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Reviews for Fifty Years

By : nika1280
  • From ANON - neko on June 18, 2006
    Great like always !!!!!!!!!!! i hope sesshomaru come soon to help inuyasha.....

    i like to read from sess POV when he know that inuyasha ran away again. he must be angry and dissapointed.
    waiii i LOVE your story. hope to read more soon ^^
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  • From ANON - SP777 on June 18, 2006
    you know I'm not one for saying sappy stuff..but I'm actually
    looking forward to the reunion between Inuyasha & Sesshoumaru.
    it's a shame that such a misunderstanding can drive 2 demons apart...
    oh, I'm also glad you explained about Sango & Miroku.

    by the way, could you by chance put a small list of the children? Who is the youngest
    and oldest..I'm having a tad bit trouble remembering.
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  • From ANON - Stefanie on June 18, 2006
    Yikes! I can't believe Kouga's going to let his wolves hurt the children, that's really low Kouga! I can only hope that Sesshomaru will get there before anyone gets seriously hurt. -_- This was a great chapter, can't wait for the next one. ^_~
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  • From ArchNemesis on June 18, 2006
    Man, Kouga, can't see straight. What's his problem? It's not Inuyasha's fault that he lost his pack but I guess you can't tell a loser that or to see reason. I hope that Sesshoumaru shows up to save Inuyasha and their children.

    Excellent work! Can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon!

    Nemesis ^_~
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  • From ANON - Caitriona on June 17, 2006
    Actually, yes I have enjoyed this newest installment of the story. Since AFF doesn't have an allert section I have come by one a day to see if you have updated. Inu's illness continues to worry me and I wonder if even Tensaiga will be able to save him from it. Add Kouga and his insane desire for revenge and my heart goes out to him even more. Doesn't Kouga realize that right now Inu feels just as alone and lost as he does? I had wondered if the children had an idea about the seriousness of Inu's illness. At least Izzy does. :'(

    I wonder when Sess will make an appearance? You had one of the children comment that she felt like her father was calling out to her, does there happen to be some kind of bond between the father and children? Will he perhaps know that the children are in danger?

    I guess I will just have to keep checking for the next chapter. Thanks for writing for us. It's great!

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  • From ANON - nette on June 17, 2006
    luved it. oohhh please don't kill the kids....i hope sessh can find them or at least pick up their scents. poor miroku/sango, so sad. damn that kouga. okay enough of my ranting. good chapter can't wait to read more and update soon. okay, bye-bye:)
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  • From ANON - Anon on June 17, 2006
    ok i love the story but pleace have sesshomaru cach up with inuyasha and the kids all redi this is taking to long.
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  • From ANON - Fluffy on June 17, 2006
    YOU DARE LEAVE IT THERE! That is an evil evil cliffhanger! -.-'
    UPDATE SOON! Please. Oo'''
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  • From ANON - neko on June 12, 2006
    rate : + + + + +
    NO!! your i think your story is rate : + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    beautifull and interesting story !!! i can't wait for inu and sesshy to meet again!! waiiiii

    love your story soooo much!! thank you for writing such a beautifull and interesting story
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  • From ANON - Caitriona on June 12, 2006
    Let me start by saying that I am still really enjoying this story very much. I ache for a reconciliation between Sess and Inu and I hope that there will be a way to cure the disease that Inu has inherited from his mother. 10 years of conscious pain is far worse than 50 years of unconsciousness.

    The fear in Inu's children when he wasn't able to get up that morning for them was truly saddening. Shippou, Kirara and Myouga are definately between a rock and a hard place as far as all this goes. I am sure, as they are full demons, that they don't really understand sickness and illness the way ningen would or even the way a hanyou could. The fact that they are able to care for him and his children is marvelous.

    The dream montage was excellent. It gave a good rundown of the high points of the past chapters so we will be ready for the upcoming ones. I will admit though, that some of the back and forth that you have been doing as far as timelines has been confusing to me. Myouga told Sess about the illness chapters and chapters ago, and Sess came to talk (orb not withstanding :) ) to Jininji last chapter, but in this chapter Sess doesn't know and Jininji is just now working on treatments. It has been a little circular and somewhat confusing. Luckily I just went back and re-read some of it and all was made clear.

    I am sad that Inu felt he had to go into running again, as weak as he is. At least he has his youkai friends with him and his children.

    Boy, I hope that this has a somewhat happy ending. >sniff...sniff
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  • From ANON - nette on June 12, 2006
    please don't tell mu kouga's goona appear. inu can't handle no more right now. and will sessh find them in time to help inu or will he be the one to raise the kids. so many questions so little time. so al in all the story is great, the plot is lovely and you kept everyone in character. update soon.
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  • From ANON - Princess Sin on June 09, 2006
    so, koga is the exiled. i never would have thought
    it. but really, how can he blame inuyasha. he has
    known all along that kagome loved inuyasha and
    not him. he brought all that on himself. will koga
    realize that its his own fault and not inuyasha's?
    anyway, great chapter. i'm waiting patiently for
    the next chapter.
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  • From ANON - ArchNemesis on June 08, 2006
    I knew chasing after Kogame would be the means to his end. Kouga's so low that I don't think that anything that he does will bring him back up, and he has the nerve to blame Inuyasha for all his problems. Gosh, I thought Sesshoumaru was a jerk, humph, I guess I was wrong.

    Excellent work! Can't wait for the next the next chapter. Please update soon!

    Nemesis ^_~
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  • From ANON - neko on June 08, 2006
    i relly love your story, i get more and more interesting every chapter. i just can't wait for sesshy and inu to meet again. also want to see their children in more mature form. i think the twin now was 18 years old ne?? hope you post more soon ^^ *hug and candy bar for you*
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  • From ANON - nette on June 08, 2006
    i hope sessh makes it in time to catch up with myouga before kouga gets to inu and harms his family. please update soon, its getting good.
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