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Reviews for Better Judgement

By : tinycowz
  • From ANON - Rachie on January 01, 2006
    I keep checking this story to see if it has been updated yet and it hasnt! Please update ASAP! I cant wait until the next chapter.
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  • From drake220 on December 29, 2005
    well, as long as you get that spell checker, the story will improve. I really like that Kagome is honest with herself- she knows she's being an easy lay and just can't break the habit. The transitions between scenes are messy, disorganized and could be better presented. Instead of just having kag think everything, maybe have a visual clue like italics or something to signify flashbacks. People respond to visuals like that and it makes the story easier to comprehend in a flow. Also, grammer is imperative. Sometimes your names aren't capitalized, the "quotation marks" are missing or the sentences lack commas. These are just some suggestions to improve the technical quality of the story. For the most part the actual story is quite good with decent characterization and dialouge. The lemon was a bit sparse in the description catagory but I may just feel that way b/c I'm a SmutMonster! ;)
    good story!
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  • From ANON - DarkTwilight on December 29, 2005
    ooooooooooo this sounds really good please keep going cant wait till next chap
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  • From ANON - You don't need to know on December 28, 2005
    I think this story has a lot of potential and your writing is really good. Update soon.

    PS: Please don't write that jealously-stuff which has been suggested above PLEASE! PLEASE!!!! It makes me sick seeing (or reading) kagome with somebody else than Inuyasha...
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  • From ANON - jodibetz on December 28, 2005
    Hello! That was nice. No pretensions, good dialogue. Keep it coming! Oh and happy new year :D
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  • From ANON - Rachie on December 28, 2005
    In the next chapter she should do something to make Inuyasha REALLY jealous. Like make out with a guy. Ya know, something along those lines. Just something to make Inuyasha ultra jealous! please update asap
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