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Reviews for Fifty Years

By : nika1280
  • From FemaleHanyou on July 30, 2006
    were you planning to update? or were you going to let us rot? come on, ivy... you know we love your writing. So, where is our update? Speaking of which... that reminds me of another author...

    Update soon please.


    PS: Where's Tryst and Alala?
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  • From ANON - angel on July 30, 2006
    ~sniff sniff~ wow that was .. wow .. please please please update soon i would love to read more .. later for now

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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 29, 2006
    Let's get to the nitty-gritty before we get to the fun.

    I KNEW it!!! I knew you were going to have Inuyasha die from that illness! Damn you!!! Damn!!!!

    But it makes for a good story though. :-)

    I must admit if I was an ole' softie, I'd be crying JUST from reading the part on how Sesshomaru was reacting to Inuyasha's condition at the spring. *sigh* You just love a
    tearjerker, don't you?

    But I know this story ain't over, after all we got 'Fifty Years'.

    What do you mean FarAwayEyes nominated you!?!? O_o

    *whispers softly* I thought she didn't read yaoi.

    -Light bulb- Weeell now, I think I need to pay the girl a visit!!! *cackles evilly*

    *runs to find FarAwayEyes*

    *all you see is dust kicking up from the ground*
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  • From ANON - Tashia on July 29, 2006
    AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T MORE!!! need more!!! please finish it? *begs* i REALLY love this Fic. It's one of the best i have ever read. PLEASE finish...?
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  • From ANON - Amy on July 28, 2006
    I can't wait for the next chapter. Poor Fluffy! Right whaen he found Inu, Inu's gona die! Thats so sad, please don't kill Inu!
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  • From ANON - Sir Magus on July 28, 2006
    MORE!!! i want more but but u cant have inuyasha die...can u? i mean isnt that a crime against all laws of aff? if its not it definitly should be! plz u have to give InuxSess a happy ending plz? i think im gonna cry its so sad *runs away crying* its just not fair *wails uncontrollably in corner* wat will happen to the children? they cant lose their mommy it would kill them! *starts crying even harder* i seriously am worried about the outcome of this story u shouldnt be so evil and mean! but when are u gonna post the next chapter b/c i really need to find out wats gonna happen!

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  • From ANON - Demitria Miriam on July 27, 2006
    Oh god! Oh god! Oh gooooooddddddd!!! (sob) I can't... review right now! I'm too emotional! This is horrible! (not horrible-writing, horrible-situation) *sniff* Oh dear, Ivy. You're so cruel! (snuggles up to Sessy and Inuyasha plushies)
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  • From ANON - Thalia on July 27, 2006
    I really like your story its so good! I hope Inuyasha stays alive in the story! Update soon!
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  • From ANON - shadowwolf on July 27, 2006
    Each chapter of this storyline has been well crafted and holds a readers attention to the last word. It will be interesting to see if you end it in tears or laughter. I am looking forward towards the next chapter or two.
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  • From ANON - ellie on July 26, 2006
    normalcy isn't a word
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  • From ANON - Roro on July 26, 2006
    Poor Sesshoumaru!
    Finally finding Inu then learning he's going to die!
    You're evil!
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  • From ANON - kallipso on July 26, 2006
    Damn make a person cry why don't you. Please don't kill Inu Yasha *pouts*
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  • From ANON - ren on July 26, 2006
    heyyyyy!!! whats gonig on, i thought they were going to live happy everafter, can izao or izyao save him like last time, please allow inuyasha to live.
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on July 26, 2006
    Somehow I missed when the previous chapter got posted because I was a few paragraphs down in ch. 15 before I realized I had no idea what was going on, then I had to go back:) I understand the reasoning better now, though if it were me personally I'd leave a million samples then take the chance. But I guess that's just me, I try to take shortcuts as I can to make things go as quick as possible, that's probably why my chem lab instructor always looked like she wanted to cry when it was time for my class period:D Moving on, I like what you did with Kouga, the suffering was nice, though I wish Sesshoumaru had gotten there quicker. Oh well:'( I'm feeling a bit sad and also a bit confused, sad becase Inuyasha is dying but also confused because it's only been 22 years. Or am I confusing the whole 50 years thing, not 50 years of marriage but 50 of something else. Anyways I feel bad for his kids, I don't know what I'd do without my mom, but at least now they're back with they're dad and he can help them. Though I'm still holding out the hope that there will be a happy surprise and somehow one of the kids or Sesshoumaru or someone will be able to figure something out to help Inuyasha. Like maybe the Tenseigea, it brought Rin back to life and healed her, maybe it could work on Inuyasha too. Yes yes I like that idea very much. Anyways I think I'm starting to sound a little inane and that I'm going to go to sleep now before I sound any stupider.
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  • From ANON - Princess Sin on July 26, 2006
    it's weird but i can't seem to stop crying. so, update
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