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Reviews for Fifty Years

By : nika1280
  • From ANON - ayonoi on July 26, 2006
    This is a really sad chapter. My eyes watered towards the end and all I could think is how Inuyasha's children will react. Yes, they know their mother is sick but I don't think they will expect to hear that he is dying. Will they ever know about that big fight? I doubt it, I think Inuyasha will let them have a peaceful life with their father even if he is not around. But I wonder if Sesshoumaru could live with the blame of his mate's death?

    I was not sure about seeing Sesshoumaru break down, it was a little odd but 10 years away from the person you love and the stress of giving them even more pain that they are under would make the strongest man break down. I wasn't sure if I wanted to sympathize but I did, he is losing his mate while regaining his children. And to be honest, I don't want Inuyasha to die, after so much sacrifice, I have to say that it really and totally sucks.

    But I won't stop reading,ahh, it really hurt but I will continue reading through the whole 50 years. 28 years more to go.

    You write well...I already read one chapter and I can't wait for the next.

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  • From Vague on July 25, 2006
    wow that's so incredibly horribly sad. I have been wanting to post this for a long time now and i guess i will do so now. When i first saw this story i was simply skimming. I was bored and -shrugs- not many stories out there are really all that good. But just as i hit the back but to something in the story caught my eye so i said Emi (that's my name) lets check this out. It was about 4:20pm in the after no one (that's' the time i looked at the clock when i realised that i was in love) I stayed up till 5 pm that day reading the story. I was so i just kept thinking that's a treasure what an absolute treasure. I am so glad i got this story and I'm telling all my friends about it. I love it because its not smut and well with a site full of smut you get tired of reading it after a little while. I love a good romance story and i want to finish this one. When i finished it that day i actually said "no!" in distress its been days now and i keep checking for updates 3 times a day actually. Finally today i checked again not expecting any and i was so happy so keep up the good work. After reading hundreds of books, seeing every plot or situation i had gotten bored over the years and i hardly ever read any more i only skimmed. You've given me a story that i can enjoy and read completely so please keep it up and update as often as you can cause ill be checking every day :)
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  • From ANON - nette on July 25, 2006
    (starts to cry) why........why kill much pain (sobs) so much sorrow (sniffles). but i guess this is how it must be....(sobs) damn and when they were just about to be a family again. life is cruel. ok im going to stop my blubbering and say this was a good chapter and i liked the fact that you had some tender moments for the inus. (sniffles) update soon. i hope the kids can handle it. ok im done now.
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on July 25, 2006
    So depressing, but maybe tensaiga will pull Inuyasha back from death. I hope so.
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  • From ANON - AMy on July 13, 2006
    Yay! Kogas dead! i never liked him. I hope inuyasha takes sesshomaru back.
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  • From ANON - Amy on July 13, 2006
    i love this story so much! it's so sweet!
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  • From ANON - ayonoi on July 12, 2006
    I really liked the last chapter despite the gore and the sadness of what happened. Although Kouga got what he knew was coming, unfortunately he didn't figure it out until the last few moments of his life. Yikes, scary! And Sesshoumaru was really in his element if I can say that myself, he surely showed what will happen to anyone who touches his mate and children. The courtiers also got a taste of that in the way he put down the rebellion.

    I am wondering what will happen when Inuyasha awakens from unconsciousness. He has just gone through hell and now that his mate is back, what will be the reaction. His mate hurt him so much and he endured the years of illness and loneliness without him, it makes me wonder if they can fix what is broken? They love each other, yes, but I liked that Inuyasha was not blinded by that and he would not stand for being hurt or even killed. I think that is really important and what kept the story from being another "Inuyasha turns into a woman" fic. That is what keeps me coming back to this story. I have to say I have re read it so many times I lost count.

    I can't wait for the next chapter, please keep up the good work.

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  • From ANON - Atomic on July 06, 2006
    Oh god.


    That was graphic.
    Amazingly written, but horrendously graphic.
    Aw, poor Kouga. :(
    Oh, and I believe Kouga is spelt with a 'ou'.
    I love this story.
    It's horribly well written.
    My arm arms now. Ouchies.
    Getting ripped off.
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  • From ANON - Ren on July 05, 2006
    ohh, my gosh, wow, im at a total loss of words.........well wow......hey keep writing i really want to know what happens next
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  • From ANON - mcdgoddess on July 05, 2006
    I almost jumped out of my chair for joy, I was so excitied that there was a new chapter! I thought Sesshoumaru had his work cut out for him before, but now I have NO idea what so ever how he will be able to fix his family. Koga's torture scene was INTENSE! I have heard about parts being cut off, but to have your balls MELTED off, MY GOD YOU'RE PURE GENIUS!!!!!!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE don't have me have to wait too long for the next chapter! Keep up the kick ass work because I only see this story becoming even GREATER than what it already is!
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  • From ANON - Princess Sin on July 05, 2006
    i have to say Koga's torture made me cringe. i'm still shuddering
    everytime i think about it. oh well, he brought it on himself. anyway,
    wonderful chapter. i hope the medicine sesshomaru has help. i'm sure
    it will break the kids as well as sesshomaru's heart if inuyasha dies. and
    i can't wait until the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - nette on July 05, 2006
    all i can say is.....WOW! i luved this chapter. i mean from the way you had sessh act around his children to how koga tortured inu and then finishing it off with koga's demise. beautiful. i simply enjoyed reading this. i am on the edge for the next chapter. i wonder how inu's reaction will be when he wakes to see his mate for the first time in 10 yrs. that shuld be interesting. ok as always update soon and keep up the genius writing.
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  • From ANON - ArchNemesis on July 04, 2006
    OMG! How could you let Kouga do that to Inuyasha? You're mean I say, MEAN! But has to admit that Sessshoumaru did what any mate would do. Now, hopefully that can get on with their lives. But I know that's not as easy as it sound, right? Right.

    Excellent work! Can't wait for the next chapter. I want see if Inuyasha forgives Sesshoumaru about what happened all those years ago. And as well as if Sesshoumaru has to face another plot of someone else trying to take-over his claim as Lord of the Western Lands.

    Please update soon! And have save and wonderful 4th of July!

    Nemesis ^_~
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  • From ANON - Demitria Miriam on July 04, 2006


    I can't... even say anything right now.... except, FUCK YEAH! (does a little victory dance for Sesshou)

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  • From ANON - neko on July 04, 2006
    wow! angry sess is really reaaalllly scary!!! poor koga.......but he deserved it couse he rape inuyasha!! will ayame be sad that koga died??

    great chapter !! heheheh now i cant wait to read when inuyasha awake and found sess with him ^^
    i hope inuyasha sickness can be cured. cant wait to read more bout sess and inuginsenshi (kyaaaaa mini sess *hug*)

    Love YOU and Love your FIC ^^
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