on February 03, 2006
    This is an excellent story. Well written. The suspense is wonderful. Sesshoumaru's softness in his youkai phase was very refreshing.
    What a shock to see him grow so cold once he was back to himself. Poor Kagome. Her predicament was her own fault simply because
    she insisted on taking care of Sesshoumaru. I guess Naraku was correct in accounting for that. Maybe when Sesshoumaru is well, Tensaiga
    will obey him and bring Rin back. Hmm, can't remember what happened to the sword. That might be a bit much to hope for, ne? I'll have
    to reread some of the chapters. Ah, you know Naraku well and the fact that you have him behind this whole thing is very devious indeed.
    I like the way you think. This fic is very intriguing and I so no reason why anyone would not like it.

    I am anxious to see the outcome of this fic and hope that you will update it soon.

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  • From ANON - oslo on January 25, 2006
    I've just re-read this piece for the third(?) time, and had to tell you how much I have enjoyed it, and look forward to the rest of the story. Thank you for the realness of the characters; they have depth and motivation beyond the usual over-reactive stereotypes that others use. Of course, the They MIght be Giants quotes speak to me as well.

    Please don't stop - because I don't already know where this story is going.
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  • From ANON - sabrina on December 27, 2005
    Wow. I love this story. Its shrouded in mystery, it has angst and drama, and yet it has a touch of humor in it too....Very nicely done. Very nice. ^_^ I admire your work. PLEASE update soon.
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