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Reviews for Finding Kagome

By : MetsukiKaraTen
  • From ANON - XxSangoxX*Notsignedin* on October 23, 2006
    awwe I loved that reveal... you need to put up more chappies asap.

    I'm enthralled.
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  • From ANON - Tokaia on October 23, 2006
    That last chapter was awesome! I wished I was Kagome when she found out it was InuYasha. :3
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on October 22, 2006
    The best ever!!!! That was an awesome three chapters. The writing was great, the pacing and flow was great, and there were lots of great lines mixed in as well, as well as the angst of Kouga and Miranda. Aaaah, what to do about those 2? eeek. the motorcycle was great, and inuyasha showing up at their house was awesome. Hojo was a surprise, and i"m interested in seeing what he'll turn out to be like. Very sweet how Sango and Miroku are remembering each other and his death. Awww.
    and the mark, yea, even more hope for the happy ending.

    Lines I really liked:
    “Feh. . . Blech. . . mmm. . . ugh. . . ah. . . OH NO. . .” Kagome commented shaking her head.
    “I see. . . so, you're saying. . . I stink?” she teased.
    “mmhmm, just like a flower does. . .”
    “You're gonna run your ass crosswise with the law...
    Fire rat red
    “Damn!! Don't you guys ever actually eat?? You pulled this last night, too. . .” grumbled the surfer as he reached for his board. “A guy could starve to death. . .
    What the hell is it now, Jackass?”
    “She just got home. . . DAMN!! I can hear her goin' on behind you, is this your call or hers?? . . . Tell the witch YES, I am behavin'. . . Her precious Mike is right here, OK?”
    “Do you guys mind??” InuYasha growled, as he shut the door in their faces with a kick. “They haven't changed much, have they?”

    man, I love this story. Can't wait for more, greedy as usual.
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  • From ANON - Pucie on October 22, 2006
    *sniffles* Thank You! ummmm patience isn't exactly my strong point, but i guessed you noticed that, huh? sorry. . .but Thank You!
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  • From ANON - Pucie on October 22, 2006
    OMG OMG OMG OMG, Where's chapter 33?? I need chapter 33, c'mon it's so not fair, you're so evil to leave a cliffie like that!! Pleeeeasse, I'm begging you. . .please please please post chapter 33!!
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  • From ANON - Inuyoukai on October 21, 2006
    Chapter 30 -- Thanks for the update.. Can't think of anything else to say but good job.
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  • From ANON - Pucie on October 21, 2006
    YYYAAAAAYYYY! They finally meet!! WOOOHOOO!! Ok, now that I have gotten that out of my system, I just have to say this story is absolutely phenomenal! I can't wait for the next update!!
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  • From XxSangoxX on October 21, 2006
    HA i knew there was a plot hidden... i love it

    you are incorporating the 'everyone knows each other by six people.' that is the best...
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on October 21, 2006
    HA! I wasn't even planning on checking, and here it was, like Christmas early! That was so great. What a sweet way for them to meet. I am just all happy and everything right now. Yea!!!

    And yet, I'm greedily wanting more. Sigh, fans are just never satisfied, eh?
    Looking out for the next chapter every freakin' hour at this point, ha.
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on October 21, 2006
    oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my GOD!!!! AAAAAAAAGGGHHH. I am sitting here with this huge stupid grin on my face 'cause I'm so excited and into this story, and soooo dying to see them together! EEEEEEEK! Oh...and glad ya liked my story, I just read your review. Thanks:-) I am just loving you might have noticed, heh.

    As always and forever, just waiting with bated breath for the next update!
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  • From ANON - InuYoukai on October 21, 2006
    Chapter 29 -- Oh is is getting really good. YEA
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on October 20, 2006
    woo hoo...oh my gosh, updates galore! Great one. I was cracking up. love Inuyasha's reaction to Kagura, and the stone cold fox, and the motorcycle part was hysterical. I could totally see him doing that, heh.

    looking so forward to the next chapters. Yea!!!!
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  • From ANON - InuYoukai on October 20, 2006
    Chapter 28 -- I cannot believe "Calab" passed out.. That was so funny.
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  • From ANON - InuYoukai on October 20, 2006
    Chapter 27 -- Thanks for the many updates. I started reading Chapter 24 and then you added another one. Again, this story just keeps getting better. Still cannot wait for the pair to meet up. Where is it going to be? At the Apt, At the house or at the Opera???
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on October 20, 2006
    woo hoo, you updated! yee ha! yea! Tension's building! I'm kinda curious how Sango/ Selene is going to end up as this goes on. Looking forward to finding out!!

    Can hardly wait for the next chapter.
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