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Reviews for Fifty Years

By : nika1280
  • From ANON - Steel Butterfly430 on November 08, 2006
    I have no words....

    Well, I thought up a few. First, IF HE DIES MARU HAD BETTER BE ABLE TO USE HIS SWORD TO BRING YASHA BACK!!!!! (sorry,my little devil escaped)

    Okay, second, it was so sad. And funny. I mean, are you gonna keep Yasha barefoot and pregnant their whole lives together? I thought that having Maru's carbon copy have Yasha's mannerisms and personality was a nice touch. I can see that child kinda holding a different place in his heart than the others' (if you're a parent, we all know it's true. Relax) do, but yeah.

    Oh, are the children supposed to be paired up the way they are? Or am I just seeing what I wanna see? Like, the 2 girls, the twins, the two that have the spiritual powers. Why not make Gin and Reo be close.

    Anyway, long rambling just to say this one was intriguing and I'm glad I finally read it and I can't wait for the next chapter.

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  • From ANON - Lavinia on November 08, 2006
    That was horrible! You made me cry! you cruel... cruel... AUTHOR!! (keh, that was lame...) HOW COULD YOU BE SO CRUEL??

    truth to be told, had you ended it any other way it would have been sappy and I would have hated it...
    this was the very first good Sess/Inu story I have read.... really good job! I espesially liked the way you didn't make heir relationship too easy, and how you didn't pay attention to tha truth that incect is frowned upon... then again, they're demons, what do we know of what is allowed in their sosiety... really good...

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  • From ANON - PolkaDot on November 07, 2006
    I'm surprised there's a nother chapter, usually death is the end, but I don't mind. I prefer realistic endings to happy ones though.
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  • From ANON - say what? on November 07, 2006
    okay i'm confused should ur story end once inu is dead? seriously draggin it out for so long is getting boring. i dont wanna hear about the kids... they're great but aren't likeable in my opinion they are more one-sided not 3 demensional. ugh i cant read this anymore the first part is good so thank u for that.
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  • From ANON - kelly on November 07, 2006
    *big, teary animated eyes* wah! that was so sad! i can't wait for the next chapter to be up, but i'll wait patiently ^_^ good job with it, it's so sad that i kinda wanna cry for poor sess and the kids. keep up the good work
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  • From ANON - roora takanashi on November 07, 2006
    OMG this story was absolutly amazing. I cried as i read the end. You ave an amazing talent for writing the depth and emotion of the human soul. ther are no words to describe the feeling and emotion you put into this story.I congradulate you on this story and wish you all the best of luck in the future with your other stories.

    roora takanashi
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  • From ANON - White_Youkai on November 06, 2006
    Damn you... Now I'm drowning in my own pool of tears. Only two stories had made me cry, and one of them is yours. I totaly love this story. It's touching and so different from all the others. I hope Tenseiga will work out and the happiness will once again come to the house of Taisho. You did a really good job on this story and I hope you will continue it. I'm looking forward to read the next chapter.
    Sincerely, White Youkai
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  • From ANON - D/H on November 06, 2006
    The story was great up to the point where the 'Rape' took place..It's never 'GOOD READING,' to me, personally, to read stuff like that, and i find authors who do, N/C to bee unimaginatiive, and just 'not good' enough..I don't find it necessary to have it in the story...So many authors tend to go down that road that it's sicken and just plain lame!!!

    Rape dowsn't add drama, if that's what you were aiming for, it's not dramatic event...Everytime that i come across a piece of writing that has 'Rape' in it, that's always Inuyasha's character, of course, stupid, anyway, it's just plain disappointing too read..

    I don't unnderstand how an author can't come up with anything better...??

    Anyway, overall, a good read..

    The last scene brought tears too my eyes.. I'll give this story a 7 out of a 10.. It would be a 10 out of a 10..
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  • From ANON - duzieinuchick on November 06, 2006
    OMG, that was sooooooooo sad. V.V update soon.
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  • From ANON - seto'swifey on November 05, 2006
    I am like totally heartbroken and sad right now. I guess I got too caught up in this story b/c I'm fighting tears right now. This was very well written and I do look forward to the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - Aihythil on November 05, 2006
    Oh, yey!!!! Finally an update!!! This is the only story in Inuyasha/Sesshomaru Im reading... :) I go out once a week to see if you have updated... :) I really love this story. You are a great writer.. :) Thank you for sharing this with ous.. :) Hugs Aihythil
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  • From putusername on November 05, 2006
    Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That was so sad! *cries*

    I am so glad that it isn't the last chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • From ANON - ayonoi on November 05, 2006
    It seems almost like you heard my prayers. I love your story, I really do. It is well written and the plot is not boring. It is really wonderful. So this chapter was so heartbreaking, I really felt for the children that were losing their mom and I also felt for Sesshoumaru for losing his mate. I am curious on how the rest of the 50 years are going to play out, this chapter felt so final. I was thinking that you could have ended the fic there and it would have been such a beautiful tragic story. But I am glad that there is more to it. That is why I am so curious on how the plot is going to continue.

    I do want to say that I hope things go well for you. RL can be so difficult when you don't expect it and what you have gone through is very difficult. I am sending you a hug and good wishes that things get better. *hugs*
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  • From ANON - nette on November 05, 2006
    *starts to cry uncontrollably* nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooo! inu can't die......its just not right all the things he went through, it's not right. *sobs* what will happen to the kids now that their mother is gone, will gin ever let sesshy into his heart? what about the twins? *sniffles* inuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!......ok i will stop crying for right now....luved the chpater (though it was very sad) keep up the great writing and hope things work out for you. ok.......bye....*sighs*
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  • From ANON - DemonGoddess061 on November 05, 2006
    OMG you had me in tears. This was heartwrenching, but very very good writing, as always.

    Congratulations on your new family member, and I am sorry to hear you had to deal with the turmoil you did the last few months. That sort of thing is never easy.
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