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Reviews for Intense Pleasures

By : michelle5137
  • From ANON - Kalee (KK) on December 25, 2005
    hey. i read your story and i loved was awesome. i say keep up the good work. dont let other people get you down. you write good stories and you know it and your supportors know it. i personally think whoever wrote that review had serious problems. but anyway. i hope you continue writing your stories. it was a ton of fun to read it and i enjoyed it. it so far is one of my favorite kuronue and yoko stories. you are truly amazing in your work. keep in mind that not all of us are like the baka who wrote that review. i would never say something like that to any author i read a story from. its your creativity and your story and i personlly think you sould be able to write it however you want. so just know i stand by you on this story. continue with the creativity and the imagination for this story. its why i like it and one of the reasons i will look for updates in the future. good luck with the rest of your story. merry christmas to you to. and happy holidays.

    ^_^ KK
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  • From ANON - Diane on December 25, 2005
    I enjoyed the 1st chapter & am eagerly waiting for the rest. How can you goof up Kuronue? He's not shown that often so you could pretty much do anything with him, personally I'd seen a bad pic & his profile & that's it.
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  • From ANON - infinite silence on December 25, 2005
    please do not allow one person who, i might add be a dick wad, to ruin writing for you. i have seen it happen to many a talanted authors. I however loved your story and wish for it to continue. if you would like
    you could always e-mail it to me so that i may read it if this one jerk off has ruined it. i will give me e-mail to you if you so wish to contact me. please do not stop writing. i like your story as is and would really like to
    see it continue. thank you
    ~ infinite silence

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  • From ANON - ash on December 25, 2005
    Tell him he can go fuck himself I loved it.
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  • From ANON - Anime sweetie on December 25, 2005
    Oh please continue this story don't let one baka stop this great story. I love it!! I really love all your stories. Everyone hates flamers, I'm sorry they dumped on your work, trust me I know how that feels. But please say your going to update.
    Just a thought but, how can anyone say Kuronue would act a certin way or not act another way. I mean in Yu yu they really don't go into any real detail about him. All we really know is he is a theif and Yoko's best firend. SO were does that reviewer get off say you've messed up Kuronue's character? So I'm sorry someone upset you, I think this story is great and hope to read more. So please update soon!!
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  • From ANON - Inuyoukai8 on December 25, 2005
    Awww, I like this story, don't let them get ya down. I dislike flames and the like and I agree that if someone doesn't like it in the first few seconds they should leave it alone. And not harass an author over it, however look at it this way.. it might cheer you up.... how many good reviews do you have as opposed to negative comments?
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  • From ANON - KounetsuDeb on December 25, 2005
    I just wanted to say that I'm sorry *some* people of this website enjoy bashing the GOOD material of others while they have no work to show for themselves.

    Guess what people who review on the "OOC of some characters", did you write Kagome's character? Or Kuroune? No. So you do not truly know them, and any author can take whatever prospective of a character they want on this site, as long as they include a disclaimer.

    If you want to "flame" or "bash" another person's work, take a step up and show that your work is better.

    Merry Christmas Ya' bastards.
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  • From ANON - lisa on December 25, 2005
    i fully enjoyed the first chap and can't wait for the second. ignore the bastards that have no talent and are too afriad of writing their own story and they have to put down other peoples work. thank you and keep up the fine writing.
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  • From ANON - sayah1112 on December 25, 2005
    Fuck 'em. Ignore that other person's review. More often then not some reviewers seem to like to talk out of their ass. That one shot was great! I personally enjoyed it- and it was an awesome christmas present. People who leave negative reviews and no constructive criticism are assholes, and probably have no talent to string together a well worded sentence. Ignore them! Keep writing! For the love of god, dont end it there! And dont take that fool's words to heart- quite frankly they are wrong, I liked the flow of the story. The lemon and lime were hot, and you got a good feel of the character's too. Keep in mind that you didnt ask that idiot to read your story, and so if they dont like it they can go fuck themselves. ^.^

    Merry Christmas!

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  • From ANON - qarry on December 25, 2005
    I personally liked the story and can't wait for the next chapter. The suspense is killing me.
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  • From ANON - Demon Princess on December 25, 2005
    Hey. I think I t's great. Yes simple as that great.
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  • From ANON - mercy d on December 25, 2005
    hey i luv luv luv kuronue and there are precious few esp ones including youko so i thank u for the christmas surprise for this stories and your continual use of the was surprising how quickly kuronue and kags got together tho i spose her caring for him and then his passion for beautiful women made it easier also it being a short story u needa pack it in. As always spellin and grammar etc is great i hope the next chapter will be as eventful update soon ja ne xx
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  • From ANON - UKK on December 25, 2005
    OMG I LOOOVE YOU!!!!! Hurry update!!! ...and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I absolutely love this group of pairings...something about Kuronue just tickles me happy.
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  • From ANON - izumi on December 25, 2005
    Sorry but the entire flow of the story is a bit on the corny side. Too much 'wuv and fluff.' You completely bastardize Kuroune into a lump of sap.
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  • From ANON - Kage Otome (NSI) on December 25, 2005
    Oh Kura! Damn that was awesome girl! *cheshire grin* Now I'm all hot and bothered! Kuronue/Kagome, Yoko/Kagome, Yoko/Kagome/Kuronue! Makes me feel bad the one-shot I made you doesn't have a lemon. I'll be sure to rectify it the next time I make a lemony story! My one-shot isn't even done...Sorry, darlin if you don't get it today, but It will be out before new years...Or on New Years...*sweatdrop* I loved it! I can't wait to see the reactions each demon will have to seeing each other!

    Love ya!

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