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Reviews for Finding Kagome

By : MetsukiKaraTen
  • From grabass on October 11, 2006
    I guess I stumbled into this story kind of late, but I'm completely hooked now. AWESOME AWESOME carry-over from past to future. I love this story line and the reincarnated characters. The only one that kind of threw me was Sesshoumaru. He so...soft now. I mean, I understand that he would have grown and all of that, but actually crying? That never seemed him. Of course, it still fits so well into the story that I can't complain. This is just great and I will DEFINITELY be back to read more. I give it three thumbs up (just don't ask who I took the third one from ~_^)!!!
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  • From ANON - Tokaia on October 11, 2006
    I can't begin to describe how much I love this story. I can't wait to read more! That last chapter was just amazing!
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on October 11, 2006
    Okay, I finished it. that was wonderful. It was so sweet, and yup, I was all sniffly, especially over Shippou. So, things I liked:
    1. I think how you've done the characters so far is totally believable within the realm of time and potential changes. Never once have I had a 'Oh, they'd never do that,' moment.
    2. I like the memories, well done
    3. I am dying here waiting for them to meet, but I am still enjoying every chapter immensely because I am interested in what is happening to everyone.
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  • From ANON - XxSangoxX ^N.S.I^ on October 11, 2006
    awwwe i like how her mother is kaede's incarnation. And shippo recognizes their souls.

    that's awesome.

    continue soon.
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  • From ANON - szaugglaughs on October 11, 2006
    Okya, I'll admit it, I've seen this fic a number of times, and the description never quite grabbed me. So, figured I'd give it a try tonight anyway, and I love it so much! i've only read the first chapter, and I was already choking up at Kagome's death and i love Sesshoumaru's characterization and Inuyasha's and...I cannot wait to read the rest of this, and I'm just gonna be bawling periodically, I just know it. Thank you so much for writing this! It's so nicely written so far!
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  • From ANON - Lissa on October 10, 2006
    You have to continue this. Excellent story; I just love it. lol
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  • From XxSangoxX on October 10, 2006
    and thanks for clearing all that up for me. I'm not confused anymore.

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  • From XxSangoxX on October 10, 2006
    nicely done! oh continue sil vous plais!!!!

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  • From ANON - Anon on October 10, 2006
    I'm having way too much fun with little tale of your's
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  • From ANON - InuYoukai on October 06, 2006
    Chapter 15. Keep going with this story, it is going well. Still cannot wait for those two to meet up.
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  • From ANON - Tokaia on October 03, 2006
    More Please! So far it's kept me on the edge of my seat. I can't wait to find out what happens next!
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  • From ANON - XxSangoxX *not signed in* on October 03, 2006
    oh yeah, and I forgot to mention that you should probably go through this again. I noticed that you have some wrong usage of words that should be fixed... IE... here instead of hear.... just as an example of one.

    NICE Lemon. ^_^
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  • From ANON - XxSangoxX on October 03, 2006
    SO, I started reading this out of complete and utter boredom with nothing else to do.

    at first i was confused as ALL hell, and a tad bit uninterested, but actually, this story has peeked some interest in my mind and i find myself enthralled. Only thing is that there are a few things i think i might need clarifyed if you could be so kind as to make an A/N at the top of your next chapter about them... that would begreat.

    1. In what way is kagome related to the other kagome other than reincarnates? This whole thing just gets really confusing...

    2. Did Inuyasha travel through the well or did he live into the future? If he traveled through, what I don't understand is how there is another Higurashi Kagome whose family owns that shrine at the same TIME that HIS kagome's family did.

    such confusions... I hope I can get these cleared, it might help my reading a little bit more....

    I look forward to updates.
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  • From ANON - Tammy Lashbrooks on October 02, 2006
    Great Update!! Your story is very well written. Very Discriptive and makes you feel like you are there!! Can't wait for the next update!!
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  • From ANON - Snowfall on October 02, 2006
    Glad to see you updating over here. I don't have time to give a real review, but I will say that this is an excellent story and well written. You keep me hooked with Inuyasha's attempt to find Kagome and with the prospect that the play might hold some significance. Kouga is just a plain out bastard in this fic. I feel sorry for him for being written that way. LOL Well, I hope that you get all of your chapters up soon!

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