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Reviews for Erotic Adventures of Shippo!

By : DementedDaydream
  • From Animedevildog on August 19, 2007
    O.O DAMN!
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  • From ANON - LL28 on November 22, 2006
    Okay. Lube is essential! Do you know what it's like with no lube?! Yah.. think about that.
    Me being CONSTRUCTIVE- always lube before entry and write better.
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  • From ANON - angel on June 06, 2006
    please please please write more soon!
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  • From ANON - Plasma Snake on January 30, 2006
    I love it please do more chapters and write more fanfiction And do more chapters about Kagome and Sango.
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  • From DementedDaydream on January 27, 2006
    I know that Shippo is rather whoreish (is that a word?) in my last chapter, but you have to look at it this way: he doesn't really understand sex, only that he really enjoyes it, and other characters seem to shun it. (sigh) anyway, I don't really know if I'm going to continue anymore- I just thing that it would be hard to keep Shippo innocent, and I'm afraide that he may turn into a nymphomaniac! Becides, I have a new addiction now: Fruits basket! I just read volume 1-6, and my favorite auther is now Natsuki Takaya!

    Keep an eye out, i'm thinking of a one-shot with Shippo and Souta (I said this before) And hopefully I can stay more in-character this time!

    Rin might be there, too.
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  • From ANON - ??? on January 19, 2006
    Well you might not like the idea but if you want a kagome/shippo chapter you could have shippo use his transforming powers to make his penis bigger. It'd make sense if it was either inuyasha or miroku's size since those are the only ones he has seen from what I can tell although its a little big(still fine with me though). I mean otherwise its just oral really since that about all they can do. Oh well nice story keep it up.
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  • From ANON - .... on January 18, 2006
    it was pretty good but shippo is a whore in this!!
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  • From DementedDaydream on January 13, 2006
    Thank you so much for the good reviews! It's my first, and I was afraide that it would come off as "disgusting" by the readers. Lygger, i would olve to read you'r story, but alas! I cannot access your list, and I do not know the name.

    Hey, I need advice for a kagome chapter. How could it be instituted? Remember, I am trying to stay in character. Also, I plan to follow the story so far, so it has to make sence.

    Other than that, if anyone has any requests for future Shippo pairings, I will try to fit them in.

    God Im glad my pen name isn't bob anymore... I didn't really know what the penname was at the time... but now I ramble on, keeping you fron your readings! Have fun!
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  • From ANON - bataratgril on December 14, 2005
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  • From on December 07, 2005
    nice. please read mine. it's nice to see a story where shippo is young, but it doesn't come off really sick
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  • From ANON - one time wierdo on November 28, 2005
    LMFAO !! HAHAHAHAH!! THAT WAS SO FUCKED UP!! 'tiny lover' this kills me
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  • From ANON - JayDeth[is an author here] on November 27, 2005
    O.O Wow... O.O ... I give it a 4. ^_^
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  • From ANON - Steve on November 26, 2005
    I love it! Please update soon.
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  • From ANON - Anon on November 24, 2005
    I liked it actually. Are there going to be any more chapters?
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