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Reviews for Fifty Years

By : nika1280
  • From ANON - SP777 on July 04, 2006
    spelling error [Regarding #14] other thing, since everyone else gushed about it.

    I am SOOO glad you reunited Sesshoumaru with his babies!!!! *sniff* :-( ... :-D

    You don't realize how on edge AND in anticipation people were waiting for THAT reunion, now the mates are united. *sigh*
    Nothing but love...
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  • From ANON - SP777 on July 04, 2006
    Rearding #14...

    :blink: O_o :blink: O_o

    :blink: O_o :blink: O_o

    Good Lawd!!!!!! :-O Now THAT is something I haven't read about Sesshoumaru...him cutting loose & done
    in SUCH detail.

    You tha' girl! O___O

    See me likes surprises every now & then in stories. Oh yeah, I've been checking out the other story, but I'll wait to review.

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  • From ANON - Sir Magus on July 03, 2006
    i like ur story alot-wit the exception that i find it really hard to believe that inyasha would call sesshomaru "sess"(its porbbly more wat u like to call him an i understand that so its ok. and wats wit havin inuyasha turn into a girl durin birth? ok i understand that his name does mean female dog an all but come on makin him a girl?-eh watever im ovr it i hope u will continue to write more chapters and post em im lookin forward to it!
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  • From ANON - darksilk on June 27, 2006
    PLEASE, PLEASE UPDATE SOON. I love this stroy usually i'm not up
    for a m-preg story but I loved this. It's so sweet and sad and though
    you Sess was being a complete ass I still love how much he cares for
    his family. I can't wait to read more and I'm going to start on
    your other story cause it sounds great so far.
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  • From ANON - Bookworm51485 on June 26, 2006
    I love what you have written so far, though I wish I'd waited until the story was complete before I started reading it. Now I have to wait for a new chapter to find out what Kouga's doing to Inuyasha and what Sesshoumaru's going to do to him. Kouga truly is an idiot, his revenge blinded him to the point that he didn't even think about the consequences. Not only will Sesshoumaru be pissed at whatever he does to Inuyasha but he'll be doubly pissed that Kouga attacked his kids. He wasn't thinking very far ahead with this moronic idea of revenge. I hope that whatever Sesshoumaru does do to him, it's not quick. Though I have a question, or something that was bit confusing to me. Sesshoumaru was with Jinenji for 6 weeks, why did he not just take the time Jinenji said it would take to analyze the poison and create an antidote and find Inuyasha and bring him back to Jinenji so by the time that happened the antidote would be ready. And he might have been able to head off Kouga and avoid whatever bad thing Kouga's doing to him now. Oh well, now that Sesshoumaru's here hopely he can kick Kouga's ass and get Inuyasha back (hopefully whatever Kouga's doing won't cause Inuyasha to degenerate quicker) and then they can all go home and hopefully Inuyasha will be cured. I dunno, maybe I'm assuming things too much but since the story is called 50 years and it's only 20 years in, I'm thinking that Sesshoumaru will save the day. Though with the 50 years there's no guarantee that Inuyasha won't still be dying. Too many question, too late at night. I'm going to bed now and I hope I see an update soon.
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  • From ANON - ren on June 25, 2006
    ohhh, it was such an emotional reunion with sess and his little ones, can't wait for the next chapter
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  • From ANON - mcdgoddess on June 23, 2006
    OMG! OMG! OH MY GOD!!!! This is the chapter that I have been waiting FOREVER for! I am SO SORRY for not reviewing before because I have to tell you I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this story!!!! I have been addicted to this fic since the first post! There are SO MANY great things I want to say about this fic, but I can't even begin to express them! Everyday, I look for an update! I love what you have done with this story, with all of its twist and turns! Nothing is ever as it is suspected to turn out to and not all of the problems are so easily resolved and because of those elements, they give your story more clout and make it seem more realistic in a way. I can see that it will take some time before this family is whole again and I like that because as in life a few words will not make all of their problems disappear. This has become one of my FAVORITE stories to read and you have become one of my favorite authors. I'm already looking forward to the next chapter. I just hope that Sesshoumaru is not too late in saving Inuyasha and that they all get a happy ending! Don't keep me waiting too long!
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 23, 2006
    OMG, HE FOUND THEM! YES! if you dont update soon, i swear I will go and jump off a cliff!!!! PLEASE, I BEG YOU UPDATE!!!! :D
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  • From ANON - Fluffy on June 23, 2006
    Oh! He's going to blow a gasket isn't he.....Oh boy...i feel kinda sorry for the wolves. XD' Kinda.......!
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  • From ANON - nette on June 23, 2006
    yeah yea yea sessh caught up with the kids! i'm so happy but also afraid what he might do when he finds out where his mate is and who he's with. i luved this chapter especially having to see an almost emotionally sessh. too kawaii. okay enough ranting can't wait for the next chapter
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  • From ANON - ayonoi on June 23, 2006
    I wanted to tell you that I am really enjoying your fanfic and apologize for not reviewing in the past. While I am familiar with the Inuyasha fandom in a limited way, I really enjoy how you have characterized Sesshomaru because you keep him IC and I like how Inuyasha's brash character breaks through at the unexpected moments and reminds the reader of the anime and the manga. I like that a lot.

    The plot has kept me reading *and* re-reading your fic because I find it interesting, balanced and well paced. I feel like you end your chapters (especially the last two) in cliffhangers and that makes me impatient for the next chapter but it is worth the wait, I have a great sense of satisfaction after I read the chapter XD.

    Wonderful story and writing, I can't wait to see more of it. And your new story is good too, I want to keep an eye on it as well. Just a humble question for you, do you have a site or lj or a way that I can get notification of your fic updates? I would really love to know when the chapter is out asap.

    Keep it up, you are doing an excellent job!

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  • From ANON - SP777 on June 22, 2006
    Thanks for the list of children, I was REALLY having a hard time trying to keep up with ''who's-who'' and who was the oldest.

    I'm also glad you put up a time frame, I didn't realize that much time had gone by for Inuyasha being with..or not being with..Sesshoumaru.

    NOW, if you can do a fight scene that will rival other fight scenes THAT would be the icing on the cake, because Kouga definitely needs to realize who he should NOT be messing with.

    nuff said...
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  • From ANON - neko on June 22, 2006
    AT LAST!!! Sesshomaru rejoin with his children!!! i cry when i read the fic, especially when sess meet his kids *sniff*
    but inuyasha is alone with koga now....... hope sess come in time and rescuing inuyasha.

    GREAT chapter. i just can't wait to read the next chapter!! *hugs and cuddle you then ran to read the fic one more time*
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  • From ANON - Ren on June 22, 2006
    I totally love this story please continue, I was engrossed to the story, I just had to find out what was going to happen next., you are an awesome writter, keep typing
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  • From ANON - Polka dot on June 18, 2006
    I like the cliff hanger. So we are in year 20 of the Fifty years?
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