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Reviews for Operation: Inu Crime

By : inuyoukiskye
  • From ANON - Crystal on December 15, 2005
    well you weren't kidding when you said that the first part "wasn't pretty"...i love your wording...and your descriptions are awesome...both with the killing and the *other part* lol. great job :)
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  • From ANON - penpaninu on December 15, 2005
    (wolf whistle) WHHHHHOOOT! That was some hot sacriLICOIUS sex! (that word is sacriligious and delicious mixed together btw) That attack on Miroku was some tenchu, divine justice from a vengeful god in the form of youkai Inuyasha baby, oh yeah..... that got my youki up, except I would tear out his throat with my teeth and stain the damn carpet too in a spray of crimson water. HMM HMMM..... once more you convinced me you have some vice and dice :P Alot more on the vice here (winks)
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  • From ANON - Crystal on December 06, 2005
    ok...! I'm reviewing again! lol. I love ur writing...this is coming along so's leaving a bad taste in my mouth (thats a good thing in this case). Thank you for the disclaimers!! W/O which...this would be an even harsher read. Gawd those are funny as hell lmao.
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  • From ANON - penpaninu on December 06, 2005
    Crisper and fresher style of writing. Well done showing of emotion for the lemon scene. EGO STROKE for the inu skye! All hail the yash,s mission!!!!

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  • From ANON - penpaninu on November 29, 2005
    inu, my fave descript had to be the part about feeling meglomanical, that was just genius. I found myself smiling when I got to that >:P Well hope to see Kags soon! Bloody fun drug romp as always (lol)
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  • From ANON - chanda on November 20, 2005
    I really like this story so far, look forward until the next update.
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  • From ANON - penpaninu on November 20, 2005
    (puts two fingers in mouth and whistles very badly) VERY SEXILY DONE! I got all hot and bothered with this scene. Inuskye, you do a good job at uhm. portraying club life? )lololool) I'm laughing near you, not at you :P Everyone better recongize this inu's talent. She's my muse in disguise

    heart heart laurainu
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  • From ANON - penpaninu on November 19, 2005
    woooo very mysterious, ne! love it, inu
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  • From ANON - Crystal on November 18, 2005
    Dude 180 hits and I'm the first to write a review??? GAWD! I don't believe it! This is fucking awesome dude I'm loving it. I expect another chapter when u get ur ass back from work! You rock :) You're doing a great job blending the song into the story...or the story into the song...whichever, lol.
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